One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 167 The Burnt Akainu

"Let you see the final move I use to develop my abilities!"

After Ace finished speaking, his eyes suddenly condensed, and then the purple flames around him began to shrink, and then his body began to emit a deep purple luster.

This is the scene caused by Ace's continuous condensation of purple flames in his body without releasing it, and the way the flames are constantly condensing in his body also causes Ace's body to begin to expand.

The purple flames condensed in the body, causing Ace's body to expand to three meters high. The skin on his body also began to crack due to the increasing amount of purple flames in the body. In the cracks, a large amount of purple that was so rich that it was about to gather into a solid body could be seen. The flames flowed like purple magma, and the terrifying concentration of flames seemed to be about to explode Ace's body.


Ace let out a deep shout, releasing powerful armed domineering energy and wrapping it around his body, strengthening his swollen body and forcibly sealing the purple flame in his body.

At this time, Ace's body size expanded to more than three meters due to the large amount of purple flames accumulated in his body. The skin on the surface of his body, stretched to the point of cracking due to the accumulation of purple flames, became winding lines under the entanglement of the armed domineering energy. Dark purple patterns are engraved on the tall body.

"Fire Emperor!"

Ace put on his posture. Although he was not elemental, he was suspended in the air because of the heat leaking from the purple lines on the surface of his body. His hair, which was rendered purple, also flew upwards because of the heat leaking from his body, like Burning purple flame.

The purple hair that burns like flames and the deep purple pupils make the face look calm and intimidating. The meandering purple cracks on the body make the tall body look even more intimidating.

This body, from a distance, looks like an angry flame king.

This form is - Emperor Yan!

"What?" Akainu looked at Ace's current form and said disdainfully: "Whatever Entei is talking about, it turns out he just changed his form."

"A flame is a flame. No matter how much it is developed, no matter how high the temperature becomes, it cannot become a physical entity." Akainu took off his hat, rubbed the algorithm on his head coquettishly, and then put the hat back on, saying : "Without entity, you will never be able to defeat me."

"Really?" Ace opened his mouth, a hint of sneer flashed in his purple pupils, then he opened his posture, stretched out his right palm, facing Akainu with his palm, and said, "Then you should feel it."

"How powerful is the form of Emperor Yan!"


The hot air spurted from behind, pushing Ace's body out at a high speed, and instantly rushed in front of Akainu. His outstretched palm stopped about ten centimeters away from Akainu's chest. Deep purple flames and armed domineering energy condensed in the palm of his hand. Akainu's expression suddenly changed.


The impact released from Ace's palm was like a dark purple beam of light, directly piercing Akainu's body, knocking him down from the sky and slamming into the ground.

"Cough!~" This time, the downed Akainu coughed up a mouthful of blood.

Although the area where the chest was pierced was avoided by his elementalization in advance, the impact of the armed domineering force hit his chest firmly, and his internal organs were surging.

"How could it be... Your Excellency, the general, was shot down again."

"Moreover, Mr. Akainu seems... to be injured this time."

Akainu, who was shot down again, once again attracted everyone's attention, but he didn't care.

"I see, use restrained flames to improve the body's mobility, and then wrap the armed domineering energy around the whole body, so that every strike is domineering, ensuring that your attacks can cause damage to the natural body." Akainu stood up. , looking at the wounds on his chest that were slowly recovering, he said: "But if it's just like this, it's not enough to defeat me."

"Didn't you notice?" Ace looked at Akainu talking and couldn't help but smile, then pointed to his chest and said: "Take a good look, is the attack I just said really just what you said? ?”

Akainu lowered his head and found that there was a burn mark on his chest where he had just been hit.

"Impossible!" Seeing the burn wounds on his body, Akainu's face changed greatly, and he couldn't believe it: "I clearly avoided your attack by elementalizing in advance, why did I get burned? Moreover, your flames cannot burn me. body of."

"Do you think I changed into this form just to increase my attack power and better release my domineering power?" Ace shook his head and said: "If it's just to do what you said, I don't need to change at all. Current form.”

"Forget it, I'm afraid you won't be able to feel anything just by talking about it, so I'll let you experience it with your own body." Ace waved his hand, then made a fist with his right hand, and the purple flame, which was as rich as fluid, came from him. It flowed from the cracks in his hands.

"You just said that it's impossible for fire to have an entity, right?" Ace raised his fist, pointed at Akainu, and said, "Now let me feel what it feels like to be burned by a flame that has an entity. .”


Hot air spurted from behind, pushing Ace's body to rush in front of Akainu in an instant, and punched Akainu's chest with his fist wrapped in fluid-like purple flames.

"It's useless. As long as I predict your attack and elementalize my body in advance, your attack will not be able to cause harm to me." Akainu shouted, and then activated his ability to elementalize all the positions on his chest. It turned into boiling lava.


With one punch, the scorching fist hit Akainu's chest. The terrifying force exploded Akainu's chest, and hot magma splashed out.

"I told you, it's useless!" Akainu, whose chest was blown open, said with a sneer.

"Is it really useless?" Ace raised his head and grinned at Akainu. At the same time, the fluid-like purple flames on his fists flowed onto Akainu's body, instantly burning away large areas of magma.

"Ah!~" Akainu screamed, and his elemental body immediately recovered, then struggled and rolled on the ground.

After a long time, Akainu stopped screaming and stood up with difficulty. But what was unexpected was that there were a large number of severe burn marks on Akainu's chest.

"How could it be possible? Mr. Akainu... was burned!"

"General Akainu, he is Magma, right? Why does Magma get burned?"

Everyone was shocked when they saw the bloody burns on Akainu's chest. Even Aokiji and Kizaru stopped fighting with Marco and Jozi and looked at Akainu with solemn expressions.

"Sakaski! X2" Aokiji and Kizaru looked at the embarrassed Akainu with worried looks on their faces.

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