One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 237 Vander Daken IX

" awesome!" Bai Xing watched the small fish condensed with flames swimming around him lifelikely, with a look of surprise on his beautiful face.

"Bang!" Ace snapped his fingers again, and the small fish condensed with flames instantly changed its form and turned into a miniature version of White Star, wandering in front of the real White Star.

"Is this me? So cute!" Seeing the miniature version of himself, Bai Xing immediately showed an excited expression, and then reached out to grab the miniature version of himself.


Just when Bai Xing was about to catch the miniature version of himself, Ace snapped his fingers again, and then the small white star condensed with flames turned into a flame and flew towards the sky.

"Why is this like this? I haven't..." The disappointed Bai Xing was about to cry when he saw Ace looking at her with a smile and raising his hand to point upward.

Seeing this, Bai Xing looked up suspiciously, just in time to see the flame explode in the sky, and then looked like a gorgeous firework.

"So beautiful!" Bai Xing, who had never seen fireworks before, saw an expression of shock and surprise on his face, and a happy smile appeared on his beautiful face unconsciously.

"Can we do it again?" Bai Xing lowered his head, looked at Ace with tears in his eyes, and asked expectantly.

"Of course!" Faced with such a cute little... sister, how could Ace have the heart to refuse her request.

Ace raised his hand, and dozens of flames flew out from his palm one after another. After flying high into the sky, they exploded one after another, turning into gorgeous fireworks that bloomed in the sky above the hard-shell tower.

Ace's fireworks show lasted for ten minutes, and attracted a large number of guards and ministers from Dragon Palace City to watch.

"It's so beautiful." After the fireworks show ended, Bai Xing looked at Ace with emotion and said to him: "The flames just now were so beautiful. Thank you, Brother Ace."

"No problem." Ace waved his hand, then looked at Bai Xing and asked: "Bai Xing, you must be bored staying in this tower all the time? Do you want to go out to play?"

"Eh? Go out to play! Is it really okay?" After hearing Ace's words, Bai Xing's face immediately showed a look of surprise and expectation, but it immediately turned into fear and frustration, and said: "Although I also want to go out Play, but... but... wow!~~"

Bai Xing said and suddenly started crying. Of course she wanted to go out and play, but she was even more afraid of the weapons that would fly towards her at some point.

"It's okay." Ace came to Bai Xing and said to her: "With me here, nothing can hurt you, I promise."

When Bai Xing heard this, he immediately stopped crying, looked at Ace expectantly, and asked timidly: "Really...really?"

"Of course!" Ace raised his arms, made a Popeye pose, and said with a smile, "I'm very strong!"

"Yeah!" Bai Xing nodded in agreement, then thought about his father, and asked expectantly: "Father, is that okay?"

Seeing his daughter's expectant look, Neptune's heart ached, then he smiled kindly and said, "Of course."

Although Vander Daken IX's abilities were dangerous, Neptune was still very relieved with Ace by his side.

Although he still doesn't know much about Ace's strength, Neptune believes that as long as he is here, there will be only a handful of people in this sea who can harm Shirahoshi.

"Great!" After receiving his father's approval, Bai Xing's face immediately filled with an excited smile, and then his huge body swam out of the hard-shell tower.

At this time, Ace saw the whole body of Princess Bai Xing. This woman was really... too big.


Princess White Star's pet, the shark named Mekaro, also swam out of the hard-shell tower excitedly. After circling around White Star for a few times, he directly carried her on his back.

"Come up too, Brother Ace." Bai Xing, who was sitting on Mekallo's back, stretched out his hand to Ace and invited Ace to sit on Mekallo's body.

"Okay." Ace didn't refuse. He jumped directly onto Mekaro's head, sat down cross-legged, then turned around, raised his head and said to Bai Xing behind him: "Where do you want to go?"

"Sea Forest!" Bai Xing blurted out without thinking, "For eight years, I have always wanted to go to the Sea Forest... Wow ah ah ah~" As he said this, Bai Xing suddenly cried again. got up.

"Hahahaha, you really love to cry. This is not a good habit!" Ace looked at the crying Shirahoshi and said with a smile.

"Yes...I'm sorry." Bai Xing wiped away his tears and said crisply: "But this time I cried because I was happy..."

"Hahahaha~" Ace laughed again, and then said: "Then let's set off, the goal is the Sea Forest!"

"Yeah!" Bai Xing nodded, then reached out and patted Mekalo, and said excitedly: "Let's go, Mekalo, to the Sea Forest!"


Mekaro also screamed twice in excitement, then flicked his tail and swam quickly in the direction of the Sea Forest with Ace and Shirahoshi.

"Your Majesty Neptune, is it really okay to let Princess White Star come out of the hard-shell tower?"

After Ace and Shirahoshi left, the right minister of Ryugu Kingdom came to Neptune and said with a worried look on his face.

"It's okay." Neptune looked at the direction Ace and Shirahoshi were leaving, shook his head, and said, "As long as Mr. Ace is here, Vander Deken's curse cannot harm Shirahoshi."

"Having said that, but..." The right minister wanted to say something else, but after thinking about it, he felt that if someone could go to White Star under Ace's protection, then the result would be the same even if he stayed in the hard-shell tower. .

Fishman Street, above [Ship of Oath·Noah].

Vander Daken IX was playing with an ax in his hand.

Suddenly, he threw the ax in his hand high, and then the ax seemed to be attracted by something. It turned in mid-air in an unscientific way and flew quickly in a certain direction.

"Huh?" Seeing the direction in which the ax flew away, Vander Deken's eyes narrowed and he stood up suddenly. He said in surprise: "The direction of the 'target' has moved, and it is completely opposite to the previous direction. Could it be White Star?" Come out of Dragon Palace City?"

For several years, because of his threats, Bai Xing has been hidden in Ryugu City by Neptune and has been closely protected. Even if he wants to rob someone, he has no chance. He can only throw a few pieces every day and pick them up to vent, and at the same time confirm Bai Xing. s position.

Huangtian paid off. Unexpectedly, Bai Xing finally came out of Dragon Palace City this time, so this was his chance.

"This time, I must grab you, Bai Xing, huh huh huh!" Vander Deken laughed, picked up a piece of wood, and activated his ability.

The next moment, the piece of wood took him and flew quickly in the direction of Bai Xing.

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