One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 178 Chapter 178: Bucky the Clown’s Prison Break Adventure (Part 1)

The time went back a few hours ago, and the location was the large underwater prison, Impel Down City.

An hour after Ace and the others broke out of Impel City, drove the stolen warship through the Gate of Justice, and headed to the Navy Headquarters.

A few miles away in the sky to the north of Impel City, a warship floating in the sky flew in from a distance. The captain was standing there, none other than the new Shichibukai who had sneaked away from the Navy headquarters, Marshall D. Teach, and him. The Blackbeard Pirates.

Yes, their purpose is the same as the original plot, to go to Impel Down City, recruit powerful partners, and then go to war to find an opportunity to seize Whitebeard's ability. This is how 'Blackbeard' Marshall D. Teach conquers the entire world. The first step in a huge plan for the world!

Even though he has obtained the power of the Golden Lion, in Blackbeard's heart, the power he wants most, besides the Dark Fruit, is Whitebeard's Shock Fruit.

In his opinion, having these two abilities at the same time means that he has absolutely invincible power. By then, the world will be just something within reach.

"Captain, something terrible seems to have appeared outside the impel city!" On the warship, Van Oka, who was holding a telescope, suddenly shouted to Blackbeard, who was controlling the direction of the warship.

"We've seen it!" The speaker was Gizas Badges, who was nicknamed "Fighting Champion". He was looking in the direction of Impel Down City with a shocked face at this time, and said loudly in surprise: "It turned out that The entire Impel Down City is surrounded by flames, this is truly spectacular!”

"Hahahaha, thief, it must be [Fire Fist]'s handiwork!" Blackbeard looked at the flaming wall that surrounded the entire Impel City in the distance, with a look of shock in his eyes, and then laughed: "It can actually create With such a spectacular sight, he has indeed become more powerful!"

"[Fire Fist], is that the man who cut off one of your wrists, Captain?" [Devil Sheriff] Lafitte asked.

"Ah!" Blackbeard raised his left hand and touched the scar on his wrist. Although the palm had been reattached by Poison Q in some way, but every time he thought of that man's appearance, the scar on his wrist This scar will cause a dull pain that lingers.

Once upon a time, he had the courage to invite the people who were chasing him, but now, the faintly painful scar on his wrist gave him the final and endless killing intention for that man!

While they were talking, the warship they were riding on had arrived directly above the Impel City and appeared in the eyes of the guards of the Impel City.

"Look, what is that?"

"It seems...a warship?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? How can a warship fly in the sky... Damn it, it's really a warship. Go and inform the Lieutenant General and the others!"

After the soldiers on the warships outside Impel Down City saw the flying airship controlled by Blackbeard and the others, they immediately yelled and started to contact the lieutenant generals in Impel Down City.

Trapped in the waters of Impel Down by Ace's [Burning City], Magellan and several lieutenant generals guarding the warships at sea tried many methods, but were unable to break out of [Burning City], so they and several lieutenants Together, we return to Impel Down City to suppress the turmoil that occurred when Ace and others escaped from prison.

"Thieves hahahaha!" With Blackbeard's wild laughter, the members of the Blackbeard Pirates jumped off the warship one after another and landed at the gate of the impel city one level above, losing the bonus of Blackbeard's ability. , the warship also fell from the sky and fell directly on the sea.

"Who are you and why are you here!"

"They are... one of the newly promoted Shichibukai, 'Blackbeard' Marshall D. Teach and his Blackbeard Pirates!"

"Shichibukai? What are the Shichibukai doing in Impel Castle at this time?"

"I have no obligation to explain anything to you, soldiers!"

Blackbeard was not interested in talking nonsense with these sailors. He directly unleashed the power of the Darkness Fruit that he took from Sabo, and slapped the ground with one hand, releasing a large area of ​​darkness.

"Dark acupoint!"

A large area of ​​darkness began to spread across the sea with Blackbeard as the center, and soon covered all the sea areas within the [Burning City] left by Ace. In the area covered by darkness, the warships and everything on the sea were blackened. Everything the darkness released by the beard touched was sucked into the darkness.

After absorbing more than a dozen warships on the sea, Blackbeard pointed his palm towards the gate of the impel city. The dark power condensed into a black hole in his palm, and shouted: "Liberation!"


Dozens of warships that were crushed by darkness and sucked into the [Dark Cave] were liberated from the black hole in Blackbeard's palm, instantly blasting the thick gate of the impel city to pieces.

"Hahahaha, what a joyful ability!" Blackbeard put down his arm, and then walked into the Impel Down City with steps that he didn't recognize.

Soon, with the invasion of Blackbeard's gang, Impel Down City faced its biggest crisis in history. The guards headed by Magellan suffered heavy casualties in the battle against Blackbeard's gang.

Even Magellan, who had a combat power comparable to that of an admiral, was defeated miserably in this battle and almost died at the hands of the traitor [Hiryu of the Rain] in Impel Down.

As Blackbeard made a big fuss in Impel Down City, the entire Impel Down City almost came to a standstill. A large number of prisoners escaped from the prison on the first and sixth floors of the Undersea Prison, including some powerful ones that gave the world governments a headache. criminal.

The first level of the Undersea Prison, Red Lotus Hell!

In the cell, a red-nosed clown wearing a prison uniform was lying idle in the cell picking his feet. This funny-looking guy is our clown king Bucky!

Just when Bucky was about to put his clasped fingers in front of his iconic red nose, suddenly, the floor of the cell where he was was suddenly punched through by someone from below, and flying up along with the broken ground. A half-human, half-koala guy, he is one of the "Jailermons" of Impel Down's demon guards, Mino Koala.

The Minnow Koala flew up from the ground and hit Bucky's cellmate, knocking the unlucky guy unconscious.

"..." Bucky was stunned by this sudden scene, and two shocked snot flowed from his red nose without nostrils.

"This is...Mino Koala? It looks like it was beaten up from below. Did something terrible happen in Impel Down?"

"Wait a minute..." Seeing the miserable condition of Jailermon Mino Koala, Bucky immediately realized what must have happened in Impel Down. However, his attention was immediately drawn to the bunch of keys on Jailermon's body. .

"Could this be...the key to the cell?" Bucky picked up the key from the unconscious jailor beast Mino Koala and tried to open the cell where he was.

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