One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 284 The situation has changed, retreat!

"Farewell, woman!"

Bang! ~Bang! ~

Rob Lucci's fingertips trembled slightly, and he launched two invisible attacks, directly penetrating the heads of Monet and Sugar, ending their lives without hesitation.

On the other side, seeing Rob Lucci kill Monet and Sugar, they also took action at the same time, killing Torebol and Diamanti simply.

After dealing with Monet and Sugar, Rob Lucci looked at the box containing the Thread Fruit next to Monet. When he was about to bend down to pick it up, his face suddenly changed and he backed away.

"Who is there!" Rob Lucci looked behind the broken wall not far away and shouted with a solemn expression.

Seeing the solemn look on Rob Lucci's face, Kaku and Bruno instantly became alert.

"Were you discovered just after you came here? Your senses are really sharp." Ace's figure slowly walked out from behind the broken wall, looked at Rob Lucci and the others with a joking face, and said with a smile: "But, yes It’s really surprising that someone who can kill women and children without changing his expression would also show such an expression, Rob Lucci.”

When Ace arrived here, it happened to be when Rob Lucci killed Monet and Sugar.

Although Ace did not see the entire incident, seeing the four Monets who had lost signs of life, he could guess what was going on.

"It's you!" After Rob Luqi and the other three saw Ace's appearance, their expressions changed drastically!

"[Enti] Portcas D. Ace! X3"

The appearance of Ace shocked Rob Lucci and the other three, but it was a surprise to the six Straw Hats.

"It's Ace!

"Who is Ace? Do you know him?" Brooke, who did not know Del Ace, asked in confusion.

"He's Luffy's brother!" Robin explained to Brooke, with an expression of relief on his face.

"Why are you here!" Rob Lucci looked at Ace and asked in a deep voice.

"Originally I just wanted to see my troubled brother, but I didn't expect that I encountered something interesting." Ace walked towards them slowly, with a smile on his face, and said: "I didn't expect that the remnants of the Don Quixote family would I made a deal with you CP0 people here, and ended up being hacked. I really want to miss a good show!"

"Let me tell you, when you people meet in secret, you are not planning any conspiracy against me, are you?" Ace asked, looking at Rob Lucci who looked wary.

"..." Hearing Ace's words, Rob Lucci and the others were speechless, because their ultimate purpose here was indeed to plan against Ace.

"You're not really going to make me right, are you?" Seeing the silence of Rob Lucci and the other three, Ace became interested and said, "You are really planning to plot some conspiracy against me. From this point of view, I also I can't let you leave here easily." As he said that, flames suddenly ignited on Ace's body, illuminating the dark space.

"There is an accident in the plan, retreat!"

Rob Lucci had no intention of fighting Ace. The moment he saw Ace's body ignited with flames, he immediately shouted at Kaku and Bruno, and then the three of them did not hesitate. Turning around, he quickly disappeared in front of Ace.

"Haha, as expected of Rob Lucci, he is so decisive!" Ace watched Rob Lucci and the others escape from him, with no intention of pursuing them.

Ace came to the bodies of Monet and Sugar, picked up the box that fell next to them, opened it and took a look, and found out that it did contain the Thread Fruit. He smiled slightly and put the box behind him. backpack, and then came to the six tied Straw Hats.

Ace raised his arm slightly, a flash of fire flashed, and the ropes on the six Straw Hats were instantly disconnected.

"Long time no see, Mr. Ace, thank you so much this time." After the six people untied their restraints, they all thanked Ace.

"It's just a little effort." Ace waved his hand and said, "Long time no see. You guys seem to have grown a lot."

"Where is it~ Hahahaha!"

Facing Ace's compliments, except for Robin, everyone else spoke modestly, but all showed intoxicated expressions on their faces, completely forgetting that they were prisoners just now.

"Ace-kun, are you here to see Luffy?" Robin looked at Ace and asked.

"Ah." Ace nodded and said, "I heard the news that that guy came back to the world, so I wanted to come and see him. Unexpectedly, when I came back to my senses, that guy had already come to Dressrosa. Well, I happen to be nearby, so I came over to take a look and discuss some things with him."

"It's about..." Robin was about to say something, but a deafening roar suddenly came from above, interrupting her words.

Boom! ~~

The violent roar made the entire underground trading place begin to shake. In this situation, Ace didn't care to chat with them anymore. He waved his hand and released a large amount of flames to surround everyone, and then suddenly raised his arm.

"Fire Ring·Fire Pillar!"

As Ace raised his arm, the scorching flames around him turned into a huge pillar of fire that shot up into the sky and penetrated the entire underground trading place. Not only did it sweep away the falling boulders, but it also opened a passage to the ground. .

"Let's go, the battle above should be decided soon. Let's talk about it when we go up!" Ace said to a few people, then grabbed Usopp's shoulders, smiled evilly, and said: "I'll go first Send you up."

"wait wait wait!"

Usopp looked at the smile on Ace's face and suddenly realized something. He was about to refuse, but it was already too late.

"Let's go!"

Ace exerted his arm strength and threw Usopp directly to the ground along the pillar of fire. Then he grabbed Chopper and Brooke with both hands and said with a smile: "It's your turn!"

"no, do not want!"

As Chopper and Brooke shouted in despair, they were thrown directly towards the ground by Ace.

"I don't have to!"

After sending Chopper and Brooke away, Ace was about to send Franky up in the same way. Unexpectedly, the latter had already taken the lead, launched a chain from his right hand and connected it to the ground, and then used his own strength to fly up. .

"Franky..." Nami looked desperately at Franky who flew up to her, with a look of despair on her face.

Nami just wanted to ask Franky loudly at this moment, you guy, why don't you take me with you!

"I don't want to be thrown up." Nami turned her head and looked at Ace with tears streaming down his face.

"Don't worry, of course I won't be as rude to ladies as I am to them." Ace smiled, stretched out his arms to hold the waists of Nami and Robin, and then exerted force under his feet, leading them to fly directly towards the ground. .

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