One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 151 Leave it to me (third update, please subscribe)

The second floor of Impel City, the Beast Hell, the toilet.

"Director, Director, it's bad, something big has happened." After receiving the alarm from the sixth floor, Domino, the warden of Impel Down City, immediately went to Magellan, who was having diarrhea, and reported: "'Fire Fist' wave Tekas D. Ace sneaked into the sixth floor and released Crocodile and Jinbe, who are attacking the upper floor."

"What!" When Magellan, who was having diarrhea, heard the news, he immediately wiped his butt, put on his pants and ran out of the toilet. He asked with a gloomy look: "How did that guy Fire Fist Ace sneak in!"

"Surveillance shows that he was brought in by the Director, disguised as prisoner Von Clay," Domino said.

"..." Magellan was speechless, and he asked again: "But Von Clay's dangerous level should have been locked up on the third floor. Why did he go to the sixth floor?"

"Surveillance shows that it was the deputy director who took them to the sixth floor." Domino replied.

"Hannibal... that idiot!" Magellan held his forehead and said: "Forget it, it's useless to pursue these now. The most important thing is that they must not be allowed to escape from Impel Down!"

"Where are they now?" Magellan asked as he walked towards the elevator.

"The fifth floor." Domino caught up with Magellan and said: "Their number suddenly surged to hundreds of people, and a large number of them came from the missing persons of the 'Ghost Pulling Sleeves' incident a few years ago, including cadres of the revolutionary army,' Ambrio Ivankov and Inazuma 'Lightning'."

"Really?" Magellan walked into the elevator and said in a deep voice: "It seems that the number of people to be executed has increased a lot."

"Yes, Mr. Director." Domino nodded and wanted to follow him into the elevator, but Magellan stopped him and said to her: "Go to the main control room and close the gate of the Impel Down City, and then tell Little Sadie to lead someone to guard the door. Don't Let anyone escape and leave it to me."

"Okay, Mr. Director." Domino nodded, then turned and left.

In the elevator, Magellan took out a bug phone, thought about it, and dialed it.

"Director Magellan, this is the special cell on the sixth floor. What are your orders?" said the voice inside the phone bug.

"Give the phone bug to Shiliu," Magellan said.

Xiliu in the cell took the phone and rushed, saying unhurriedly: "I heard that there was a riot in your prison. As expected, even you can't do anything without me, Magellan!"

"Don't talk nonsense, I will give you two choices now. First, come out and help me settle the riot now. Second, after I solve the riot myself, I will execute you immediately!"

"Now, tell me your choice!" Magellan said solemnly.

"Hahahaha." Hearing Magellan's words, Xiliu laughed and said, "As expected of you, Magellan, you are still so tough at such a time."

"But I choose the first one!"

"very good!"

After Magellan ordered the guards to release Shiliu, he hung up the phone.

The fifth floor of Impel City, Ice Hell.

The prison alliance of Ace and others broke through from the sixth floor to this place, and they went all the way with great momentum. Nothing could stop them for a moment. Soon, they broke through the fifth floor and arrived at the scorching hell on the fourth floor.

When they arrived, Magellan was waiting for them at the entrance.

"You scumbags are really going to cause trouble for others." Magellan walked towards them and said, "It's simply unforgivable that you turned my Impel Down City into such a mess!"

Magellan's eyes swept over Ace and others one by one, and finally settled on Jinbei, saying: "Jinbei, you were imprisoned here because the World Government wanted to calm you down and make you understand your own situation. Let’s reflect on what the Navy Headquarters has done. Are your current actions an attempt to completely break with the World Government?”

"The moment the World Government decided to launch a war against Dad, we and I were separated!" Jinbei said without hesitation.

The reason why Jinbei was imprisoned in Impel Down City was because this guy suddenly made a move to rescue Sabo when Blackbeard sent Sabo to the Navy Headquarters, but the result was of course a failure.

You must know that among the people present at that time, there were the navy marshal Buddha Sengoku, the lieutenant general and chief staff officer Tsuru, two of the three most powerful generals Akainu and Aokiji, as well as the king including the newly promoted Shichibukai Five people from the Shichibukai and dozens of vice admirals from the Navy Headquarters.

With such a lineup, everyone in the sea would have to kneel down when they came, and Jinbe really dared to take action.

They say Jack is crazy, but in terms of courage, that guy is really not enough in front of this fat blue man.

"In this case, I will execute you here!"

"Poison dragon!"

Magellan activated his ability, his body shook, and three poisonous dragons flew out from behind him, roaring towards Ace and the others.

"fire punch!"


"Tang Caowa's fist!"

Ace, Jinbe, and Crocodile took action at the same time and blocked Magellan's poisonous dragon.

After blocking the poisonous dragon, Crocodile transformed into an elemental body and was about to rush towards Magellan, but was blocked by Ace and said, "You guys keep going up."

"Senior Ivankov, after you go up, you will be responsible for opening the gate of Impel City and the Gate of Justice."

"Jinbei, after opening the gate, you and Crocodile will be responsible for seizing a warship. We will then use the warship to go to the Navy headquarters."

"As for Magellan." Ace looked at the demon-like man not far away and said in a deep voice, "Just leave it to me."

"Ace Boy, that guy is the director of Impel Down City. It is precisely because of him and the other warden, Shiliu, that Impel Down City is called the 'Iron Wall'. You can deal with him alone. Really. Is it okay?" The She-Mon King asked worriedly.

"Bang!" Crocodile turned around directly. Although he was arrogant, he still agreed with what Ace said.

"Be careful, brother Ace!" Jinbe nodded to Ace, and then followed Crocodile.

"No problem!" Ace's whole body ignited with flames, and then he gave a thumbs up to Ivankov and said, "Don't underestimate me, senior Ivankov!"

Seeing Ace's confident smile, Crocodile and Jinbei's trustful turns, the Shemale King was stunned for a moment. He suddenly felt that he had underestimated the child in front of him. After coming back to his senses, she smiled and said: " Then I’ll leave this place to you, Ace BOY!”

Soon, Crocodile, Jinbei and the Demon King Ivankov rushed into the entrance of the third floor with their men.

"Do you think I don't exist?"

PS: After three updates, I feel that I am about to evolve from a two-update beast to a three-update beast. Please support me with your subscriptions, rewards, and monthly passes.

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