One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 155: Bright Red·The Poison of Hell (1st update, please subscribe)

Advance to the fourth floor of the city.

At this time, the entire scorching hell was filled with a large amount of poisonous mist, and it was so thick that visibility was less than one meter.

Because Ace's high-temperature flames can instantly evaporate physical venom, but cannot immediately purify the gaseous poisonous mist, so Magellan began to exaggerate a large amount of poison, filling the entire fourth level of scorching hell with poisonous mist, and a large number of prisoners also Passed out due to inhalation of poisonous mist.

However, as long as Ace can be eliminated, Magellan will not care about the life and death of these prisoners. After all, in his opinion, the people who will be imprisoned in places like Impel Down are basically scum that should be destroyed.

In the purple poisonous mist, Ace maintained the form of the Remnant Fire Hell Clothes, preventing the surrounding poisonous mist from getting close. Although this could avoid being poisoned, it also greatly restricted his movements.

On the contrary, Magellan was like a fish in water in this environment. Not only did he move twice as fast as normal, he could also accurately sense Ace's location through the poisonous mist, but Ace's actions would be affected by this. Restricted by thick poisonous fog that obscures vision.

"Poison arrow!"

In the poisonous fog, Magellan sensed Ace's position through the poisonous fog, and then released several bursts of poison in the direction of Ace. The released poison shot towards Ace like arrows.

Ace raised his hand, and a flame emerged from his palm to form a barrier, blocking Magellan's poisonous arrow.

"fire punch!"

Ace fired a fire fist towards the direction where the poisonous arrow came from. The flames dispersed the poisonous mist, but Magellan's figure had long since disappeared.

"This guy Magellan, doesn't he care about his face anymore?" Ace saw that the area dispersed by the fire fist was once again filled with thick poisonous mist, and an impatient look finally began to appear on his face.

After Magellan saw that Ace's use of the ultra-high-temperature purple flame required a lot of energy, the director of Impel Down City even started to fight guerrillas with Ace regardless of his dignity. The two had been entangled like this for half an hour.

"In that case!" Seeing that he could not force Magellan out of the poisonous fog, Ace also decided to change his tactics. He released the form of the residual fire prison suit, then raised his head, releasing a large amount of flames from his body!

"Fire Ring·Fire Pillar!"


The flames released by Ace formed a burning pillar of fire that rose into the sky, directly opening a large hole in the ceiling of this scorching hell, and then flew up quickly.

This is Ace's tactic. If you don't fight me well, then just stop fighting and I will run away.


Roaring, Magellan quickly rushed out of the poisonous fog and kicked Ace who was flying towards the third floor.

"Hey, you forced me, Magellan!" Ace also kicked out, exchanged a blow with Magellan, and then used the force to rush to the third floor, while Magellan was forced by the force of the counterattack. Retreat to the fourth floor.

"Bastard brat!" Magellan's eyes grew cold as he looked at the big holes in the ceiling. Then he opened his mouth and sucked in all the poisonous mist that spread upward from the holes in the ceiling into his body. Then he got on the elevator and prepared to take a shortcut. Stop Ace.

"Guards on the third and second floors, listen, I'm already on my way up. Even if you risk your lives, you still have to hold back Fire Fist." In the elevator, Magellan used a phone bug to attack those on the upper two floors. The guards gave the order.

Although Ace was very fast, he still encountered some resistance on the third and second floors due to Magellan's order, so when he rushed to the first floor, he was blocked by Magellan who came up on the elevator. .

"Kid, from here on, I won't let you go any further." Magellan looked at Ace and said with a gloomy look.

"Hey, it's obviously you who is cheating. It's as if I don't fight well!" Ace said sarcastically, putting on a posture.

Magellan did not speak, but a sound like a violent heartbeat began to come from his body. With this sound, Magellan's eyes began to turn red like blood, and the poison on his body began to change from purple to red.

"The red it finally going to be used?" Seeing the changes on Magellan's body, Ace's eyes began to become serious. After all, unlike the purple poison, this bright red poison can be easily contaminated with just a little bit. The ultimate deadly poison.

"This poison was originally taboo, because after using it, it will not only kill the enemy, but may also cause the collapse of the entire Impelton, but now, I can no longer take care of it." Magellan raised his hand, and the bright red poison came from The blood-like venom dripped from his hand and fell to the ground, and it began to quickly erode the stones on the ground.

"You see, the toxin of the red poison will not only cause poisoning in direct contact, but also will cause poisoning if it comes into contact with places corroded by the red poison." Magellan said in a low voice.

"It would be nice if we weren't touched!" Ace said without fear as white flames ignited all over his body.

"Innocent!" Magellan flicked his arm, and the poison overflowing from his arm was thrown out, just like the 'water strike' of fishman karate, and shot towards Ace with strong force.


He opened his palms and released a white pillar of fire, which blocked the poison thrown by Magellan. But what surprised him was that the 10,000-degree purifying flame was unable to evaporate this red poison.

Magellan threw out the venom as if he was also trying this. When he saw that Ace's flames could not evaporate his red venom, he opened his palm directly towards Ace.

"Hell's poisonous dragon!"

A large amount of red poison poured out from Magellan's palm, forming a red poisonous dragon that roared towards Ace.

"Remnant Fire Prison Clothes!"

Without any hesitation, Ace directly raised the flame to a hundred thousand-degree purple flame and unfolded the form of the residual fire prison suit. Although the red poisonous dragon was fierce enough, it was still evaporated in an instant in front of the purple flame that exceeded one hundred thousand degrees. without a trace.

Seeing that his own bright red poison could not break through Ace's residual fire prison suit, Magellan's eyes narrowed slightly and his body shook violently. The next moment, a large amount of red poison poured out from his back and condensed into a huge skeleton. Giant!

"The Giant Soldier of Poison·The Judgment of Hell!"

Magellan controlled the giant poisonous soldier and slapped Ace.

This form gave Ace the urge to unleash the second form of his giant move, the Flame General, and go up to fight melee, but he endured it.

Ace's eyes widened, and he held his palm empty. The purple flame condensed into a long knife in his hand, and then he swung it at the palm of the giant poisonous soldier's hand.

"Sword of Fire!"


Exploding purple flames were released from the blade in Ace's hand, blocking the poisonous giant soldier's attack, and then incinerated the poisonous giant soldier's arm that came into contact with the purple flame within a few seconds.

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