One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 262 Sabo VS Kizaru

Vegapunk's laboratory.

Sabo, who was hiding outside the laboratory, had been unable to contact Ace. When he heard Vegapunk saying that he was going to start an operation to erase human consciousness on Mr. Xiong, he finally couldn't bear it anymore and was ready to rush in with all his might. Rescue Mr. Xiong.


Just when Sabo was about to rush into Vegapunk's laboratory to rescue people, the phone bug on him suddenly rang.

When he heard the ringing of the phone bug, Saab's expression changed. He immediately took out the phone bug and connected it. However, after the call was connected, he only heard four words coming from the phone bug's mouth: Saab, run away.

Then the call was cut off.

Sabo looked at the phone bug that was silent again in his hand, and his face became extremely ugly. If Ace hadn't encountered some unsolvable danger, no one would have said "run away" to him, but he didn't have time to think about Ace. In Si's situation, Kizaru's voice came from far away.

"Hey, isn't this the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Army, Brother Saab?"

The dazzling light flashed, and Kizaru's figure instantly appeared in front of Sabo. Without any nonsense, he directly kicked Sabo in the head with a light speed kick.

"Dragon Claw Fist·Dragon Claw!"

Sabo raised his left hand, with his five fingers forming a claw shape, and faced Kizaru's light-speed kick.


Sabo's dragon claw collided with Kizaru's light-speed kick, and a powerful force burst out between the two. The aftermath was like a hurricane raging through the passage. Then Sabo took a few steps back, while Kizaru maintained his kicking posture. at every turn.

"Without that dangerous ability, you seem to have become a lot weaker, Sabo-san." Kizaru put down his legs and said calmly.

Sabo didn't speak. He knew very well that without the ability of the Dark Fruit, he would never be Kizaru's opponent, but now, he had no way out.

"Well, you were rescued during the war, but it brought disgrace to the entire navy. This time, I won't expect to capture you alive." Kizaru folded his hands together, clenched his right hand, and a dazzling flash of light shone in his hand Condensed, and then his hands slowly parted, as if a lightsaber was pulled out from the palm of his left palm.

"Tian Cong Yun Sword!"

Kizaru held the sword with both hands, and then he flashed and appeared in front of Sabo in an instant. The Tian Congyun Sword in his hand struck Sabo mercilessly.

Seeing this, Sabo immediately raised the water pipe in his hand, released a weapon-colored Haki to wrap around it, and then raised it high to block Kizaru's Tian Cong Yun Sword.

"Be careful, Brother Sabo, I'm going to execute you directly this time." Kizaru possessed him and said to Sabo, then he suddenly exerted his force and slashed Sabo's whole body away with one strike of his sword. .

"Too weak!" Kizaru dodged and approached Sabo in an instant. Then he waved the Tiancongyun Sword in his hand and launched a ferocious attack on Ace. At the same time, he said: "There is no such danger anymore. Your dark abilities are simply too weak now, Brother Sabo."

In the battle of Dressrosa, Sabo, who had the power of the Dark Fruit, was able to defeat Kizaru head-on. Now that he had lost the power of the Dark Fruit, he faced Kizaru again and was suppressed and beaten almost the entire time. .

"Clang, clang, clang!~~" Sabo was thinking about countermeasures while resisting the Kizaru's fierce attack.

Just like Kizaru said, without the Dark Fruit, he is no longer a match for Kizaru. In a head-on confrontation, he has almost no chance of winning.

"But!" Sabo glanced at Vegapunk's laboratory. If Mr. Xiong could be rescued, the situation might be different.

"Dragon Claw Fist·Dragon Hook Claw!" Sabo suddenly exerted force and forced Kizaru back with one blow, then turned around and rushed towards the laboratory quickly.

After the previous fight, Sabo knew very well that with his current strength, he would definitely not be able to defeat Kizaru.

But if we can rescue Mr. Xiong in the laboratory and then join forces with him, not only defeating Kizaru, but at least escaping should be no problem.

"Don't think about it." Seeing Sabo's actions, Kizaru immediately saw his thoughts. His body instantly turned into a flash of light and appeared at the door of the laboratory, blocking Sabo's way. Then he raised his hand and flashed It shot out from his fingertips and shot towards Sabo.

"Oops!" Sabo secretly muttered something bad, and quickly released a weapon-colored domineering energy that wrapped around his arms, and then raised his arms in front of him.

boom! ~

Although Kizaru's flash was blocked, Sabo's body was shaken and kept retreating.

"Eight-foot beautiful magatama!"

Before Sabo could stand still, Kizaru had released a large amount of dazzling flashes and attacked him again.

Sabo wrapped his armed haki around the water pipe in his hand, then turned it in front of him, blocking all of Kizaru's flashes.

"It's not over yet." Kizaru's body didn't know when it had circled behind Sabo, and kicked Sabo in the back with its two-meter long leg.


Sabo was kicked away by Kizaru and hit the metal wall hard. He couldn't help coughing out a mouthful of blood.

"It's so ugly, Brother Sabo!" Kizaru looked at Sabo with a disappointed look on his face.

Originally, he had some expectations for Sabo. You must know that the injury Sabo caused him in the battle at Dressrosa took him half a month to recover.

Unexpectedly, after losing the ability of the Dark Fruit, this young man became vulnerable.

"Damn it!" Sabo's face was ugly. He thought that even if he didn't have the ability of the Dark Fruit, even if he wasn't Kizaru's opponent, at least he wouldn't be too different. Unexpectedly, after losing the ability of the Dark Fruit, he and the Navy The gap between generals is so huge.

boom! ~

At this moment, there was an explosion from nowhere, and then the entire laboratory began to shake violently.

"What's going on?" Kizaru was attracted by the sudden explosion, and then looked towards the direction of the explosion, with a trace of solemnity on his wretched face.

"good chance!"

Sabo seized the opportunity of Kizaru's distraction, turned around suddenly, and quickly rushed into Vegapunk's laboratory.

"Oops!" Seeing Sabo rushing into the laboratory, Kizaru immediately came to his senses, then turned into a flash of light and chased after him.

Although Kizaru was very fast, it was already too late by the time he reacted. Sabo not only rushed into the laboratory, but also closed the door of the laboratory.

Vegapunk's laboratory was all built using special materials, and in order to prevent the intrusion of some special ability users, the materials used to build the laboratory also included seastone, so even Kizaru would use this door. There is no way.

"Now we're in trouble!" Outside the laboratory, Kizaru said with an ugly expression as he looked at the closed laboratory door.

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