One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 201 Shock—a collision that tears apart the sky

"Who dares to run wild on my territory!" A voice louder than the thunder came, and a huge dragon was seen flying staggeringly from the direction of the Flower Capital towards their direction. Come.

"Smelly old man!" When Yamato saw the giant dragon coming with the thundercloud, a look of horror suddenly appeared on his face, and then he shouted to Ace: "Ace, run away quickly!"

"Kaido?" Ace looked at the giant dragon getting closer and closer in the sky. A trace of solemnity flashed in his eyes. Then he looked at Yamato and said with a smile: "Don't worry, after the war, I was just thinking about taking a moment." The Four Emperors, by the way, let me test, how far is there between me and the Four Emperors now!"

"But... you will die!" Yamato said anxiously.

In Yamato's opinion, there should be no one in this world who can defeat Kaido, even if Ace had just demonstrated his ability to completely suppress Jhin.

"Don't worry." Ace looked at Yamato and smiled confidently: "I won't die that easily."

"Boss Kaido!" Jhin, who was flying in the sky, was overjoyed at first when he saw Kaido coming in the form of a dragon, but then he frowned when he saw the staggering look of the dragon flying in the sky. He whispered: "Lord Kaido, are you drunk?"

Soon after, Kaido, who transformed into a giant dragon, came to the sky above where the three of them were. Most of his huge body was hidden in the thunder clouds. The ferocious dragon head looked down and said loudly: "Who dares to run wild on my territory and bring trouble to me?" get out!"

"Lord Kaido!" Jhin flew to Kaido's side.

"Hiccup~ It's Jhin!" Kaido moved his eyes to Jhin, and when he saw his embarrassed look, he suddenly laughed and asked: "Did someone make you look like this? Hiccup~ Hahaha, It’s so ugly.”

"Who did it!" Kaido suddenly changed the topic, then looked at Ace below, and asked in a deep voice: "Is it your kid?"

"Well, I'm right!" Ace nodded indifferently and admitted.

"You brat, you dare to mess around on my territory, how brave you are!" Kaido looked at Ace, his drunken eyes suddenly became sharp, and then he opened his mouth, and the hot light condensed in his mouth.

"It's heat breath, Ace, get out of the way!" Seeing the light gathering in Kaido's mouth, Yamato immediately shouted to Ace.

"Disappear, you brat—Hot Breath!"

As soon as Yamato finished speaking, the hot light gathered in Kaido's mouth spurted out, whizzing straight at Ace below.

"Hey!" Ace chuckled, spread his legs and did a horse squat, then took a sharp breath, a large amount of fire gathered in his chest, and suddenly exhaled at the whistling hot breath.

"Dragon-slaying breath—the roar of the fire dragon!"

The flames sprayed from Ace's mouth were like a roaring fire dragon, colliding with Kaido's hot breath in mid-air, and then exploding in mid-air at the same time.

boom! ~

Along with the deafening explosion, the howling wind tore through the sky, not only uprooting the trees on the ground, but even the dark clouds in the sky were swept away.

In the sky, the thunderclouds that filled Kaido's body had been blown away by the aftermath, and the dragon's winding body was completely revealed in Ace's eyes. Kaido's golden vertical pupils stared at Ace below, and he suddenly smiled. He stood up and praised: "You actually made me sober up. Well done, kid!"

"Hey!" Ace raised his hand, put his hat back on, then looked at Kaido in the sky, grinning but said nothing.

"Kid, I know you!" Kaido stared at Ace for a while, and then said: "You are the kid who made a big splash in the War on the Top recently, and was regarded as the heir by the old man with white beard, right?"

"Ah, it's me!" Ace replied.

"Some time ago, you were the one who messed up my artificial Devil Fruit SMILE business in Dressrosa and killed that idiot Jack, right?" Kaido asked again.

"Ah, it's me too!" Ace continued to answer.

Rub rub rub rub! ~

In the sky, Kaido's huge body suddenly shrank quickly and turned into a human form. He fell from the sky and then strode to Ace.

Even in human form, Kaido's figure is still extremely tall. Just standing there makes people feel a strong sense of oppression.

"You messed up my business, killed the big sign I chose, and you still dare to appear on my territory." Kaido looked down at Ace and asked with an angry look on his face: "Tell me, are you provoking me? Little devil!"

"Originally I was just passing by and had no intention of alarming you, but after seeing you, I changed my mind." Ace raised his head, looked at Kaido without any sign of weakness, and said loudly: "Yes, I am here I challenge you, Kaido!"

"Huh?!" After hearing Ace's words, Kaido's eyes narrowed. The next moment, a heavy pressure suddenly burst out from his body, and he shouted: "Arrogant brat!"

"In that case, then go die!" A bolt of thunder fell from the sky and landed on the mace that Kaido took out from nowhere.

"Thunder gossip!"


Along with the roar of thunder, the mace in Kaido's hand was swung hard at Ace with heavy wind pressure.


Ace shouted loudly, purple flames rose in his pupils, and then the skin all over his body instantly turned purple. The body filled with hot purple flames expanded to a height of four meters, and unreserved armed domineering energy wrapped around the outside of the body. Just like a burning flame totem is rendered on the tall body, the hair blown up by the heat in the body is also rendered into deep purple.

The tall body was levitated by the huge heat, and the purple steam made Ace look like a burning flame king. This was the Emperor Yan.

Compared to when he was in the war, Ace's Entei form has become more perfect. He raised his right fist and faced Kaido's whistling mace. The weapon-colored domineering fire on his arm was rendered with flames. The totem seemed to burn, and then condensed unreservedly on Ace's fist.

"Three styles of weaponry: Flame Emperor's Seal!"


Kaido's Thunder Bagua collided with Ace's Armed Three-Style Flame Emperor Seal. Before the two came into contact, a thunderous flame rose into the sky, causing a thick dark cloud to suddenly appear in the sky, like a canopy. It's like it's going to collapse.

boom! ~

When Ace and Kaido's attacks officially collided, the mountain tops beneath their feet instantly shattered, and the force of the collision was like a blade, splitting the thick clouds in the sky. The scene was like It was like the sky was torn apart by the collision between the two.

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