One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 203 Death of Momonosuke

The next day, early morning, in the square of the Flower Capital.

On the temporary gallows, Momonosuke Kozuki, who had been beaten and had no human form, was tied up. On the attic opposite the gallows were Kaido and Orochi. Below the attic were many pirates and pirates from the Beast Pirates. A warrior under Orochi.

"How's it going? Is there any movement among Oden's remnants?" Kaido, who was lying on the attic, picked up his wine glass and asked.

"No, Lord Kaido." Kaido's secretary, the masked royalist, replied: "After all, you are here personally, so no samurai should have the guts to show up."

"Really?" Kaido turned over and waved his hand: "In that case, let's do it."

"Kill that brat and completely end the history of the Kozuki family in Wano and the legend of Oden!"

This time, Kaido did not go out of his way to ask Tai Momonosuke's name in an attempt to humiliate him as in the original plot, but directly ordered his execution.

"Guhehehe." Orochi stood up, took out a pistol, pointed it at Momonosuke, and said with a smile: "Then, I will personally end the last remnant of the Kozuki family."


As soon as he finished speaking, Orochi pulled the trigger without hesitation, and fired the specially-made bullet at Momonosuke on the execution rack.


A tall, plump figure suddenly rushed out from the crowd, jumped in front of Momonosuke, and blocked the Orochi's bullet for Momonosuke with a knife.

"Oh, isn't this the leader of the thieves group at Toushan, Shutenmaru?" Orochi recognized the person standing in front of Momonosuke at a glance, and asked in a deep voice, "Why do you want to save this kid?"

"Does that need to be said? Of course it's for Oden-sama!" Asura Boy turned his head and glanced at Momonosuke behind him, and then said loudly to the attic where Orochi and the others were, "Also, my name is 'A Shura Boy', was once a retainer of Lord Oden!"

"Is that so, using the name of 'Shuten Maru', you have been hiding in this country for twenty years?" Orochi looked at Asura Boy and asked puzzledly: "I am very confused. You should know that based on your own It’s impossible to save this brat, right? Why do you have to show up to die?”

"Of course it's to repay Lord Oden's kindness!" Asura Boy stared at Orochi and said with disdain: "A traitor like you will never understand!"

"Guhehehe." Hearing Asura Boy's words, Orochi's expression darkened and he said: "Favour? Of course I don't understand that kind of thing, and it seems that you are not the only samurai who received favor from Oden twenty years ago. Why has it happened now? Are you the only one showing up?"

"And there are us!" Suddenly, two figures, one tall and one short, rushed into the attic from the left and the right, each holding a katana, and stabbed Kaido and Orochi respectively.

clang! clang!

The two figures were stopped by Foz Fu next to Kaido and Crazy Death Lang (Denjiro) next to Orochi.

"Who are you?" Orochi asked with a gloomy face.

"I am Oden-sama's retainer, and so is Kappa Kawamatsu." Hengdao Kawamatsu, who was as short and fat as a penguin, announced his family name.

"I am Lord Oden's retainer, and my name is Kiku no Cheng!" Xiaoju, who was wearing a samurai armor and a Prajna mask, also reported his name.

"Oh? Are they all Oden's retainers?" Kaido sat up, looked at Ashura Doji, Kawamatsu and Xiaoju, and asked casually: "In the end, are you three the only ones showing up?"

"According to the prophecy left by 'time' back then, his son will lead nine warriors to resist me. Except for the person who was killed in Dressrosa, Jack, and the undercover person buried by the big snake, there should be seven more You guys are right, only three of you have appeared now, that means the remaining four have retreated?" Kaido said loudly.

"..." Xiaoju and the other three remained silent. The remaining people haven't shown up yet. Maybe they really have retreated.

But they cheered up quickly, because regardless of whether others would appear or not, the three of them had already prepared, and at least they would go to hell with the young master today.

Kuangshirou, who was confronting Xiaoju, heard Kaido's words and clenched the blade in his hand tightly, but he knew that he had to be patient. Not only himself, he also contacted Lei who was on Zou Island. Hide, so that he, cats and dogs must also be patient.

Because the Kozuki family still has the last hope, even if Young Master Momonosuke dies here today, Master Hiyori will definitely lead the remaining samurai to fulfill Master Oden's wish, so he must be patient.

"Okay!" Kaido suddenly waved his hand impatiently and said loudly: "If you keep waiting, others won't show up, so kill them."

"Yes, Lord Kaido!" Standing behind Kaido was the third member of the Six Flying Brothers of the Beast Pirates. Runti, Foz Fu and Sasaki took action at the same time, attacking Ashura Doji, Kawamatsu and Xiaoju respectively. Three people.

Sasaki approached the Asura boy in front of the execution rack, Fuz Fu attacked Hesong, and Runti wanted to attack Xiaoju, but was stopped by Kuangshilang.

"I'm sorry, Miss Baishou, this person is my opponent!" After Kuangshilang stopped Runti, he swung his knife and attacked Xiaoju.

"Hey, are you a samurai under Orochi? He's quite strong!" Runti glanced at Kuang Shilang who was fighting Xiaoju, and her eyes swept over Fuzifu's opponent Kawamatsu and Sasaki's opponent Asura Doji. He circled around, then jumped forward towards the battlefield between Sasaki and Asura Doji.

"Hey, don't come in the way of my fight, Runti, or I'll kill you too!" Sasaki was very unhappy with Runti's intrusion into his battle, and couldn't help but warn her.

"Well, don't mind, Sasaki." Runti approached Sasaki and whispered to him: "Now is a good opportunity for Master Kaido to show off. If I help you, you can solve it faster than that idiot Foz Fu." Opponent, then our chances of being promoted to the 'Big Board' will be greater than Fozzie Fu's."

"Okay, you convinced me!" Sasaki thought for a while and felt that what Runti said made sense, so he agreed to her proposal, and then he and Runti attacked Asura Boy.

"Hey, hey, I heard it!" Foz Fu, who was fighting Hesong, heard the conversation between the two and couldn't help complaining, and then said loudly: "But if you two join forces, you can still If I don't deal with my opponent first, then the seat of the 'big billboard' must be mine!"

"You'll have to wait until you can do it, idiot!"


Just when everyone was paying attention to the battle between Oden's samurai and the leader of the Beasts Pirates, a gunshot suddenly came from the attic.

When everyone came to their senses, Momonosuke on the execution rack had been shot in the head, and the shooter was none other than the general of Wano Country, Black Carbon Orochi!

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