One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 110 The SAD factory was successfully captured (please subscribe)

"Ten thousand years of snow!"

After defending Kukai's Kuran, Monet immediately launched a counterattack.

She first hid her body in the surrounding ice and snow, and then rolled up the snow on the ground to entangle Kukai, trying to use the ultra-low temperature in the ice and snow to restrict Kukai's movements.

"Snow monster!"

Monet's figure suddenly appeared from the snow, transformed into a huge white snowbird with a ferocious face, and opened its mouth full of sharp teeth to bite Kukai.


Kukai swung his sword and split the snow monster into two with a sharp slash. Although the latter was not harmed due to the ability of the natural devil fruit, his face became very ugly and he transformed into the beautiful Monet. After taking a look, he immediately flew high into the sky.

"Taipingxue Muscle Sword!"

Monet transformed each ice and snow feather on his wings into a blade composed of circular fan-shaped ice and snow. Then he flapped his wings, and countless sharp ice blades fell towards Kukai like raindrops.

Kukai's eyes narrowed slightly, and there seemed to be flames rising in his pupils. Then he held the knife in both hands, and flames burned out of thin air on the twisted blade.

"Sword of the Sky, Four Styles, Flame Dragon!"

Kukai slashed out with his sword, and the scorching flames were released from his blade like a burning dragon. The high temperature of the flames burning on the dragon directly melted countless ice blades, and then swallowed up Monet in the sky in one bite. The twisted body broke through the roof of the SAD factory.

Outside the factory, Yanliu and Finamore stood up at the same time when they saw the flame dragon breaking through the roof of the SAD factory. The former said with envy: "That guy Kukai's slashes are getting more and more gorgeous, obviously. With a sword, he can actually cut out the same flames as Captain Ace."

Fenamore did not speak, but his hand holding the naginata tightened subconsciously.

In the sky, the flame dragon dissipated, and Monet's body fell from the sky. His body had been severely burned.

"Oh, that's a woman, right?" Seeing the fallen Monet, Iwaliu said angrily: "That guy Kukai is really cold-blooded, he can be so harsh on a lady."

"Are you an idiot?" Fenamore hit Yanliu on the head with the back of his knife and scolded: "In battle, even the most beautiful opponent is an enemy. Only an idiot like you will feel compassion for the enemy. "

Ganliu covered his head and curled his lips, but did not speak any more. Although he knew that Fenamore was right, as a gentleman, even in a battle, he could not be like Kukai and the others, even if his opponent was The ladies and the old men showed no mercy either.

The falling Monet endured the pain and used his power to restore the melted wings. Then Huidong's wings stayed in the sky and looked at Kukai below fiercely.

After the previous confrontation, Monet had clearly realized that she was no match for the man below, but the importance of the SAD factory made it impossible for her to just retreat.

"Hey, woman over there, run away." Outside the factory, Yanliu shouted to Monet in the sky.

Hearing Yanliu's cry, Monet looked over here. After discovering Yanliu, Fenamore, and Rao G and Senior Pique who fell on the ground not far away, Monet A determined expression suddenly appeared on Nai's face.

"Even if I die here, I will at least reduce some powerful enemies for the young master!"

Determined, Monet suddenly flapped his wings and swooped down at a high speed toward a building below. Inside that building was a self-explosion device capable of blowing up the entire factory.

That's right, Monet's determination was to sacrifice himself and activate the self-destruction device to destroy the factory, and by the way, Kukai, Ganliu, and Fenamore would be buried with him.

"Hey, what does that woman want to do?" Seeing Monet suddenly rushing to the factory desperately, Yanliu suddenly had a bad feeling.

"At this point, no matter what she wants to do, it will be of no use." Fenamore said with a silent expression: "Because his opponent is Kukai who can 'fly into the air'!"

Kick, kick, kick! ~~

As soon as he finished speaking, a figure jumped into the air from the broken factory roof and flew towards Monet quickly.

Although the Moon Step skill is not a big deal in the navy, few pirates can learn it. Among the Spade Pirates, only Kukai has learned and mastered this skill. On top of that, he developed his own powerful sword moves, which is why he was nicknamed the 'Sky Swordsman'.

Kukai's Moon Step was very fast, and he caught up with Monet who was swooping down from the air in an instant. Then when he was close to Monet, he held the volley in his hand backwards and accelerated again!

"Sword of the Sky·Five Styles·Blood Rose!"

Swish, swish, swish! ! ~~

Kukai's figure danced rapidly beside Monet like an afterimage, and then the sharp slashes passed over Monet's body like bright brilliance, and the blood bloomed like bright roses.

Kukai stepped on the Moon Steps and stayed in the air, slowly sheathing the famous sword in his hand, while Monet, who was seriously injured, fell from the sky and landed in the rubble where he did not know whether he was alive or dead.

After defeating Monet, the battle for the SAD factory was declared successful, but this was not the end yet. The three of them, Kukai and Kukai, needed to hold the place until the end of the war.

Dressrosa, Bullfighting Arena.

Dressrosa is Doflamingo's base camp, and it has also been run by him as an excellent venue for underground trading. This venue is located underground in the bullfighting arena. Therefore, in Dressrosa, Underground, there are some shady transactions going on every day.

Although Doflamingo has temporarily closed the underground trading place in Dressrosa due to the war between the Don Quixote family and the Spade Pirates, there are still a large number of people underground in Dressrosa. Goods that have not yet been traded, and these things have also attracted a large number of guys who want to fish in troubled waters.

Among these people are gangsters, national troops, pirate bullies, and even minions of the World Government. They all have the same purpose, which is to take advantage of this war to get free money from Dressrosa's underground trading ground. 'Take something away.

At this time, the bullfighting arena has been heavily blocked by the 'Thunder Soldiers' led by Sugar and Torrebol. There are also three members of the Don Quixote family, Caesar, Baby-5, Gabafaro and Delinger in the underground trading ground. Cadre defense.

In addition to Wores, Yaqi and Skaar who are about to attack here, Joelle Bonnie and Carols have already convinced the Dongtada tribe to join the war and are rushing to the bullfighting arena.

Coupled with those guys who are preparing to reap benefits secretly, once these people meet, a super melee is about to break out in this bullfighting arena.

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