One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 205 The Adventure of Three People

"What, that bastard Yamato went to sea!"

On Onigashima, after hearing Jhin's report, Kaido became furious and smashed the wine gourd in his hand, shouting angrily: "That treacherous son, the shackles on his hands left the scope of Wano Country, but they will explode. Yes, is he looking for death?"

"No, Master Yamato's life card is still intact after leaving Wano Country, which means he has unlocked the handcuffs." Jhin handed the life in his hand to Kanduo, and then asked: "Boss Kaido, Master Yamato In all likelihood, he was abducted by that guy [Yandi], do you want to send someone to chase him?"

"Did that kid help him unlock the handcuffs?" Kaido heard this, glanced at the life card in Jhin's hand, fell silent, and said, "Forget it, let him go. If he doesn't come back, then I will treat him as if I don’t have a son, and if he comes back, I will beat him to death.”

"..." After hearing Kaido's words, Jhin put away the life card in his hand speechlessly, and at the same time muttered in his heart: According to what you said, the fool came back.

On the other side, Ace and Yamato left the Flower City directly after Momonosuke was killed and executed by a snake, and came to the Furi Village in Kuri, where they found little Ayu, who was currently only six years old.

Although Ayubei had become a 'voluptuous' female ninja as promised, Ace decided to take her out to sea with him. After all, this was the purpose of Ace's visit to Wano.

Moreover, after the death of Kozuki Momonosuke, this country will definitely become more chaotic in the future. Even if she can survive under the protection of Toru Tenguyama, life will definitely be very difficult, so Ace is not prepared to leave her behind. It’s hard here.

"Master, then I will say goodbye to you here. Please take care of yourself." On the coast, Xiaoyu said goodbye to Tengu Mountain Feite in tears.

"You too, after going to sea, you must be a famous kunoichi!" Tenguyama Feiter also said to Xiaoyu with tears in his eyes.

"Well, I will definitely become a 'coquettish' female ninja in the future." Xiaoyu nodded and said with certainty.

"Idiot, get rid of the word 'coquettish' for me!" Tenguyama Fei Te hit Xiaoyu on the head and said frantically.

"It hurts!" Xiaoyu covered her head with runny nose and said timidly: "I understand, Master."

In this way, in the farcical farewell between master and apprentice, Xiaoyu followed Ace and Yamato on Ace's speedboat and left the coast of Wano Country.

Ace's speedboat has been messed up by Yaqi many times, and the space has become much larger. Not only can it carry more supplies, but it can accommodate three people without any problem.

Because Ace's speedboat is driven by Ace's ability, it only needs to distinguish directions and does not require high-level navigation skills to sail freely on the sea, so Ace was not in a hurry to return to Sun Island, but took it with him Yamato and Xiaoyu went shopping and had fun together.

Along the way, the three of them passed by many interesting islands. In the second half of the Grand Line, both the weather and the completely different climate and environment of each island surprised Yamato and Xiaodama, who had never been out of Wano. At the same time, I was overjoyed.

Whether it is the winter island with snowflakes falling, the ancient island that retains the most primitive style, or the strange island with some special features, every island along the way will give Yamato and Xiaoyu a refreshing feeling. The two of them have never experienced anything different. I thought that the sea would be so interesting.

"Hey, what's this? You must have never imagined that there are people living on the Sky Island 10,000 meters above the Grand Line, and there is also the Fish-Man Island where the fish-men live 10,000 meters below the sea. Or maybe it's raining all day on our territory. Thunder's Island of Thunder and the Island of Night where there is never daylight...these places are all rare wonders." Ace smiled and said to the two of them: "There are many incredible places on the sea."

"The sky island 10,000 meters above the sky."

"There is also a fish-man island with a depth of 10,000 meters."

When Yamato and Xiaoyu heard Ace's words, bright stars popped up in their eyes. Then they grabbed Ace's arms left and right, shaking them like a coquettish person: "Ace, we are going, take us to Sky Island. (Fishman Island)."

"Not yet." Ace shook his head and said to the two of them: "We are pirates after all, and we still have many powerful enemies on the sea. With our current strength, we are still unable to roam freely on the sea. Sail freely.”

"Hey~ can't you go? X2"

After hearing Ace's words, the faces of Yamato and Xiaoyu turned from sunny to cloudy, as if it was going to rain soon.

"However, the Fish-Man Island and the Island of Night I just mentioned are both on the territory of our pirate group's allies. They are places you can go to at any time. I will take you there when I have time. Now let's go back to Sun Island." Ace looked at the two of them and said with a smile: "Our base camp 'Sun Island' is also a magical island that burns incredible flames all day long, and there are also magical trees on the island that can grow the sun."

"Hey, does the sun actually grow from the tree?"

"Moreover, what does the incredible flame look like?"

"Is it the same as Ace's ability?"

"Well, you will know when you get to the island. By the way, there are many of our friends on the island, and they are also very interesting people." Ace said with a smile.

"Partners? I'm really looking forward to it!" Yamato looked yearning. Although there are countless members of the Beast Pirates in Wano Country, to Yamato, those people cannot be considered partners, and not many people have even seen her. True appearance.

"Hey, will Ace's friends also like me as much as Ace?" Xiaoyu looked at Ace with burning eyes and asked.

"Of course." Ace picked up Xiaoyu, put it on his shoulders, and said dotingly: "Xiaoyu is so cute, of course they will like you!"

On the way back, when Ace told them about the partners from different races among the members of the Spade Pirates, Yamato and Tama also looked forward to Sun Island more and more.

One day later, the three of Ace returned to Sun Island. When he introduced Yamato and Xiaoyu to his friends, the two immediately received a warm welcome, and then...of course there was a banquet.

In order to celebrate the joining of Yamato and Xiaotama, the banquet on Sun Island lasted for a whole day and night. Everyone showed great enthusiasm for the joining of Yamato and Xiaotama. This was the first time for Yamato and Xiaotama to see so many races. They gathered together and quickly became involved with everyone in the Spade Pirates.

Especially Tama, at only six years old she immediately became the favorite of the Spade Pirates.

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