One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 231 Return to Fish-Man Island

In the dark deep sea, Ace controlled his coated speedboat, sailing in the dark deep sea, heading towards the Fish-Man Island.

In the deep sea, it was pitch black and unable to see. Ace used his own ability to light a fire, which allowed them to see a little bit of the things around them.

"It's so dark, I can't see anything."

"That's right, Ace, are there really islands in such a deep seabed?"

"Mishman Island, I've heard of this place a long time ago. I didn't expect to be able to go there now. I'm really looking forward to it."

"Wow, look, what a big fish!"


"Keep your voices down, if we are attacked in a place like this, none of us will survive!"

"Hey, you have the loudest voice!!~X3"

Eight thousand meters under the sea, when a huge sea king swam past the speedboat, Ace suddenly heard a voice whispering.

"Hey, did you hear that just now?" Ace suddenly looked at Yamato and the three of them and asked in surprise: "The voice just now sounded like someone was talking!"

"What are you talking about? This is the deep sea. How can anyone talk?"

"That's right, we didn't hear anything. It was very quiet around us."

"Can't you all hear it?" A trace of solemnity flashed across Ace's face, and then he looked at the giant sea king that just swam past them, and thought to himself: "Sure enough, I can also hear the sound just now. , is it that Neptune creature that is 'whispering'?"

"Is it because of [D]?" Ace had doubts in his heart, but he was not sure. After all, he could only 'hear' but not 'communicate'. He was not even sure whether the voice just now was the super Sent by large-scale Neptune species.

This feeling is a bit frustrating.

It's just that Ace didn't see it. The super large sea king heard their conversation, and the giant eyeball king glanced at them, seeming to be surprised.

Several hours later, the speedboat finally arrived at the Fishman Island located 10,000 meters deep in the sea.

Because Fish-Man Island is the territory of the Whitebeard Pirates and has always been protected by the Whitebeard Pirates, and Ace's Spade Pirates are allies with the Whitebeard Pirates, so when the guards of Fish-Man Island watch After seeing the flag hung by Ace's speedboat, even if they didn't know Ace himself, they were readily allowed to enter the Fish-Man Island.

"Wow, is this Fish-Man Island?"

"It's obviously 10,000 meters deep in the sea, but you can actually see the sun and there are clouds in the sky. It's incredible!"

After entering Fishman Island, Yamato, Xiaoyu, and Carols all marveled at the environment of the island. They felt that everything on the island was so incredible.

"You can see the sun because there is an incredible huge tree growing near Fish-Man Island. The residents of Fish-Man Island call this tree [Sun Tree Eve]. [Sun Tree Eve] can absorb the sun's rays and then pass through the roots Bring sunlight to the bottom of the sea. Because of this, Fish-Man Island will be like the ground, with alternating day and night. The residents of Fish-Man Island call this phenomenon the 'gift of the sun.'" Ace explained to the four people.

"The gift of the sun? This tree is somewhat similar to the sun tree on our island." Carolus said, sitting on Ace's shoulder.

"It's still a little different." Ace shook his head, but didn't know how to explain it, so he changed the subject and said, "I heard that there is a very famous 'Mermaid Cafe' over at Coral Hill. The landlady is a fortune teller and has the ability to predict the future, let’s go and have a look.”


"Predict the future!~"

When Yamato and Xiaodama heard Ace's words, their eyes immediately lit up with 'bulingbuling' light.

Carols on Ace's shoulder also showed a very interested expression.

"Then it's decided, let's go to the Mermaid Cafe first." Ace decided directly.

Just when Ace and the others were preparing to head to Coral Hill, a large group of fishmen suddenly appeared in front of them.

The leader is a large mermaid holding a golden trident, with long blue wavy hair and a dot on his forehead.

"Your Excellency Emperor Yan, welcome to Fish-Man Island!"

He is Shark Star, the great prince of Ryugu Kingdom, a giant shark mermaid with shark characteristics.

Shark Star was originally patrolling around Fish-Man Island. When he heard that Ace had arrived at Fish-Man Island, he immediately reported the news to Dragon Palace City, and then he immediately rushed over.

Before the flag of the Whitebeard Pirates was hung on Fish-Man Island, even though Mermaid Island itself had considerable combat power, the island was still being trampled upon by pirates, and the mermaids on the island had always been The biggest target for human traffickers around the world.

After all, mermaids are too valuable.

Although even after hoisting the flag of the Whitebeard Pirates, residents of Fish-Man Island are still often kidnapped by human traffickers, but compared to before, such things are rare.

At least now there are very few pirates who dare to make trouble on this island. After all, the name of [Whitebeard] still has a considerable deterrent effect on the sea.

Even the world government cannot compare to this.

Because of the alliance with the Whitebeard Pirates, the Ryugu Kingdom on Fish-Man Island has always maintained a very friendly relationship with the Spade Pirates.

"My father heard that Your Majesty Yan Emperor came to Fish-Man Island in person, and originally wanted to come and greet you in person. However, something happened in the Dragon Palace Kingdom recently that required my father to deal with it personally, so he sent me here to invite you to Dragon Palace City as a guest." Shark Star said to Ace respectfully.

"Oh? What happened in the Dragon Palace Kingdom?" Ace asked with some interest after hearing Shark Star's words.

Shark Star looked at Ace, hesitated, and said, "Some time ago, a thief broke into [Sea Forest] and stole something very important from there."

"Sea Forest?" Ace frowned when he heard this place. If he remembered correctly, the [History Text] of Fish-Man Island seemed to be placed in that place.

More than 20 years ago, Fishman Island originally had two [Historical Texts], one of which was one of the four red [Road Signs·Historical Texts], and the other one recorded a story from 800 years ago named ' Joey Boy's Confessions.

Ace knew that after Roger gathered three pieces of [Road Sign·History Text], he found the last piece on Fish-Man Island.

However, the [Road Sign·Historical Text] of Fish-Man Island was lost a long time ago. In the original plot, when the Straw Hats came to Fish-Man Island, only the piece of 'Joyboy' was left deep in the Forest of the Sea. [Book of Confession].

Just now Shark Star said that important things were stolen deep in the Forest of the Sea. Could it be that the important things stolen from Shark Star were the [History Text] of Fishman Island?

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