One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 269 Supernovae

The first half of the Grand Line, Chambord Islands.

At this time, this last island located in the first half of the Grand Line welcomed several pirate groups who had made great names in the first half of the Grand Line this year.

First, there is the most prestigious Kidd Pirates. Captain Eustace Kidd’s bounty is as high as 315 million, and he also has the ‘killing warrior’ Kira who also has a bounty of over 100 million.

As a rookie pirate who debuted at the same time as Wang Luffy, the reputation of the Kidd Pirates was originally higher than that of the Straw Hats, which also had two members with a bounty of over 100 million. If Wang Luffy's Straw Hats had not shown their face in the War on Top, I'm afraid the limelight is even worse than that of the Kidd Pirates.

Although the Kidd Pirates are famous because of the bad behavior of their captain Eustace Kidd, notoriety is also a reputation, right?

Next is the Hawkins Pirates. Captain Basil Hawkins has a bounty of 249 million Baileys. He is a pirate with very strange behavior and abilities.

Then there is the Drake Pirates led by Red Flag Drake. As the captain, X. Drake has a bounty of up to 222 million Baileys.

Here we must focus on the person Drake. He was born in the North Sea and was a rear admiral. Later, he was ordered to infiltrate the pirates and left the navy to establish the Drake Pirates.

As an undercover agent of the Navy Headquarters, Drake's mission is to find ways to break the pattern of the new world.

Originally, Drake's plan was to first make a name for himself in the first half of the Grand Line, then enter the new world to join a certain [Yonko], and finally find ways to stir up disputes.

However, after meeting these arrogant newbie pirates in Shampoo Land, Drake changed his plan.

Finally, there are the Radio Pirates led by Skullachiman Apu of the Long Hand Clan with a bounty of 198 million beli, and the gang leader Capone Beki of Saikai with a bounty of 138 million beli. Flame Tank Pirates.

In addition to the Straw Hats who are training hard and Law, Joelle Bonnie and Urqui who have joined Ace's command, all 11 Supernova members in the original plot are present.

It is different from the scene in the original plot where they started fighting for various reasons as soon as they met. Because of the changes that Ace brought to the world, these supernovas felt unprecedented pressure before they even entered the new world.

Therefore, at this time, the five captains of the Supernova Pirates were sitting together, discussing something calmly.

"Trafalgar Law, Joelle Bonny, the Straw Hat Pirates who have now disappeared, and Urgi who has become the new Shichibukai, they are obviously newcomers at the same time, but they have already moved on. In front of us, everyone, don’t you have anything to say?” Drake looked at Kidd and the others and said.

"Hmph, they are just two losers who are willing to succumb to others." Kidd said with disdain, and then said in a deep voice: "As for the Straw Hat boy and Urqui, when I enter the new world, sooner or later, Will catch up with them!"

"That's true, but it is undeniable that they are already ahead of us." Hawkins said while playing with the cards in his hand: "What's more, even if we exclude Trafalgar Law and Joelle Poe Ni, there’s also Monk Urgi and that Straw Hat Luffy.”

"One of them has experienced the supreme war between the Whitebeard Pirates and the Spade Pirates' alliance and the Navy Headquarters. Although there is no news for the time being, they will definitely shine brightly when they come out again. The other has not only become the new The Shichibukai also formed an alliance with Sand Crocodile of the 'former' Shichibukai, and launched an attack on the throne of the Big Mom Pirates, one of the Four Emperors."

"To be honest, if we enter the new world and continue to fight on our own as we are now, it will be difficult to catch up with them." Hawkins shook his head and said.

"You mean, how many of us will form an alliance?" Capone Becky looked at Hawkins and asked uncertainly.

"That's right!" Drake took over the words and said in a deep voice: "This island is our last journey in the first half of the Great Line. After entering the new world, no matter who among us will inevitably... There is friction with the [Four Emperors], and I don’t think we have the strength to compete with the Four Emperors now.”

"Of course, if someone wants to join the command of a certain Yonko like Trafalgar Law and Joelle Bonny, it is also a way out." Hawkins added.

"Join the [Four Emperors]? Stop joking!" After hearing what Hawkins said, Kidd stood up suddenly and said loudly: "I didn't go to sea to be someone else's little brother, even if the other party is the [Four Emperors] Same thing."

"My goal is the throne of the Pirate King!" Kidd said loudly.

"Of all of you here, don't any of you have the throne of the Pirate King as your ultimate goal?" Drake looked around everyone, and finally his eyes fell on Kidd, and said: "But with all due respect, at our current level, we are so rash. If we enter the new world, there is a high probability that we will not even be able to see the faces of the [Four Emperors] and will be completely eliminated, so forming an alliance is the only way out."

"That makes sense, but if we form an alliance, who will be the boss?" Apu suddenly spoke and asked Drake and Hawkins.

Apu had already noticed that these two people had definitely contacted each other beforehand. To be honest, he did not rule out their proposal in his heart, but he did not want to be used as a tool. If the so-called alliance was just to serve as their little brother, Then wouldn't it be better for him to go to the new world and join a certain [Four Emperors]?

"The so-called allies, of course, have equal status. There is no such thing as a boss." Hawkins looked at Apu and said, "Moreover, our alliance will only last until the moment we join forces to take down the head of a certain Yonko. , after that, whether you want to fight each other or continue to cooperate, that will all happen later."

"Equal status? That's not bad." Apu nodded and said: "If it is like what you said, then I accept your proposal."

"I'm also interested." Capone Becky also nodded, and then he, Drake, Hawkins and Apu looked at Kidd.

"Huh, if that's the case, then I agree!" Kidd snorted and agreed to the alliance proposal.

"Very good!" After seeing Kidd agreeing to form an alliance, Drake grinned and said, "Then, let's discuss which Yonko should be brought down first after we enter the new world. !”

In this way, this generation of supernovas, due to the pressure brought by certain changes, formed an alliance before entering the new world, and prepared to attack a certain [Yonko] immediately after entering the new world. The throne launched an attack.

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