One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 320 Really dead this time

Ouch! ~

Just when the energy condensed in the mouths of the remaining three heads of the Black Carbon Orochi was about to be released towards Denjiro and others, a loud dragon roar suddenly sounded over the general's mansion.

The sudden dragon roar immediately attracted the attention of everyone below. The fighting black charcoal snakes and red sheath warriors also raised their heads and looked towards the sky.


The big snake looked at the big stupid dragon in the sky, and all three heads showed solemn expressions, because he felt many dangerous auras from the big stupid dragon's back.

"It's Mr. Ace and the others!"

Denjiro recognized the big stupid dragon in the sky at a glance and knew that it was the 'transportation' for Ace and his party.

"Ace?" After hearing Denjiro's words, Orochi's eyes narrowed, and he raised his three heads at the same time. The energy gathered in his mouth was aimed at the big stupid dragon in the sky, and he said loudly: "No matter who you are, you are welcome." Go to hell!"

boom! boom! boom! ~

Three energy beams of different colors spurted out from the three heads of the black charcoal serpent at the same time, roaring towards the big stupid dragon in the sky.

Facing the attack of the Black Carbon Orochi, Yamato, Gambi and Kukai jumped off the back of the giant dragon at the same time, and fell towards the beams of light ejected from the three heads of the Black Carbon Orochi.


"Recurrent - chop!"

"Sword of the Sky·One Style·Blue Bird!"

The impact of Yamato's mace, the chop of the heavy sword in Gambi's hand, and the gorgeous thunderous chop of Kukai easily shattered the three beams of light ejected by the black charcoal serpent, and then moved downward simultaneously. The black charcoal snake rushed away.

"Damn it, I was preempted!"

"You three, don't kill him. I still have something to ask that guy."

On the back of the big stupid dragon, Skar and Pai Bonsi shouted loudly to Yamato and the other three, but it was already too late.

"Thunder gossip!"

"Crazy Qi - Moon Wheel!"

"Sword of the Sky·Three Styles·Thunder Flash!"

Yamato's mace, Gambi's heavy sword and Kukai's slash landed on the three heads of the black charcoal snake almost at the same time. The two heads hit by Yamato and Qianzhi hit the ground heavily. The head hit by Kukai's slash was cut off directly.

"What did you just say? X3"

Yamato, Gambi and Kukai landed on the ground, then looked at Skar and Pai Bonsi on the back of the giant dragon, and asked in unison.

"No, we didn't say anything! X2" Skar and Pai Bonsi waved their hands at the same time and said expressionlessly.

" strong!"

Denjiro and others saw shocked expressions on their faces when Yamato and the other three were easily knocked down by the Black Carbon Orochi.

Having fought against the Black Carbon Orochi, they knew the strength of the Black Carbon Orochi all too well. They fought hard to cut off two of the Black Carbon Orochi's heads. However, these three people just took action and were easily knocked down. He killed the big snake with three heads left, which shows how powerful it is.

Two years ago, during the [War on Top], all members of the Spade Pirates felt the powerlessness of insufficient strength. Therefore, in the past two years, each of them desperately wanted to improve their strength.

After two years of training, the strength of everyone in the Spade Pirates has been greatly improved. Now, they no longer need to fear any enemies!

"You guys, stop making trouble!" Ace jumped off the back of the big stupid dragon, and then came to the motionless black charcoal snake, ready to see if this guy was dead.


"Damn it!"

Just when Ace was close to the black charcoal snake, his remaining two heads suddenly raised from the ground, and then they lunged at Ace at the same time.

"Be careful! X5"

When Denjiro and others saw this, they immediately exclaimed in unison, and then rushed forward to prepare for rescue, but were stopped by Gambi and others.

"You..." Denjiro and the others who were blocked were about to ask questions, but Gambi, who was blocking them in front of them, spoke first.

"Hey, warriors, don't do unnecessary things!"

"Who do you think that person is? He is our captain!"

"You just stand here and watch carefully!"

Gambi and the others stood in front of Denjiro and others, and said with confident smiles on their faces.

In the past two years, they are not the only ones who have grown in strength. Although Gambi and others know what Ace has done in the past two years, since he came back from the World Government's highest holy place [MaryJoa] two years ago, Ace has had the opportunity to He has never taken action, so even they can't predict how strong Ace is now.

However, everyone in the Spade Pirates is very convinced that their captain definitely has the strength to defeat the [Yonko]!

boom! ~

The snake's two remaining heads, one on the left and one on the right, rushed towards Ace at the same time. Just when his two heads were about to bite Ace, a hot flame suddenly burst from Ace's body. It burned up, and then instantly turned into a huge fire, drowning both Ace and the huge body of the black charcoal snake that transformed into Yamata no Orochi.

About ten seconds later, the flames went out, and the figures of Ace and the black charcoal snake appeared in everyone's eyes again.

I saw Ace's right hand raised high, holding the neck of the black charcoal snake that had returned to human form but whose whole body had been burned by the flames, and directly lifted him up.

"Hey, you are Kaido's collaborator. You should know where he went, right?" Ace held the black charcoal serpent by the neck and asked him: "Tell me, where Kaido went!"

"Kaido...he went to Big Mom's territory. They have made a secret agreement to collect the most powerful [ancient weapons] together, and then pocket the largest secret treasure [ONE PIECE]." Black After finishing speaking, Tan Orochi looked at Ace and said with a pleading look on his face: "I only know this, don't kill me, otherwise Kaido will not let you go, I am important to him..."

"Sorry, you are no longer useful." Ace interrupted Orochi's words directly, and then the palm holding the Orochi's neck suddenly released scorching flames, instantly covering the black charcoal Orochi's entire body.

call! ~

In just a split second, everyone only saw a flash of fire in Ace's hand, and then the figure of the black charcoal snake disappeared out of thin air in front of their eyes, leaving not even ashes behind.


Denjiro and the others looked at Ace's empty palms and couldn't help but swallow their saliva. Apparently they all knew what happened to the disappearing black charcoal snake.

The black charcoal snake is really dead this time, and it's the kind that doesn't even have ashes left...

"What a terrifying flame, it burned the Orochi's body clean in an instant!" Haogoro, who was lying there, looked at Ace's figure and couldn't help but thought to himself: "This man is going to challenge Kaido. The [Fire Emperor]?”

"If it's him, he should be able to defeat that monster Kaido!"

"No, if it's him, he can definitely defeat Kaido!"

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