One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 322 Undersea Teleportation Array


The giant dragon fell from the sky with Ace and others, and landed on a huge pirate ship.


"Captain Ace!"

After Ace and others landed, members of the Spade pirate group and the captains of the pirate fleet also gathered over.

"Everyone, it can be confirmed that the Beast Pirates have formed an alliance with the Big Mom Pirates. In other words, our original plan has been disrupted. Next we will face the two [Four Emperors] Alliance!" Ace looked around at everyone and said with a solemn expression: "The alliance between two [Four Emperors] has never happened before, and the alliance between Kaido and Big Mom also represents the alliance between the Beasts Pirates and The strength of the BIG·MOM Pirates will be as powerful as ever before.”

"Once we go to war with them, the scale of this war will exceed the [War on Top] two years ago. Regardless of victory or defeat, this will be an unprecedented and huge war."

"Hehe, that sounds good."

"An unprecedented huge war? This is so cool!"

"That's right, isn't it the four emperors? It doesn't matter if there is one or two, just fuck him and that's it!"

The pirates were very excited, without any fear or fear, and everyone looked eager to try.

"However, that guy Kaido has quietly taken the Beast Pirates' headquarters to fly to the Big Mom Pirates' territory. If we set sail, we may not be able to catch up, so I will take some people on the big stupid first. The dragon is catching up." Ace said as he looked at everyone.

"Please take me with you, Captain Ace!"

"And me, please be sure to take me with you!"

"You fight slowly, I will take a position first, hahahaha."

When the pirates heard this, they all asked to join the fight, wanting to ride on the big stupid dragon with Ace to take the lead. Some of them had even jumped on the big stupid dragon's back to take a seat.

"Yeah hahaha, I don't need to carry it, I can fly by myself."

On the Thor, Enel released the electric current, causing the spaceship 'Proverb' to lift into the air. Then he laughed at the people below and said, "You paddle slowly, I will take the first step."

"Wait!" Seeing the Thor flying in the air, the pirates immediately shouted to Enelu above: "Enelu, you bastard, please take me with you."

"Giggle, giggle, I'm so sorry, the boat below can also fly!"

At this time, a pirate ship that looked like a chicken also flew up from the fleet. The captain of the [Pheasant Pirates], John Sparrow, who was standing on the bow of the ship, laughed like a chicken. With a loud voice, he proudly said to the pirates below: "Everyone, I'm going to take a step first."

"Enel, and Spyro, these two bastards!"

The pirates watched the ships of the Thor Pirates and Pheasant Pirates slowly fly away, and they all greeted them with beautiful words below.

puff! ~

At this time, Wores' figure suddenly appeared on the sea and shouted to all the pirate ships: "Everyone, I found it. There is indeed a 'White Dragon' here."


"That's really nice."

"So, we can catch up with the battle with Kaido and Big Mom!"

After hearing what Wores said, the pirates were immediately overjoyed and cheered.

The so-called "white dragon" is a huge whirlpool current that appears deep in the seabed, like a giant dragon, like a "white dragon" meandering on the bottom of the sea.

It is said that a ship caught in such a whirlpool will suddenly appear in an incredibly distant sea area a few days later. Therefore, this incredible underwater vortex current is also called the 'submarine teleportation array'.

Although this kind of ocean current has incredible 'transportation' capabilities, it is also very dangerous. Legend has it that after a ship caught in it appeared in another distant place, the crew on it had long since disappeared, leaving only an empty ship. ship.

However, it is rumored that some powerful beings in the fish-men tribe can use their own abilities and the strength of the tribe to control the flow direction of this incredible ocean current, turning this ocean current into a true long-distance underwater teleportation array.

"White dragon?" Ace frowned when he heard what Wores said, and then asked him: "Worless, do you really have a way to control that incredible current? If you fail, you will be sucked into it. The person will definitely die!"

"Don't worry, Ace!" Wores patted his chest and said confidently: "Although I can't completely control the flow of the 'White Dragon', I can still slightly change the direction of the current."

"That's right, Ace, don't worry, we all believe in Vores!"

"Yes, let's do it, Brother Wores, it's up to you whether we can catch up with this battle."

"You're right. This is the world's largest war without precedent. Even if we die, we don't want to miss it!"

The pirates also spoke one after another, expressing their trust in Wores, and that even if they died, they did not want to miss this war!

"Okay, I'll go with you too!" Ace thought for a moment and decided to ride the 'White Dragon' with Wores and the others. Then he turned around and said to Yamato and the others: "Yamato, Ayu, you ride the big stupid dragon. Go first, we will catch up soon!"

"But, Ace, you..." After hearing Ace's words, Ayu looked at him anxiously and wanted to say something, but was stopped by Yamato, who directly hugged her and jumped onto the back of the big stupid dragon, and then looked down. Xiang Ace, said: "Ace, let's go first. Don't be late."

"Don't worry!" Ace gave Yamato and the others a thumbs up and said with a smile, "Maybe we will arrive before you do~!"

Ouch! ~

The big stupid dragon howled, and then flew away with Yamato, Ayu, Gambi, and Kukai.

Ace watched the figure of the big stupid dragon disappear into the distance in the sky, then turned to look at Walles and said: "Wales, let's start!"

"Craftsman Ship, prepare to coat all ships and strengthen the hull!"

"The fishmen, follow me to the bottom of the sea to summon the tribe and prepare to guide the direction of the 'white dragon'."

A few hours later, with the help of several people with different abilities, all the pirate ships were coated with film, and the hulls of all the ships were connected together with huge chains. Under the guidance of the human race, they all sailed to the bottom of the sea.

In the bottomless seabed, a winding whirlpool lies across the deep sea like a giant white dragon. This huge whirlpool current with no beginning or end is the incredible current known as the "White Dragon" in the legend of the submarine teleportation array. !

Next, Ace, the Spade Pirates led by him, and the entire Spade Pirate Fleet will ride this incredible sea current to the territory of the Big Mom Pirates.

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