If it was really a general-level navy, facing this tyrannical domineering aura, he would either be stunned on the spot or lose his ability to move.

After so many years of sailing on the sea,

Whitebeard's kingly momentum is not something that can be easily resisted.

"Buzz buzz buzz!"

"Holy light blessing, open!"

"Bloodthirsty attack, start!"

As a sword spirit, Lu Feng could feel nervous in front of such a spirit, not to mention a normal fight. This is the strength of a Four Emperors-level warrior!

"Oh no! Sakaski lost his way!"

"Save people! Stop watching!"

Borsalino and Kuzan reacted in time and rushed out suddenly.

No matter how strong Dashiqi was, she was still a good candidate.

Compared with the real emperor of the sea, her strength was not good enough!

The situation in front of him did not leave Lu Feng much time to think.

The supreme sword!

The four emperors!

The double threat was already in front of him.

If he was arrogant again, he would only die.��

"Tenfold increase, on!"


Seeing that Whitebeard had already made the attack start,

Lu Feng immediately activated the amplification state.

Now he had so many more cards.

It was no longer the time to hide them!

Moreover, Lu Feng was still looking forward to fighting against Whitebeard.

High risk, high reward!

Maybe he could get powerful skills.

Change his current level in one fell swoop!

"Seven Demon Swords……"

"The fifth ghost god, the giant tree soul, Acala!

" Tashigi didn't know if she would be killed when fighting against Whitebeard.

She only knew that she had to fight back!

When the amplification state provided by the shadow sword was fed back to her body, the fluctuating energy still penetrated all parts of her body.

The tenfold speed and the crazy rising aura of the dark flame made Tashigi seem to be no weaker than Whitebeard in terms of confidence.

While Whitebeard was attacking, he was also sighing in his heart.

Among the newcomers of the younger generation he met, there has never been one who could cope with his domineering color with ease.

In front of him, Tashigi's aura suddenly soared.

It even reminded Whitebeard of the scene of fighting against the powerful swordsman of Wano Country.

There was such a newcomer in the headquarters of the navy!

While fighting back , Tashigi released the domineering aura like Whitebeard.

In normal times, her resistance might not be noticeable at all.

Now after the tenfold amplification, at least she can be unaffected by the mental suppression in front of Whitebeard's domineering color.

"Uh ah……"






The two domineering colors collided and suppressed each other.

The strong aura swept across the whole place.

The navy and pirates who were close to the two fell to the ground one after another.

Whitebeard raised the Kusukumo-kiri broadsword in his hand, and the shadow sword in Dashiki's hand collided with each other.

The dark flame spread wantonly, rooted in the ground like a giant tree.

The formation pattern appeared on the ground, stabilizing Dashiki's figure and further strengthening the power of the sword move!

When he went to the Sabaody Archipelago and saw the appearance of the mahogany giant tree,

Dashiki had a feeling in his heart and created this sword move that was both offensive and defensive.

Of course, if the shadow sword could not support such a powerful output, it would not be able to accomplish this move!

"Go to hell, little girl!"

"The Navy's biggest mistake was to let you stand out!"

Even for a young swordsman,

Whitebeard would not hold back.




After a moment of confrontation, a strong breath shook the spot and rushed straight into the sky.

The rolling clouds were cut in half from the center of the confrontation between the two.


"What a strong attack power!"

"This supreme sword is imbued with the power of armed color and devil fruit."

"It's even more terrifying than Hawkeye's black knife!"

"Especially, especially this spiritual power……"

Lu Feng could feel the oppression under the ten-fold amplification.

It is conceivable that if there is no amplification effect, he would not know whether he would cut it off.

Dashiki would definitely be seriously injured!

The square platform where Whitebeard and Dashiki stood collapsed and shattered like a dead tree and rotten wood...

The buildings in front of the entire Navy Headquarters collapsed one after another under the influence of the shock wave of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit!

Outside the Gate of Justice, the frozen pirate ships were directly freed from the control of the ice layer under the influence of the shock wave.

With one move, the earth shook and the sea trembled.

Whitebeard's super destructive power was directly demonstrated.

But what attracted more attention was Dashiki's performance!


After catching Whitebeard's move,

Tashigi flew back ten steps and slid along the ground for a distance.

Her face turned pale as her blood surged.


On the other side, Whitebeard took two steps back and pushed Congyun to the ground.

Only then did he stabilize his body!

The two played against each other.

Neither of them was injured, but it caused an uproar at the scene!

"Defeat that Whitebeard?"

"Has the Red Shadow Swordsman Dashigi become so powerful?"

"This is terrible! First he captured Marco, and now he is evenly matched with Whitebeard!"

"It turns out that there are such talented people in our Navy Headquarters?"

"Awesome! Brigadier General Tashigi! He suppressed Whitebeard without any generals!"


The cheers from the navy were getting louder and louder.

The content of the cheers kept changing.

By the end, it had gone from being evenly matched to suppressing Whitebeard.



""Where are the eyes of these idiots?"

Lu Feng said angrily.

Let's not talk about the fact that this attack almost emptied all of his Dark Flame.

The effect of the tenfold increase was instantly lost.

Just bearing the impact of Whitebeard had already caused Lu Feng to suffer serious mental damage.

The Four Emperors of the New World!

The strongest man on the sea! Sure enough, it is not so easy to fight against such a man.


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