One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 213 Cooperation again

"BIG·MOM, this woman is not my Laura. Where did you hide my Laura, old woman? Hand her over quickly!" Rocky, who saw through Qifeng's disguise as Laura, looked angry. asked Charlotte Lingling.

"Oops, I was spotted at a glance!"

Upon hearing Rocky's angry questioning, the faces of all the Big Mom Pirates officers present who knew the truth changed drastically.

They all knew about the fact that Qifeng pretended to be Laura and was engaged to the prince of the giant clan, but they didn't expect that Qifeng, who looked exactly like Laura, would be seen through at a glance.

The real Laura has long since disappeared. If Qi Feng is found out, let alone the engagement ceremony, their relationship with the giants will probably become even worse, and may never be repaired.

"..." Faced with Rocky's question, Charlotte Lingling's face immediately became gloomy. However, in order to gain the fighting power of the giants, she still suppressed her anger and said to Rocky with a false smile. Explained: "What are you talking about? The woman you pushed down, isn't she your fiancée Laura?"

"No!" The anger on Luo Qi's face continued, and he pointed at Qifeng who fell on the ground and said firmly: "This woman is definitely not Laura. I will never admit my mistake to a woman who falls in love at first sight."

"..." Faced with Rocky's extremely confident affirmation, Charlotte Lingling had nothing to say, but the gloomy look on her face became more and more obvious. Looking at Rocky's eyes, she could no longer suppress the killing intent. Burst out.

"Mom, calm down." At this time, Charlotte Katakuri stood up and stood in front of Charlotte Lingling, who was about to go berserk. She said to the still extremely angry giant prince Rocky: "Rocky Your Highness, this matter is a bit complicated to explain, let’s go inside and talk about it.”

Although Katakuri had foreseen that Qifeng would be discovered early on, he still held on to the hope of luck and wanted to talk to Rocky. After all, things are never static, and the combat power of [the world's most powerful country] is very difficult for the Charlotte family. It's too tempting to say that it would be a shame to fall out like this.

So he decided to have a good talk with the prince of the giant clan, and planned to tell him the truth about Laura's escape from marriage, and see if he could delay the engagement and give them some time to get Laura back. It was not possible. If so, it depends on whether the prince of the giant race can put his mistakes behind him and accept turning his fiancée into Qifeng. After all, Qifeng and Laura look the same.

Anyway, no matter what, you must not let your mother get angry here. Otherwise, if she loses her mind and kills the giant prince here, the Charlotte family and Elbaf will not just break up again, but there will definitely be a huge explosion. war!

"No matter what, at least we must prevent the outcome from becoming the worst." Katakuri thought in his heart.

In this way, with Katakuri's stoppage, Charlotte Lingling and Rocky both calmed down a bit, and then the two parties entered the castle and began negotiations.

"It's really ugly." Ace looked at Charlotte Lingling and the giants who entered the castle to negotiate, with a hint of joking on his face, then looked at Crocodile sitting near him, and asked him in a low voice : "Hey, Crocodile, why did you come to Big Mom's tea party? Do you want to join her?"

"It shouldn't be!" Before Crocodile could answer, Ace said to himself: "A man like you shouldn't be inferior to others, or should you say that you are here for other reasons? the goal of?"

Hearing Ace's words, Crocodile's eyelids couldn't help but twitch a few times. Then he looked at Ace and said expressionlessly: "What do you want to say?"

"Look, I knew it was like this." Crocodile's expression could not escape Ace's eyes. He looked at Crocodile and whispered: "BIG Mom invited you here, maybe because he wanted to take you under his command. , but I know that a man like you will not be inferior to anyone, not even the [Four Emperors], so you must have some purpose in coming here."

"But, what is your purpose? Let me guess." Ace smiled and continued: "Although Big Mom is a Yonko, there shouldn't be anything in her hands that interests you. Master, I heard that you were arrested in the Alabasta incident because you coveted something hidden in that country."

"It's [History Text], right?" Ace stared into Crocodile's eyes and said.

"..." Hearing Ace's words, Crocodile's eyelids twitched even more.

"Sure enough, is this your purpose?" Ace saw the change in Crocodile's expression, a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes, and said: "I heard that some [Historical Texts] record the whereabouts of the legendary [Ancient Weapons]. You want [Historical Text], probably because you want to find that thing, right?”

"..." Everything that was on his mind was revealed. This time, Crocodile finally couldn't keep his cold expression. He looked at Ace and said coldly: "What exactly do you want to do?"

"Are you still obsessed with that kind of thing?" Ace looked at him, shook his head in disappointment, and said, "Krokdal, in this world, it is impossible for a weak person to board a powerful weapon even if he gets it. The throne of the world. On the contrary, powerful people can reach the pinnacle of the times even by relying on their own strength. It really disappoints me that a man of your level can't even understand such a thing."

"You guys, are you looking for death?!" Crocodile was angered by Ace's words, and his cold eyes exuded strong murderous intent.

"Let's cooperate!" Ace suddenly said to Crocodile, ignoring Crocodile's murderous intent.

Crocodile couldn't help but be stunned for a moment when he heard Ace's sudden invitation, and then asked uncertainly: "What did you say?"

"I said, let's cooperate!" Ace looked at him and said, "I know where what you want is."

"What did you say?" Crocodile looked at Ace in surprise and asked in a deep voice, "You mean, you know the whereabouts of the ancient weapons?"

"Yes, I know." Ace answered Crocodile's question affirmatively, and then said: "The thing you are looking for is not here at Big Mom."

"I was invited by her, and she probably didn't have any good intentions, so I feel that I will have a conflict with them later. I hope you can stand by me then, and when we successfully leave BIG·MOM's territory, I’ll tell you where the thing you’re looking for is.”

"How about it? Do you want to cooperate?" Ace looked at Crocodile and asked.

"I heard it!"

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