One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 113 Toy turmoil (please subscribe)

"Head clip toy!"

With an innocent smile on her face, Sugar gently patted Wores' body with her little hand. The childlike fruit's ability was instantly activated, directly turning Wores into a toy that looked like a nutcracker.

"Vores!" Skar watched helplessly as Vores was turned into a toy by the sugar, his eyes almost bursting with anger.

But the moment Vores turned into a toy, the memory of Vores disappeared directly from Skar's mind, which made him confused.

"I...what's wrong?" Scar was very angry in his heart, and couldn't stop the tears in his eyes. But after losing the memory of Wores, he suddenly didn't know why he was angry or why he was crying. , leaving only a sense of confusion.

"Now, Sugar!" Torebol caught Skar's dazed moment, controlled the slime chain that stuck to the sugar, and quickly threw the sugar towards Skar.

Boom! ~~

At this moment, there was a sudden roar from above the arena, and then the roof was broken by something. A huge figure fell from the broken place and directly hit the sugar that Torebol threw towards Skar. On the body.

What fell from the roof of the arena was a huge hippopotamus that had fainted while staring at several big bags on its head. Also falling with the hippopotamus was a beautiful woman with long pink hair and some small people.

It was Joelle Bonny and Carols who came from Greenbit and the Dongtada warriors who were persuaded by them to form a temporary alliance. The hippopotamus was an esper of the Beasts Pirates who was defeated by them. .

"Ah! Sugar-chan!" Torebol was also stunned by this sudden scene. When he came back to his senses, he thought of the sugar that was hit, shouted, and then quickly came to the fainting hippopotamus. He pushed the fainting hippo away with great effort and dug out the sugar that was hit. However, at this time, Sugar was about to lose consciousness and was on the verge of fainting.

"Sugar, Sugar-chan, wake up quickly, you can't pass out!" Torebol shook Sugar, trying to wake her up.

Torebol knew very well that if Sugar fainted, things would go wrong!

"Bonnie, we seem to have hit a child!" Carols, who was flying in the air, looked at Joelle Bonnie and said uncertainly.

"It doesn't matter, we are all enemies here anyway." Qiao Ellie Bonny said carelessly.

Qiao Ellie Bonny is not like Wores and the others. She has a tragic life experience. As long as she is an enemy, even a child will not have sympathy.

Suddenly, Bonnie saw Scar standing there with a blank look on his face, and shouted to him loudly: "Hey, Scar, what's wrong with you?"

"I...what's wrong?" Scar touched the tears on his face, and the confusion on his face slowly turned into shock. He felt as if he had lost something very important, but he could not remember what he had lost. What exactly is that thing.


At this time, Torebol suddenly let out a scream, fainted because of the sugar in his hand, and completely lost consciousness.

Bang bang bang...

At the moment when Sugar completely lost consciousness, a puff of smoke suddenly appeared from all the toys in the arena, and then they all turned from toys into humans, including Wores and Yaqi.

At the same time, after the toys turned back into humans, the memories about them returned to everyone's minds at the same moment.

"This is bad!" Torebol looked at the toys that had turned into humans, and his face became extremely ugly. He wanted to take advantage of the chaos and escape with the unconscious Sugar, but he was stopped by two people.

It's Vores and Aki who have turned back into humans.

"It turns out that the toys in this country... are all turned into humans!" Bonnie saw those people who had transformed from toys back into humans, and suddenly realized, no wonder the toys in this country have human thinking. It turns out that they are all Human beings change.

Thinking of this, Bonnie suddenly looked at Wores and Yaqi, and couldn't help but laugh: "Wow, hahaha, you just got tricked, so you turned into a toy."

Skar finally remembered why he was crying, but when he saw Vores and Yaqi who had turned back into humans, he felt relieved.

"This girl's abilities are too terrifying, we can't let her leave here!" Wores said in a deep voice.

"Yes, at least until this war is over, we must not let this girl leave our sight." Even the caring Yaqi said so.

Yaqi knew the personalities of his companions too well. Even if they knew this girl's abilities, no one among them could attack such a child, so this girl was too dangerous for them.

Wores and Skar also understood this, so even if the three of them didn't communicate, they attacked Torebol, who was holding the sugar, at the same time without hesitation.

"Sticky Chains!"

Torebol threw out a stream of slime and hung it on the roof. He then used the chain to swing himself up, avoided the attacks of the three Wores, and tried to escape from the roof.

Bang bang bang! ! ! ~

Just when Torebol was about to escape to the roof, a series of gunshots suddenly came from above, hitting the unsuspecting Torebol and knocking him out of the air.

The ones who attacked Torebol were those who had transformed from toy soldiers back to humans. Now that they had transformed back into humans, they had not lost the memory of the time when they were transformed into toys. More importantly, the reason why they were transformed into toys was because Because they knew the evil deeds of the Don Quixote family, the two hatreds added up, so they were all glaring at Torepol and the sugar in his arms at the moment, as if they wanted to eat them alive.

Not only here, the moment Sugar lost consciousness, the entire Dressrosa became chaotic, not only because those who were turned into toys by Sugar turned back to humans, but also because they turned back to humans. Afterwards, their memories returned to the minds of those related to them.

You know, the number of people who were turned into toys by sugar was more than half of the population of Dressrosa at the time. Now that these people have turned back into humans, not only themselves, but their relatives and friends have also been restored at the same time. He recalled the memories of these people, and at the same time, he recalled the evil deeds of the Don Quixote family back then.

In other words, the moment Sugar fainted, almost everyone in Dressrosa became enemies of the Don Quixote family.

At this moment, because of Sugar's fainting, the entire Dressrosa was completely in turmoil.

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