One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 153 One to Two (Second update, please subscribe)

Zheng! ~

Just when Ace was concentrating on watching the changes in Magellan, a figure suddenly rushed out from the exit below the fourth floor, quickly passed by Ace, and struck a bright slash on Ace's back. A beautiful blood flower appeared.

"The warden of Impel Down City—Hiryu of the Rain!" Ace said with an ugly look on his face as he looked at the man who cut him.

"I'm sorry. When I came here, I saw you with your back turned to me without any defense. I couldn't help but cut you with a knife. I'm really sorry." Shiliu, who was holding a cigar, flicked his arm and used the famous sword [Thunderstorm] in his hand. Shaking off the blood stains on his clothes, he said calmly.

"You don't look embarrassed at all, so I reject your apology." Ace dodged and rushed in front of Shiliu, wrapped his armed and domineering fist and hit him mercilessly. He went over and yelled: "At least show some sincerity in your apology, you bastard!"

Shiliu raised the Leiyu block in his hand, and Ace's fist hit Leiyu's blade, making a sonic boom, and then the two of them retreated at the same time.

"You look like this, are you preparing to release the red poison?" Xiliu retreated to Magellan's side and said unhurriedly: "In just a short while, you were forced to this point by a brat. As expected, without me , you can’t do anything, Magellan!”

"Shut up!" Magellan scolded Shiliu, and the red color on his body slowly faded, and then said in a deep voice: "You came just in time, the red poison is not suitable for use here. Let's work together to take down this brat as soon as possible, and then clean up the top. Those guys!”

Using the red poison would put a heavy load on Magellan, and the side effects were not just as simple as diarrhea. Now that Shiliu is here, he is not going to use the red poison.

"As soon as possible?" Hearing this, Shiliu looked at Ace and said, "This brat is not weak. Even if we join forces, I'm afraid we won't be able to defeat him in a short time. Why don't you let me go up and deal with Crocodile and the others first, and then come back?" How about I help you take care of him slowly?"

Magellan thought for a while, shook his head and said: "The kid in front of us is far more important than the people above. As long as we can deal with him here, it doesn't matter even if the guys above run away."

After hearing Magellan's words, Shiliu looked at Ace with a hint of thoughtfulness in his eyes. From the look of him, he seemed to be comparing Ace with someone in his mind.

"Sure enough, that man is the one who fits my vision for the future." Xi Liu said silently in his heart, then looked at Magellan and replied: "Since you said so, then I have no reason to refuse."

"Speaking of which, we haven't fought side by side for a long time, Magellan." Shiliu held the sword in one hand, came to Magellan's side, and said, "Maybe this will be the last time we join forces, so we must cherish it. "

"Stop talking these useless nonsense, take action!" Magellan shouted, and then rushed towards Ace at the lead.


"Poison rain!" Magellan jumped up, opened his hands and released a stream of venom, which rained down from above Ace.

"Pure Flame·Fire Pillar!" Ace waved his hands, and white flames surged out from his body, forming a pillar of fire rising into the sky. The ultra-high-temperature flames instantly purified the poisonous rain, and then rushed towards Magellan.


At this time, Shiliu swung his sword, and a bright slash was struck from the blade of the famous sword [Thunderstorm] in his hand. It flashed through the pillar of fire like a thunderbolt. The next moment, Ace's pure flame·pillar of fire was struck by this The slash split into two, and the place where the chopped fire pillar broke off happened to be where Ace's body was.

Seeing Ace's true form, Shiliu smiled, and then swung the sword again.

"Thunder Strikes the Rain!"

Swish, swish, swish! ~~

The sword that Shiliu slashed suddenly split into countless small slashes after being released from the blade, and they struck towards Ace as densely as raindrops.

"Armed!" The dense slashes covered by raindrops made it impossible for Ace to dodge and could only defend himself by releasing armed domineering energy.

"Ding ding ding!~"

The raindrop-like slashes fell on Ace's body. Although they did not cause any damage to him, they scattered the pillars of fire around Ace and forced his body away from the flames.

"Poison net!"

The moment Ace's body broke away from the flames, a large web of venom suddenly came from behind him and directly caught Ace's retreating net.

"Oops." Ace, who was surrounded by poisonous nets, secretly said, "It's terrible." At the same time, he secretly praised the cooperation between Shiliu and Magellan.

First, Magellan used a wide-area attack move to force Ace to use a wide-area elemental attack to counterattack. At this time, Shiliu used a slash to attack Ace's body, interrupting Ace's attack, and then used a wide-area slash to make Ace unable to attack. Elementalization, this is when Magellan's poisonous web comes to an end.

It has to be said that these two signboards of Impel Down City are not only powerful, but they also cooperate perfectly when fighting together. No wonder the two of them are called the 'iron wall' of Impel Down City.

"caught you!"

Seeing Ace being caught in the poison net, Magellan and Shiliu both smiled at the same time.

There are almost no gaps in Magellan's poison net to escape. The elemental will be attacked by Shiliu immediately, so it is only a matter of time before he is caught in the net and contaminated with poison.

Moreover, the venom is not the dose of poisonous mist. If he is caught, even the purifying flames cannot completely purify him for a while. Therefore, when Ace is contaminated with venom, the battle will be decided.

"Caught? How is it possible!" Ace smiled slightly and suddenly closed his eyes. When he opened them again, purple fire light was already shining in his pupils, rendering Ace's pupils purple.

Ace released a purple flame of 100,000 degrees, but he kept the temperature of the purple flame within, so neither Magellan nor Shiliu noticed the changes in Ace.

When the two of them saw Ace being restrained by the poison net, they tensed up and prepared to attack immediately. As soon as Ace touched Magellan's poison, they would take advantage of the moment when Ace was eroded by the poison and his body became stiff. , while delivering a fatal blow to Ace.

However, the moment Magellan's poisonous net came into contact with Ace, it suddenly disappeared into thin air, leaving no trace.

"What's going on? Why did your poison disappear?" Xiliu was stunned for a moment, his tense body relaxed, and then he turned to Magellan and asked.

"I don't know." Magellan shook his head, also released the attack state, and said solemnly: "There is no flame on his body, which means that the poisonous net is not evaporated. The way the poisonous net disappears is as if someone uses some kind of ability in an instant. It’s like it’s been transferred.”

"Impossible, this kid is from the natural system, and it's impossible for him to have the ability to manipulate space." Shiliu shook his head.

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