One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 264 It’s here (third update, please subscribe)

Deep in Pangu City, where the original 'Flower Room' was, a purple flame melted the underground rock formations with ultra-high temperature, passed through it, quickly left the scope of Pangu City, and then ended up somewhere in Mary Joa. He burst out of the ground and finally transformed into Ace.

The embarrassed Ace looked around, then fell directly to the ground, breathing heavily.

After the battle with Im, Ace was not only seriously injured, but his physical strength was almost exhausted. In his current state, it was very difficult to even move his fingers.

Fortunately, none of his injuries were fatal. As long as he took a rest and regained some strength, he could leave this dangerous place.

Of course, the premise is that he will not be discovered now, otherwise, I am afraid that any soldier can easily catch him.

Whoosh! ~

Suddenly, a pit in the shape of a meat pad appeared on the ground not far from Ace. There were two figures in the pit. It was Xiong and Sabo who had followed the direction pointed by the life card.

"Ace!" Sabo exclaimed in surprise when he saw Ace covered in injuries. Then he came to Ace's side. After confirming that Ace's life was not in danger, he asked in surprise: "What happened to you?" What kind of enemy could be injured like this?"

Sabo is very aware of Ace's strength. Not long ago, this guy fought against two [Yonkos] one after another. Even though he didn't win, he was not seriously injured. Now he was seriously injured like this. Sabo wanted to know. , what kind of enemy did Ace encounter?

Even the bear was very surprised as to what kind of enemy could injure Ace to such a serious extent.

"A very... terrible enemy." Ace recalled Im's figure, couldn't help but smiled bitterly, and then looked at the bear and said: "Compared to this, it's really great that you are fine. Please, first Please help me heal."

"Of course." The bear nodded, came to Ace's side, then activated his ability, and gently patted Ace's back with his palms covered with fleshy pads.

puff! ~

As the bear's palm gently patted Ace's body, a light red transparent substance was shot out of Ace's body, turning into a huge transparent flesh pad that was twice as tall as the bear.

This is the 'fatigue' and 'pain' in Ace's body. All the injuries suffered by Ace and Im in the battle were shot out of the body by the bear using the [Meat Ball Fruit] ability.

Even though the trauma is still there, after the fatigue is gone, Ace can already feel that his physical strength is recovering quickly.

"Phew, it's so comfortable!" After all the 'injury' in his body was photographed, Eston felt refreshed and couldn't help but let out a long breath, then looked at the bear and said with a smile: "Thank you very much. This ability is truly amazing.”

"Exaggerated praise." Xiong shook his head slightly, then glanced at the damage he had taken out of Ace's body, and asked doubtfully: "I'm also very curious, what kind of opponent can seriously hurt a man like you? To this point."

"Haha, how should I put it?" Ace smiled bitterly and said, "If I say that even if I am beaten by others for being so virtuous, but I don't even know the details of the other party, will it make you think? Am I embarrassed?”

"You don't even know the opponent's direct lineage? How is this possible!" After hearing Ace's words, Sabo immediately shook his head in disbelief and said, "Don't be ridiculous, Ace, you can compete with the [Four Emperors] Man, there is absolutely no way in this world that there is someone who can hurt you like this and still make you unclear about the details."

"Saab!" Ace patted Sabo on the shoulder, sighed, and said, "Although I really want to say this, it's the truth." Then, he told the details of the fight between him and Im at Ace Bar. Xiong and Sabo were shocked after hearing this.

"The ability to use at least dozens of Devil Fruits?!"

"In front of him, the Devil Fruit's ability will lose its effect?!"

"Just showing the tip of the iceberg can surpass your powerful domineering power Ace!"

"Does such a person really exist in this world?"

After Xiong and Sabo listened to Ace's description of Im, their faces were full of solemnity.

Unlike Ace, Sabo and Xiong are both revolutionary soldiers. They will almost certainly fight against the World Government in the future. Now they suddenly discovered that there is such an "invincible" person hidden in the highest holy place of the World Government. Is it possible that their revolution will still prevail?

"somebody is coming!"

At this time, Ace suddenly focused his eyes and looked behind Sabo and Xiong.

When Xiong and Sabo heard this, they immediately turned around, but they didn't notice anyone coming. They thought Ace was too nervous and felt wrong.

But just as the two were about to speak, their faces changed at the same time, and they looked in the direction Ace was looking at again, with a look of surprise on their faces.

Sure enough, after a while, a Celestial Dragon rode a tall slave towards them. Beside this Celestial Dragon, there were also three CP0s in white suits.

"Tsk, tsk, I met her here, what a coincidence!" Ace looked at the only female among the three CP0 members following the Tianlong people, and suddenly laughed.

The woman Ace was talking about was none other than the CP0 undercover Stacey who had always presented herself as the [Emperor of the Underworld and Queen of Happy Street].

Not long ago, on Cake Island, while Ace was fighting with Charlotte Lingling, this woman took the opportunity to rub two historical texts in her hand and escape.

After Ace's battle with Charlotte Lingling, they made a deal. Ace promised Charlotte Lingling that he would help her remove Stacy's head and get back the stolen [History text] 】If the rubbings are sent to Cake Island, then the grudge between him and the Big Mom Pirates will be wiped out.

To be honest, Ace didn't take this deal seriously at first, but now that he has met Stacy, it is just a matter of course to take off her head.

More importantly, after finally coming to a place like Marie Joa, wouldn't it be a pity if we just go back empty-handed?

"Saab, Mr. Xiong." Ace smiled at Sabo and Xiong, then looked at the Celestial Dragon not far away, and said coldly: "It's not easy for us to come to Marigio, do we want to bring something along the way? Do you want to go back to Dongfang Specialties?"

As the highest holy place of the world government, do you need to ask what the specialty of Mariejoia is?

Of course it’s a Celestial Dragon!

After finally coming here, Ace would feel sorry for his injuries if he didn't bring back one or two Tianlong heads.

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