One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 239 The call from the deep sea

A few seconds later, Ace extinguished the purple flames, and Vander Daken IX disappeared together with the purple flames.

This villain, who had given Bai Xing a nightmare for eight years and dared not step out of the hard-shell tower, was completely incinerated without leaving a trace.

"Although it feels like this is a bit advantageous to him, but... forget it." Ace chuckled softly, then turned around and flew back.

Ace came to Enokami Tsuna, who had been released before, and absorbed all the flames. Shirahoshi's figure appeared in front of him again.

"Brother Ace."

Seeing Ace again, Bai Xing immediately rushed towards him excitedly, and then held him in his hands. He looked at Ace carefully. After seeing that Ace was not injured, he started crying. He also said: "Brother Ace, it's great that you are okay, wow ah ah ah!~~"

"It's okay, it's okay, don't cry anymore." Ace comforted Bai Xing and said, "Let me tell you good news. From now on, you no longer have to worry about being 'cursed' by that villain Vander Deken. Hurt.”

"Eh?" After hearing Ace's words, Bai Xing immediately stopped crying, looked at Ace, and said, "Really?"

"Of course!" Ace replied affirmatively.

"That's great. I finally don't have to worry about a different weapon flying over me every day." Bai Xing laughed happily, then looked around and asked, "By the way, Brother Ace, that villain Woolen cloth?"

"He..." Ace scratched his head, not wanting to directly tell the underage Bai Xing that Vander Daken had been killed by him, so he turned his head and said, "Under my education, that guy has already Banran suddenly came to his senses, and after undoing the curse left on you, he left, and he also promised that he would never appear in front of you again..."

"Brother Ace is lying!"

Before Ace finished speaking, he was interrupted by Bai Xing. The girl poked his cheek with her finger and said with a smile: "I just felt that that person's life has disappeared. He has actually been killed by Ace." Big brother killed me, right? You can’t lie to me!~"

"You girl, you know it and you still ask!" Ace glared at Bai Xing, then raised his fist and said angrily: "How dare you play with me, or I'll beat you up!"

"So fierce...Brother Ace is really scary!"

Bai Xing, who was "threatened with violence" by Ace, immediately started crying, "Brother Ace, please... please don't blame me so loudly, no one has ever been angry with me in my whole life, wow ah ah ah! ~~"

"Okay, okay, it was my fault. I shouldn't blame you so loudly." Hearing Bai Xing's cry, Ace felt a little headache, and could only comfort him helplessly: "I apologize to you, please stop crying. ”

" doesn't matter." Bai Xing wiped away his tears, immediately forgave Ace, and then timidly said: "Well..., Brother Ace, I really don't have to worry about the 'Curse of the Target' anymore, right?" ?”

"That's right." Ace nodded and said, "You don't have to stay alone in that broken tower anymore. You can go wherever you want."

"It's... it's great." Hearing Ace's affirmative answer, Shirahoshi started to cry again with joy.

"So, where do you want to go next?" Ace asked, looking at Bai Xing.

"I also want to go to Fishman Street, Mermaid Bay, and Coral Hill..." Bai Xing crossed his fingers and counted the places he wanted to go. To put it simply, this girl just wanted to go Take a tour of the entire Fishman Island.

After naming almost all the places on Fish-Man Island, Bai Xing looked at Ace and mustered up the courage to say: "I... I still want to go to the ground to see the real sun and the real forest. Can you take me there? "

"No problem!" Ace readily agreed to Bai Xing's request, and then said to him: "Then, let's go to Fishman Street next."

The Oath Ship [Noah], which the fishmen have guarded for generations, is in Fishman Street, and Ace wants to see that ship with his own eyes.

"Yeah, okay!" Bai Xing nodded happily, and then the two of them got on the Mekaro again and swam towards the Fishman Street.

Fishman Street is the most chaotic place in the entire Fishman Island. This place was originally the orphanage shelter of Fishman Island more than ten years ago. However, due to improper management, this place became a gathering place for criminals, but it also Because of this environment, this chaotic place gave birth to many great figures.

Fisher Tiger, the founder of the Sun Pirates, Jinbei, one of the original Shichibukai, Aaron, who did evil in the East China Sea, and Hody Jones, the boss who now controls Fishman Street.

Although Hody Jones has not fully revealed his ambitions as in the original plot, the new Fishman Pirates headed by him have taken control of the entire Fishman Street and are the undisputed boss here, and Ace wants to Noah, the ship of oath that they wanted to take a look at, is now their base.

"Hey, that's..."

"That's right, there will definitely be no one else in that huge and beautiful body."

"It's the mermaid princess of Ryugu City, Her Highness Shirahoshi!"

Because Shirahoshi's huge and beautiful appearance was so eye-catching, as soon as they entered Fishman Street, they immediately attracted the attention of local residents, and even onlookers.

"No way, why would His Highness Shirahoshi come to a place like Fishman Street?"

"Yes, it's too dangerous here. What if His Highness Bai Xing is injured by those bastards?"

"Quickly, find someone to contact the Dragon Palace Kingdom and ask them to send someone to take His Highness Bai Xing back!"

"Brother Ace, there are so...many people are looking at us." Bai Xing was very uncomfortable with being watched by a large number of fishmen. He subconsciously approached Ace and said aggrievedly.

"It doesn't matter. They are looking at you not because they want to do anything to you, but because you are so beautiful." Ace turned around and said to Bai Xing: "After all, your beauty is not inferior to that of the one in the sea. It’s [the most beautiful woman in the world] Boya Hancock!”

"Really...really?" Hearing Ace's words, Bai Xing covered his face shyly, then pointed in the distance in surprise and said: "Brother Ace, look, that's the Oath Boat, Noah! "

Ace turned around and looked in the direction Bai Xing pointed. The corner of a huge ship caught his eye.

"This is [Noah]? It's really huge!" Looking at the big ship that was as big as a small island, Ace couldn't help but admire, then patted Mekaro on the back and said: " Shark, take us there quickly.”


Mekaro screamed twice, then flicked his tail and led them to swim towards Noah quickly.

The moment Ace and Shirahoshi boarded Noah, a shocking voice suddenly reached their ears.

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