One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 210 The Son of Destiny Being Used as a Bargain

"Well, it's Katakuri." Seeing Katakuri, Charlotte Lingling's mood suddenly became better. She smiled and asked Katakuri: "How are you, my dear?" My son, have you brought that brat [Yandei]?"

"Well, he has just arrived at Cake Island with me." Katakuri nodded, then looked at the shocked brothers and sisters next to him, and asked: "Mom, what makes you so angry? Is it me? What happened while you were away?"

"When I talk about this, I get angry. It's that stinky girl Laura who actually ran away from her marriage at such a time." Charlotte Lingling said angrily.

"What? Sister Lola ran away from her marriage?" Katakuri was also surprised when he heard the news. He knew what this marriage meant to the Big Mom Pirates.

The relationship between the BIG·MOM Pirates and the Giants was not good to begin with, but it finally reached a turning point. All of them were looking forward to using this marriage to form an alliance between the BIG·MOM Pirates and the Giants, and then use this marriage to Huge fighting power swept across the entire new world.

If at this time, the fact that Lola, a bride, escaped was known to the Giants, then the relationship between their pirate group and the Giants might never be repaired again.

"Didn't you get Laura back?" Katakuri asked his brothers and sisters.

"No, she is our biological sister after all, and no one will be wary of her." Charlotte Cracker, who is also a fourth general, replied angrily: "None of us thought that Rose La would actually run away from home at such a time."

"Well, forget it, I have decided to let Qifeng get engaged to the giant prince Rocky instead of Laura. After all, they all look the same. The giant prince who has only met once should not be able to recognize him." Charlotte Lingling He waved his hand and said: "It's that brat [Yandi], I'm really looking forward to meeting him. I don't know what he will give me in exchange for what I have. After all, he is his 'brother'!" "

"He will definitely come up with a price that will satisfy mom. After all, he is a man who will go to war with the World Government for his brothers." Katakuri said in a deep voice.

"Well, well, well, I'm looking forward to it very much." Charlotte Lingling said with a smile.

That's right, the 'thing' in Charlotte Lingling's hands that will definitely interest Ace is his younger brother Monkey D. Luffy, and Katakuri has always known about it. The reason why he didn't Tell Ace, because if he had said it in Ace's territory at that time, then the two parties would probably not be a 'deal', but a war.

At this moment, on the southwest coast of Cake Island, three women took a small boat and quietly landed on Cake Island.

These three people are the Nine Snakes from the Grand Route Daughter Island [Amazon Lily], and the reason why they sneaked into Cake Island was entirely because a bold guy robbed a certain pirate group because of his greed. I paid tribute to the Big Mom Pirates and got caught here.

That's right, that gluttonous fool is our destined son, Pirate Wang Luffy.

During the War on the Top, after the Straw Hats were knocked off the battlefield by bears, they dispersed around the world.

Because during the war on top, all members of the Straw Hats realized their own weakness, and the places where they were shot were very suitable for their training environments.

So after they got in touch, they decided to suspend their voyage and practice practice in their respective places for two years.

Two years later, we reunited.

Just like the original plot, Luffy was sent by a bear to the vicinity of the Empress's base camp, Nine Snake Island.

After this guy landed on Nine Snakes Island, he first made a big fuss and successfully attracted the attention of Boa Hancock, the emperor of Nine Snakes. Then, under Luffy's series of coquettish manipulations, although he did not let the empress return to the original plot. She fell in love with him at first sight like that, but she also succeeded in getting the approval of the empress.

The empress not only allowed him to practice on an island near Nine Snake Island, but also paired him with three teachers who taught him how to practice domineering.

Well, these are the three women who secretly landed on Cake Island.

However, Luffy has never experienced the pain of losing a loved one. Although Luffy realizes his own weakness, he does not have the awareness to become stronger despite his own life in the original plot. In addition, the person who taught him the practice of domineering is not Rayleigh. This kind of teacher who can control him is so good that this guy sneaks out every few days to go out for a walk.

As we all know, Wang Luffy's brain damage is contagious. At the beginning, Margaret and the other three couldn't control Luffy, but at least they could control themselves.

But after a long time, they were led astray by Luffy. Not only did they sneak out from the island where they practiced together, but they were also liberated from the Nao Bi Tian** hidden deep in their souls. The result of his ***** nature is what he is now. He was caught like a monkey by the Big Mom Pirates because he couldn't keep his mouth shut.

"Margaret, do we really want to go up?" After landing, Speedo grabbed Margaret who was walking at the front and asked hesitantly.

"Of course, if we don't stop Luffy, he will be dead." Margaret said firmly.

"But... this is the territory of the Four Emperors. Even Lady Snake will not set foot in it easily. If we go up like this, if we are discovered, not only will we be killed, but it may even trigger BIG· The conflict between the MOM Pirates and Nine Snakes." Speedo said worriedly.

"Yes, Margaret, let's not talk about whether we can rescue Luffy. Once we are caught, we won't be able to do anything. If Nine Snakes are involved, then we will really be unforgivable. Yes." Yafilandora also said with a worried look.

"But if we don't save Luffy, he will definitely die." Margaret looked at Speedo and Aflandora and said firmly: "In short, I must save Luffy. If he is caught, If so, we would rather die than reveal our identities as Nine Snakes."

"...Okay." Seeing Margaret's firm look on her face, Speedo and Aflandora knew that they could no longer change her decision, so they could only nod helplessly.

"Affilandora, do you have something in your body that can contact Nine Snakes?" Behind Margaret, Speedo asked Affilandora in a low voice.

"Yes." Yaphilandora nodded, then took out a small phone bug from her clothes and said, "Sister Jie Jie gave it to me when I came out. I can contact her directly."

"That's great." Speedo was overjoyed when he saw the phone bug in Yaphilandola's hand, and then whispered in her ear: "You should find an opportunity to contact Sister Kikyo and tell her our current situation..."

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