One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 248 Holy Land Mary Joa

"So, you came to me because you want me to accompany you to Mariejoia?" Ace looked at Sabo and asked with a smile.

"That's right!" Sabo raised his head, looked at Ace firmly, and said in a deep voice: "Even if there is only one ten thousandth chance, I still want to give it a try. If I am left to watch like this, it means that the bear If Jun Xingming’s life card slowly disappears, I will go crazy.”

"So, help me, Ace!" Sabo said to Ace with pleading eyes.

At this time, most of the main forces of the revolutionary army had followed the leader [Dragon] to the North Sea. Over there, because of the 'Germa 66', several countries started going to war at the same time, causing huge turmoil in the North Sea. However, the World Government because of [ The major event of the World Military Recruitment is in full swing, and there is no time to intervene in the turmoil in the North Sea.

People from the revolutionary army took this opportunity to win over several countries.

Several powerful countries in the North Sea intend to fall into the camp of the revolutionary army. Such a big matter certainly requires the leader of the revolutionary army [Dragon] to personally take action.

[Long] and the cadres who went to Beihai with him went to Beihai a week ago, so they did not know what happened to Xiong, and what happened in Beihai was a major event that could not be ignored for the revolutionary army.

After Sabo became aware of Xiong's incident, he suppressed the news and prohibited those who knew the news from telling Long and the cadres in Beihai about it.

As the Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army, Sabo knew very well how important the Beihai incident was to the development of the Revolutionary Army. If he told Long and the others about Xiong's incident, the leaders and cadres would probably give up the Beihai incident and rush back directly. Save the bear.

Sabo knew very well that their current intelligence could not confirm where the bear was now, and the fact that the current crisis the bear was facing was from Vegapunk was just their guess, not to mention whether they could find the Vegapunk experiment. Even if the location of the room can be found, what if the crisis Xiong Jun encountered has nothing to do with Vegapunk and he is not there?

Although Sabo was very eager to save Mr. Xiong, he was the Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army after all. At this time, he had to force himself to calm down and consider the pros and cons of this matter.

So after careful consideration, Sabo decided not to tell the leaders and others the news, and let them concentrate on dealing with Beihai's affairs first.

Sabo decided that he would handle Mr. Xiong’s matter by himself.

After making the decision, Sabo, in the name of the leader, sent a message to the revolutionary army's "shadows" lurking at the top of the world government, asking them to fully investigate the location of the Vegapunk laboratory.

Sabo originally wanted to sneak into Mariejoia by himself, but after the War on the Top and losing the ability of the Dark Fruit, he knew that he was no longer qualified to challenge the highest combat power of the Navy Headquarters, at least not yet.

Coincidentally, Vegapunk's bodyguard happened to be Admiral Kizaru, who could only barely fight even if he still had the ability of the Dark Fruit.

Not to mention whether he could find any trace of Mr. Xiong when he went to Marigio this time. If he went alone, even if Kizaru was there, even if he found Mr. Xiong, he would not be able to rescue Mr. Xiong from there, so he He thought of Ace and came to the Sun Island to seek help from Ace.

Because Ace knows that at this time, the only person who has the ability and can help him is his brother Ace.

"Of course, we are brothers!" Ace patted Sabo on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Besides, Mr. Xiong is my very favorite partner candidate. Even if he has been rejected several times, I will not look at him anyway. Something happened to him."

In this way, the two brothers happily decided to join forces and go to the home of the Celestial Dragons, [Holy Land Marie Joa] to make a big fuss!

Holy Land Marie Joa, located between the first half and the second half of the Grand Line, the pinnacle of the Red Continent, is one of the two ways to reach the New World.

Mariejoia is not only the headquarters of the world's nobles, the Celestial Dragons, but it is also the headquarters of the Five Elder Stars and the World Government, which hold the highest power of the World Government.

In addition, Im-sama, who can make the five elder stars who hold the highest power of the world government surrender, is also hidden in the depths of Mariejoia. Maybe the legendary ancient weapon, the King of Heaven, is also hidden somewhere here.

In short, as the highest holy place of the world government, Mariejoia hides too many secrets.

The World Government has been established for eight hundred years. In this long history, only one person has sneaked into this place and escaped alive after making a big fuss.

That person is the hero of the fish people, Fisher Tiger.

However, although that man had the strong perseverance to climb to the top of the Red Earth Continent with bare hands, Ace did not think that he could or escaped because of his strength, but maybe more because of his identity.

You must know that when Fisher Tiger sneaked into Mariejoia, it happened to be the time when the fishmen and humans were easing their relationship. Ace suspected that Fisher Tiger could escape from Mariejoia at that time. Maybe it was because the World Government didn't want their relationship with the fishmen to continue to deteriorate and deliberately allowed him to escape.

After all, although Fisher Tiger made a big fuss in Mariejoia at that time, except for freeing some Draco slaves, he did not cause much damage to Mariejoia, nor did he harm any world nobles.

Below the red earth continent, Ace took Sabo to find an unguarded position, and then flew directly towards the top of the red earth continent.

There is no way, the ability to fly is so arrogant and convenient.

After the two landed on the Red Continent, Sabo took out a simple map from his body, which briefly marked some of the main buildings and place names in Mariejoia. On the map, several places were marked with crosses.

Although the specific location of the Vegapunk Laboratory is not yet known, as the Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army, how could Sabo be unprepared for taking his brother to a dangerous place like Mariejoia.

The map in Sabo's hand was drawn by the revolutionary army's "Anzi" who was lurking at the top of the World Government, and the crossed locations on the map were the "suspected" Vegapunk laboratories.

Although it is not certain yet, there are several clear targets, which is at least more convenient than them breaking in and running around together.

In Pangu City, among the powers.

While Ace and Sabo were sneaking into Mariejoia, the five people who held the highest power of the world government had gathered together and were discussing something that could change the world structure.

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