The"petrification property" extracted from Hancock!

Facing a sharp dagger, it directly showed its power.

Ordinary weapons, as long as they are covered by the sword energy, can't get close to Dashiqi!


The petrified dagger could not withstand the strong impact of Mingyan's phantom and was directly shattered into stone slag.

Marco's body was exposed in an instant.

Dashiqi immediately seized this opportunity.

The sword spirit Asura swung down with a sword.

The huge phantom body seemed to be supporting a three-meter-long ruler and fell straight in front of Marco's arm.


The strong sword energy that exploded in an instant, wrapped in the light of the silver moon, smashed Marco, along with half of the Phoenix's body, directly into the ground under the bluestone slab.


"This guy……"

Marco himself had not expected that under Dashiqi's bloodthirsty attack, her reaction speed would be so fast.

It was just a mistake in attack, but the opportunity was firmly seized!

On the high-level stands,

Borsalino's eyes flashed with a strange look.

"Wow, you actually have the upper hand?"

"That demon sword could actually exert such power!"

"This girl named Dashiqi is really powerful!"

Borsalino rarely praises his subordinates.

Among the three generals, he is the most idle and lazy one.

There is almost nothing that he can take to heart.

This is the first time I have seen

Borsalino care so much about a subordinate!

Sakaski watched everything happen indifferently.

Finally, he couldn't help but say:

"No wonder Vice Admiral Garp and Chief of Staff Tsuru both praised her highly."

"From the sword moves just now, it can be seen"

"She is indeed very powerful!"

"It is not an exaggeration to call her the rising star of the Navy!"

Sakaski has always been a person of Xinfeng. He only listens to what others say. Only when he sees and verifies it himself, it is the real fact. Tashiki is well-known. Today is the first time she has thoroughly proved her strength in the Navy Headquarters.

"Since you said you are a rising star"

"Do you want to help her solve the troubles around her?"

Kuzan held the eye mask on his forehead and said curiously.

Marco is a man who can fight against the admirals of the navy.

The three admirals are aware of his strength.

A mistake was caught.

It does not mean that Dashiqi can always have the upper hand!

If you don't help from the side.

The decline and hidden dangers may be seen later.

"Do not worry"

"I won't let Marco fully play his role."

Sakaski walked to the edge of the platform.


On the battlefield,

Marco was smashed into the bottom of the pit.

He reacted very quickly.

He had already estimated Tashigi's strength in advance.

That's why he chose her as his opponent.

In his opinion, being hit was nothing shameful.


Watching the blue flames brushing past him, the shadow of the sword spirit Asura gathered and avoided being attacked.


【Congratulations to the host for successfully absorbing the Phoenix Flame!】

【Obtain fixed attributes: Treat blue flames!】

【Congratulations to the host, the fusion of Qingyan and Mingyan was successfully treated!】

【Gain new fixed attribute: Withered Nether Flame!】

【Get experience value reward: 200 points!】

【Current experience value: 1030/4000 points! 】

The system prompt sound came with the moment Marco was attacked.

Finally, I got the reward from the fantasy beast species as I wished!

It's not just an attribute extraction.

The dark flame, which is also a flame species, merged with the healing blue flame.

In reverse, the dark flame has a stronger offensiveness.


There is no immediate battle.

Lu Feng has no way to test the extent of the damage caused by withering.

But what is certain is that the self-protection effect of the healing blue flame is definitely obtained!

This is particularly important!

Additional notes in the use effect.

Not only can it restore the state of the healing sword master.

It can also quickly restore the state when it acts on Lu Feng himself.

In connection with the tenfold amplification effect, it can not only prolong its duration.

It can also quickly restore the state afterwards.

Maintain efficient continuous combat

"It has changed again!"

Tashigi took advantage of the gap to observe the strange upgrade changes of the shadow sword in her hand.

She has roughly figured out the mechanism of Lu Feng's change.

Tashigi began to intentionally look for devil fruit ability users to fight with swordsmen.

The moment she hit Marco,

Tashigi clearly saw a ray of green flame entwined around the edge of the sword.

It was absorbed in the blink of an eye.

At that moment, a green Qi flow emerged and gathered on Tashigi's arm without a trace.

It looked like a flame-like substance, but there was no temperature or damage.

It was like being enveloped by a multiplied version of the"Holy Light Blessing".

Small wounds... consumed strength... tense spirit... all basic data of the body were recovering little by little.

"The healing flame!"

"Is this the power of the Phoenix Fruit?"

Tashigi muttered to herself.

She didn't expect that the Shadow Sword could extract such a powerful auxiliary weapon.


"Are you kidding?"

"Is this my healing blue flame?"

The moment Marco floated into the air, he clearly felt the release of the same source of fire.

He was attacked once.

The healing blue flame was taken away?

The power of the devil fruit?


It's that demon sword!

After careful observation, it is not difficult to find that the source of the healing blue flame is the demon sword in Dashiqi's hand.

"Damn...did that knife eat my Qingyan?"

"What a terrible weapon!"

"You must remind everyone!"

Marco's scalp tingled.

It was not clear what other abilities Lu Feng possessed. It was the first time Marco had seen such a strange sword!

Naturally, he felt timid.

Unfortunately, the chaotic battle situation in front of him did not give Marco too much time to think.


A strong and scorching air wave suddenly hit from the sky above the navy headquarters.

Looking up, it seemed that dense boulders like lava fell from the sky.

The scene was horrifying and suffocating.

Admiral Akainu took action!

The action of a big man was enough to change the atmosphere on the scene.

And the target of the lava falling from the sky was the Moby Dick of the Whitebeard Pirates!

When the captain rushed down to fight,

Whitebeard stayed on the deck and did not go down the ship.

On the one hand, many people thought that

Whitebeard was seriously injured and could not fight.

That's why he did not participate in the attack.

Sakaski's big fire was also to test how much of Whitebeard's combat power was left!

""Oh no, Dad, be careful!"

Marco, who was closer, saw Whitebeard suffer such a frightening attack.

He couldn't help but shout.

As the ship's doctor, Marco knew Whitebeard's physical condition best.


Lu Feng's consciousness moved, and he passed his thoughts to Dashiqi.

"How dare you be so distracted in front of me?"

"Do you really think you are so great?"

Lu Feng said in astonishment


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