One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 266 Anger and Appeasement

"..." Ace looked at Stacy's head and was considering whether to send her head to Big Mom.

"Forget it!" Ace thought for a while, but finally felt it was unnecessary, so he shook his head and walked towards Sabo and the bear. As for the Celestial Dragon's body, Ace didn't even bother to take a look.

"Hey, you're done here." When Ace came over, Sabo and Xiong had already eliminated their opponents.

"Yeah." Sabo nodded, and then said to Ace, "Let's get out of here quickly."

Although Ace had taken action against the Celestial Dragons more than a year ago, injuring the Celestial Dragons and killing the Celestial Dragons were completely different concepts.

Ace killed the Celestial Dragons in a place like Mariejoia. Once discovered, the Celestial Dragons and the leaders of the World Government would be furious. The ones who would encircle and suppress them would probably not just be the navy admiral. At that time, I'm afraid it won't be that easy for them to leave here again.

"Of course, if we don't leave yet, why don't we wait for those Celestial Dragons to send people to surround us?" Ace smiled and suddenly looked at the slave who was used as a mount by the Celestial Dragons.

"Wait for me a moment." Ace said to Sabo and the bear, then came to the slave and reached out to grab the collar around his neck.

"What are you doing!" When the tall slave saw Ace's actions, he immediately screamed in horror and said loudly: "Don't mess around, this thing was painted with brute force, but it will explode!"

"Don't move!" Ace shouted, looking seriously into the slave's eyes. After the latter saw Ace's gaze, he instinctively stopped resisting. Ace smiled slightly and said to him: "Don't worry. give it to me!"

Uh-huh! ~

Ace's eyes narrowed slightly, and then he exerted force with his palms. The armed domineering force released from his palms directly destroyed the inside of the collar. With a squeeze, he took off the collar from the slave's neck, and then quickly threw it aside.

Bang! ~

The thrown collar exploded, and the slave's face was full of shock, and tears flowed silently in his wide eyes.

"Okay, you are free now." Ace clapped his hands and said to him with a smile, then turned to look at the bear and said: "Mr. Xiong, I will trouble you next."

"It's a small matter." Hearing this, Xiong nodded, then came to the slave and asked him: "If you travel, where do you want to go?"

Hearing what the bear said, the slave was stunned for a moment, and then replied loudly: "My home is in the Coconut Tree Village of the Bisoya Kingdom in the South China Sea..."

"I want to go home, please take me back, please!" He grabbed the bear's clothes and begged.

"Nanhai?" Xiong pondered for a while, then raised his hand, patted the slave gently and said, "As you wish, please go home."

"Okay, I feel comfortable now." Seeing the slave being sent away by the bear, Ace also laughed, and then said to the two of them: "Then, let's go too!"

"That's right!" Ace suddenly remembered something. He suddenly looked at the bear and said to him seriously: "Mr. Xiong, do you want to consider becoming my partner?"

"...Alas!~" Faced with Ace's invitation again, Xiong was stunned for a moment, then sighed softly and said: "Thank you very much for inviting me, Mr. Ace, but I still can't agree to your invitation. Very Sorry." After saying that, the bear bowed slightly to Ace to express his apology.

"Well, you don't have to do this." Ace waved his hand and said, "Although I'm a little unhappy being rejected by you all the time, I won't give up!"

"..." Xiong was speechless, then slapped Ace on the body and sent him directly back to Sun Island.

"Hahahaha!" Seeing Ace being sent away, Sabo suddenly laughed, then looked at the bear and said: "Although Ace is very sincere, I don't want to lose a good partner like you, Mr. Xiong, so , I’ll see you soon, Mr. Xiong!”

The bear nodded, then slapped Sabo away.

After seeing off Sabo, Xiong turned his head, glanced at the body of the Celestial Dragon not far away, and then looked at Pangu City in the distance. He touched his body lightly with his palm, and his tall figure disappeared instantly.

A few hours later, the bodies of the Draco Saint Charlos and three CP0s were discovered.

When the news reached Mary Joa, the top leaders of the world government and all the Draconians were extremely angry, especially the family of 'Saint Charros'.

Saint Charles's father, Saint Roswader, knew that his son had been killed and his head was beheaded. He was so angry that he fainted. After he woke up, he kept shouting for him to be killed. Wulaoxing sent all his men to catch the murderer.

Of course the Five Old Stars would not listen to him, but the Five Old Stars were as angry as Saint Roswader about the killing of the Celestial Dragons, and they could probably guess who the murderer was.

There is no one else who can do such a thing except the brat [Yandei] who caused a big fuss in Pangu City.

The Five Old Stars would not tolerate such things as killing the Celestial Dragons, so after discussion, they unanimously decided that even if they mobilized all the combat power of the Navy Headquarters, even if they join forces with the Whitebeard Pirates to fight again, We must also remove Ace's head.

However, just when they were about to give the order, they suddenly received an order from Im, telling them not to attack Ace.

Although I don’t know why Im issued such an order, as the real big BOSS hidden behind the scenes of the world government, neither the Five Old Stars nor the Tianlong people can disobey Im’s order. Then, the Draconian Charros The murder of Saint was suppressed silently.

Not only that, even the people who knew about this matter were all given a silence order. The news of the murder of 'Saint Charros' must not be known to the outside world.

In this way, the trigger that might have led to a [War on Top] was calmed down.

However, everyone who knows about this matter knows that this matter will never pass like this. The huge hidden dangers left by the killing of the Tianlong people will one day break out, and then the whole world will tremble.

Holy Land Marie Joa.

Deep in Pangu City, there was a room with a huge straw hat. Im opened the door and looked at the huge straw hat. He also held a reward order for Ace in his hand. He looked at the picture of Ace on the reward order with indifference. The sound came from his mouth.

"It's coming soon. Soon, the day of the oath will come. By then, my body will no longer be restricted."

"When the time comes, I will come to you in person and find out the secrets in you."

"Wait for me, Portcas D. Ace!"

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