Teach smelled the danger signal, but he was not at all nervous. If these people wanted to deal with him before he came, Teach would not be their opponent. In the current situation, with so many strong people behind him to help him, even if a fight broke out, Teach was not worried at all.

"What does this mean? Everyone!"

"If we fight, we can stay in the new world."

"Do you want to find an excuse to compete with us?"

Teach asked.

He didn't want to waste time here.

The battlefield should have reached its most intense point.

In order to get what he wanted,

Teach had to rush over with people.

Katakuri closed his eyes.

A series of split pictures appeared in his mind.

Then, Katakuri stepped aside and said:

"Never mind, let them pass."

"Our mission today is not against him."

"He has never met Armand.

Katakuri gave the answer directly.

Blackbeard was puzzled.

How did he do it?

How could he make such a detailed judgment?

Could this be the super observation Haki that Katakuri was rumored to have?

What exactly is it? Teach has no time to verify it.

"Guys, let's go."

"Let them take care of this battlefield."

"Let's go to a more interesting place!"


Teach led everyone out of the main gate of the city.

The New World League that entered the interior immediately dispersed inside, looking for Armand's whereabouts.

"What a pity! I thought I could twist off someone's head right after I came out, but there was no fight."

"I'm such an impatient person! All I want now is to eat some meat!"

"Finally got out of that godforsaken place!"

"Huh, they actually came on a warship. The status of Shichibukai is really useful!"

The people following behind Teach couldn't help but discuss it.

"Don't worry, Jiehaha!"

"The battle you've been waiting for is coming soon."

"The opponent will make sure you are satisfied!"

Teach replied, his eyes full of anticipation.


"Captain, something seems to be wrong?"

Lafitte, the man who had been following Teach, looked at the square on the first floor of the Deep Sea Prison and couldn't help but remind him.

There was a warship coming towards them at a high speed.

It was obvious that the warship's target was them!

"It turns out that the navy reinforcements are coming!"

"It is impossible for a general to come. Those who come should be lieutenant generals."

"Don't panic, we can solve it all at once."

Blackbeard was not in a hurry at all.

He seemed to be very comfortable.

Magellan, who was at the level of a lieutenant general, was defeated by their attack.

The navy is sending people to reinforce them.

It is nothing more than sending people to be killed, which has no deterrent effect on them at all.

On the incoming warship,

Taotu looked at the warship anchored in the port with a serious expression.

And the prisoners who were about to board the warship

"What a damn guy!"

"Now that these heinous bastards have been released?"

""Impulse City should be in chaos now, right?"

Taotu couldn't help but say, mentally ready for battle.

When fighting with Whitebeard's subordinates at the headquarters,

Taotu's position was not at the forefront, so the consumption was not very large.

Now he can still fight easily. On the other hand

, Flying Squirrel and Ghost Spider were both vice admirals who had experienced that turbulent era. The two vice admirals knew very well what kind of destructive power this group of people released not far away had!

"If I had known there were so many scary guys, I should have called for more reinforcements!"

The flying squirrel couldn't help but say.

Ghost Spider shook his head and explained:

"Judging from the current situation of the headquarters, we will not send more people."

"If you want to fight, then use all your strength!"

Several seniors were discussing with each other.

Dashiqi calmly pulled out the Shadow Sword and checked the condition of the Shadow Sword.

"I thought we were coming to some other place, but it turns out to be Impel Down!"

"The recovery along the way was really timely, and I found the best opponent again!"

Lu Feng muttered in a full state


PS: I had something urgent to do this afternoon, so I was unable to update in time. These are the last eleven updates.

I owe you one update, and I will make it up tomorrow.

Thank you all for your support!

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