One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 189 Enelu Appears


Just when the mighty navy and the pirates were fighting fiercely, a violent thunder suddenly came from the sky. The dull sound immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"Look, what is that!"

"When did there appear such thick clouds in the sky!"

"This is a thundercloud, and with such a range...I suddenly had a bad feeling."

In the sky, I don't know when, a thick thundercloud has gathered. The dark clouds almost cover the entire Marineland and the surrounding large sea area.

There are constant dull thunder sounds in the black clouds, and the rolling thunder can be vaguely seen, and the clouds seem to be sinking slowly. The scene is like the sky slowly collapsing. Just one glance makes people feel unbearable. I can't help but feel depressed.

"Look, something is flying out of the clouds."

"Is it a ship? How is that possible? How can a ship fly in the air and pass through the clouds full of thunder and lightning as if nothing happened?"

"Hehehehe, it looks like some serious guy has come again. I don't know who he is from." Above the surrounding wall, Moonlight Moria looked at the spaceship slowly falling from the thunderclouds, excited. He smiled and said: "First it was Teach, then the unknown spaceship. Today's accidents really come one after another."

Hawkeye and the Empress also looked at the slowly emerging spaceship in the sky unexpectedly, with expressions of surprise on their faces. Only the bear remained expressionless.

"Finally here!" On the battlefield, Ace forced Aokiji away with one punch, then looked at the slowly approaching spaceship in the sky and said with a smile on his face.

Forced back, Aokiji did not continue to take action, but looked up at the sky, looking at the spaceship slowly approaching from the thunderclouds. Coupled with Ace's words just now, Aokiji's face couldn't help but show a trace of solemnity. color.

"Does this look like a resident of Sky Island? It's an unexpected guy, and he doesn't look like a friendly force." Kizaru stopped Marco's fight and looked at the slowly approaching spaceship in the sky. , said thoughtfully.

"Yeah hahaha!"

Suddenly, on the spaceship in the sky, there was a burst of unique laughter, and then a man wearing a white turban on his head, with his upper body bare, a thunder drum on his back, and his lower body wearing bloomers, barefoot, and holding a golden cane. The guy comes to the bow of the spaceship.

That's right, this spaceship is the "Proverb", the spaceship from Sky Island, and the guy standing on the bow pulling the wind is the god of Sky Island, Enelu!

Behind Enelu were four priests from the Kingdom of God and a dozen guards of the God's Guard.

"Captain Ace, I am not too late!" Enel laughed loudly and asked Ace below.

"Hey!" Ace chuckled, then looked at Enel in the sky and said loudly: "It's not too late, the time for your appearance is just right!"

"Really? That's great!" Enel controlled the spaceship 'Proverb' to land slowly and laughed: "Because of the impact of the falling islands and the shock just now, it took a little time to create the thundercloud. Yeah hahaha.”

"Is it an enemy?"

When the navy heard Enelu's words, a bad premonition suddenly arose in their hearts.

Eniro's "Captain Ace" also directly announced to everyone that he was an ally of the pirates.

"Are they Ace's subordinates? Where did that kid find such a monster?" Marco looked at Enelu on the spaceship and whispered.

"Is this thundering kid the back-up man that Ace said?" Whitebeard raised his head and looked at Enel in the sky. He thought that Ace had told him a long time ago that he had been preparing for this war. With a very strong trump card and backhand, it’s not that surprising.

"Sakaski, it looks like there is another guy who is difficult to deal with. What should we do?" Kizaru appeared next to Akainu and asked him.

"No matter who it is, as long as it dares to hinder our crusade against pirates, I will eradicate him mercilessly!" Akainu said coldly, and then the element of his right arm turned into hot magma and surged directly towards him. Launched an attack on the flying boat 'Proverbs' in the sky.

"Big fire-breathing!"


Like a volcanic eruption, the hot magma spurted straight towards the spaceship 'Proverbs' where Enel was.

"Well, attacking without saying hello, are all the people in Qinghai so rude?" Faced with Akainu's disastrous attack, Eniru didn't seem to care. After making a light joke, he raised his arm, He pointed lightly at the lava spewing up.

"God's Judgment!"


A huge thunder fell from the sky, and the gushing magma collided together, and then both exploded in the sky, forming an extremely spectacular scene.


"It's a natural ability user!"

"And the most destructive thunder."

"Whitebeard has another incredible fighting force here!"

"No, it's not just that. Look at the sky. Thunderclouds of that size cannot be formed naturally. It's that ability!"

"If a thundercloud of this scope detonates, then..."

Everyone was surprised when they saw Eniru's ability. Even the most aggressive Akainu fell silent because he also noticed the thunderclouds in the sky.

The destructive power that a thundercloud of this size could unleash in the hands of someone with the ability to control thunder is simply unimaginable.

Although this appearance is a bit late, Enel's appearance, coupled with the large-scale thundercloud created by the flying boat 'Proverb', is definitely a huge deterrent to the navy.

If the thunder clouds in the sky were completely released with the range and thickness of them, there was no doubt that they could sink the entire Malinfando to the bottom of the sea without anyone stopping them.

If Enel really detonates the thunder clouds in the sky, even if the navy present, even those powerful admirals can survive, most of the sailors will sink to the bottom of the sea along with Marinevando. The consequences will be terrible even for Akainu. Even the radicals dare not bear this kind of responsibility.

Ace's figure slowly rose, flew to the front of Enero's spaceship, then hovered there, and said loudly below: "Navy, you lost this war!" After saying that, Ace His body suddenly ignited with raging flames, and then he punched the frozen sea below.


The hot flames shattered the ice, and then melted the broken ice instantly, freeing all the frozen pirate ships.

"Let's retreat now. Don't pursue us anymore, otherwise we will sink Marinefando completely to the bottom of the sea!" After breaking the ice, Ace spoke again, threateningly speaking to the navy.

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