One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 207 Conversations that promote the times (Part 1)

One day later, Ace boarded Katakuri's "Mochi" and went alone with him to the territory of the Yonko BIG MOM Pirates, the "All Nations Torrance" sea area.

In the room, Ace and Katakuri sat opposite each other. Between them was a yawning table. There were some dancing teapots, cups and desserts on the table. These things were still singing and shouting. 'Come and eat me, come and eat me', very in need of food.

"You really can't tell me? What has Big Mom prepared that interests me?" Ace asked Katakuri as he swallowed a donut that automatically jumped into his mouth.

To be honest, Ace was very interested in the "thing that he would definitely be interested in" that Katakuri said. He had guessed many possibilities. In the end, he felt that there was a high probability that it would be something related to Roger, but it was not necessarily .

Ace even thought about whether it could be the Dark Fruit that reappeared in the sea after Blackbeard died, but after thinking about it later, he felt that it was unlikely. After all, no one who could get the power of the Dark Fruit would be able to Take it out casually, and Blackbeard has just died not long ago, so the Dark Fruit should not appear on the sea so early.

However, this possibility cannot be ruled out. After all, in the original plot, after Doflamingo got the Sha Shao Fruit, he proudly showed it out and was eaten by Sabo. Big Mom may not do this kind of thing that normal people would do. It seems like it's probably a matter of brain damage.

"Sorry." Katakuri shook his head and said, "I don't know either."

"Okay, let's change the topic." Ace picked up the tea cup, took a sip, and then said with a smile: "I heard that your strength is very close to Big Mom. Is it true?"

"That's a rumor. My strength is far from my mother's." Katakuri shook his head.

"Really?" Ace smiled, looked at him, and said, "After the war, Uncle Whitebeard already had the idea of ​​​​retiring. He wanted me to take over, but I refused. Do you know why? ?”

Hearing Ace's words, Katakuri's eyes fluctuated for a moment, and then he asked nonchalantly: "Why?"

"Because I think the time has not come yet." Ace stood up and said, "But I have a hunch that in the near future, the older generation of strong men will gradually withdraw, and new forces will follow, and they will continue to move towards The kings of the older generation challenge."

"Moreover, this time will not be very long, maybe one year, maybe two years, never too long. But what I can be sure of is that the next [One Piece] will definitely not be born between Big Mom and Kaido Among the strong men of this generation."

"The times are about to undergo huge changes. The new era is already accumulating strength. They will bring new power to set off a huge wave on the sea. This wave will wipe out the remnants of the old era. Who can survive in this huge wave? Only those who come down are qualified to compete for the final throne."

"Katakuri, isn't your Haki of knowledge able to predict the future? Why don't you predict whether your mother, Big Mom, will be pulled down from the position of Yonko in the future!" Ace looked at Katakuri said with a smile on his face.

"My knowledge can only see the short-term future, so I cannot predict the [New Era] you just mentioned. However..." Katakuri stood up, looked at Ace seriously, and said firmly: " Mom is invincible, no one can defeat her, and as the pillar of the Charlotte family, I will definitely push her to the throne of the Pirate King."

"Really?" Ace looked at Katakuri, looked at him for a while, and finally shook his head and sighed: "It would be a pity if you can really only foresee a short future."

"What do you mean by this?" Katakuri asked with a frown as he looked at Ace who looked regretful.

"Now among the [Four Emperors] living in the new world, Uncle Whitebeard has already thought of retiring. Kaido of the Beast Pirates has been living in the shadow of Kozuki Oden. Big Mom's gloomy childhood made her He will never be able to reach the top, the redhead... there are too many mysteries about him, so let’s not talk about them." Ace shook his head and continued.

"Uncle Whitebeard has chosen me as his successor. As long as I am willing, I can inherit his [power] at any time and naturally ascend the throne of the [Four Emperors]."

"On Kaido's side, although Kozuki Oden's son is dead, the bloodline of the [Kozuki clan] has not been cut off. Sooner or later, they will cause turmoil in Wano Country. Even if this turmoil cannot destroy Kaido, it will make him The energy of the entire Beast Pirates is severely damaged, so he will definitely be pulled off the throne in the end."

"On your side, BIG·MOM's unstable state has already turned many of your brothers and sisters against it. It would be fine if BIG·MOM doesn't have any problems. But if something goes wrong with him, your pirate group The hidden danger will completely erupt, causing the entire pirate group to fall apart."

"Mom, nothing will go wrong!" Katakuri said solemnly.

"BIG·MOM has already had a problem!" Ace retorted, then looked at him and said, "You know it very well, and you are not the only one in your family who knows this."

"At least according to my information, many of your brothers and sisters are already disgusted with Big Mom's rule, so it is only a matter of time before Big Mom is pulled from the throne."

"Don't refute. You should know the situation of your pirate group better than me. After all, Big Mom will kill even his own children when he goes crazy, right?"

"I originally thought, Katakuri, that you would become one of the forces of the new era, but now it seems that you are not. That's why I sighed." Ace shook his head and said.

"What exactly do you want to say?" Katakuri asked in a deep voice, staring at Ace with a completely different luster in his eyes.

"This kind of look... Sure enough, you are not willing to be inferior to others." Ace looked at Katakuri and said seriously: "Then I will just say it."

"The pattern of the four emperors of the older generation in the new world will soon be broken. Even if the power of the new generation is not yet able to do it, I will be there to add fuel to the fire. After all, I don't even bother to compete with the older generation for the final place. 's throne."

"In two years at most, I will complete my own accumulation, then inherit the power and territory of Uncle Whitebeard, and ascend to the throne of the Four Emperors. At that time, I will also promote the power of the new generation to overthrow the other Four Emperors and replace the old ones. The remnants of the era have been completely overthrown and a new era has begun.”

"The sea will eventually be the stage for the new generation."

"So, Charlotte Katakuri, do you want to replace Big Mom and become the new Yonko?"

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