One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 328 The Caoman reunion (4,000 words)

Zheng! ~

With a loud sword cry, Sauron's body passed by Charlotte Cracker, and then, the bright sword light brought brilliant blood flowers on his body.

"Hey, I'm going to lose to a brat like you." Charlotte Cracker turned her head, looked at Sauron, said unwillingly, and then fell to the ground and lost consciousness.

"I didn't come to this island just to defeat someone like you!" Sauron returned the autumn water to his sheath, glanced at the unconscious Charlotte Cracker, whispered, and then turned around After looking at it, he identified a direction and rushed straight towards it.

However, within three minutes, he ran back from the other direction.

As we all know, Sandao Liu Suolong's ability to identify directions is completely opposite to his strength. The stronger this guy is, the more serious his cancer will be. Not to mention in a place like the Forest of Temptation, if no one leads the way, I'm afraid he won't be able to... Even if I run forever, I still can't get out of this forest.

In the Forest of Temptation, a huge head watched Sauron running past him every few minutes, and finally couldn't help but call him.

"Hey, why do you keep running around here?" Wu Nu stopped Zoro and asked in confusion.

Hearing Wu Nu's voice, Sauron stopped, looked at him, and asked: "You said... I have been running around here?"

"Hey! Didn't you realize it yourself?" Wu Nu looked at Zoro in surprise and said, "You shouldn't be... lost?!"

"How could it be possible? How could I be lost?" Sauron denied it. Then he looked at Wu Nu, who had only one head exposed, and asked, "Why are you buried in a place like this?"

"Do you need me to dig you out? But instead, you have to bring me to the center of this island." Sauron looked at Wu Nu and suggested.

"No need, I buried myself here." Wu Nu shook his head, then looked at Sauron and said: "You want me to lead you, you are really lost! But then again, look You don’t look like a resident of [Wan Guo], why are you lost in a place like this?”

"Me!" Zoro looked around, then sat in front of Wu Nu and said, "I came to this island to kill the strongest guy here!"

"Cut down the strongest..." Hearing Sauron's words, Wu Nu was stunned for a moment, and then asked: "So, you were the one who fought with Cracker over there just now?"

"Are you talking about the cookie monster?" Sauron glanced at the direction of the battle with Cracker, then nodded and said, "Yes, that guy is quite strong. Cutting him down took away a lot of my effort. "

"Cut him down?" Wu Nu looked at Sauron in surprise and said, "You said chop him down. Is it possible that you actually defeated that boy Kricker?"

"Is there any problem?" Sauron glanced at Wu Nu and asked.

"No, no." Wu Nu waved his hands quickly, and then asked: "Are you alone?"

"Of course not. My partner and I are here to defeat the boss of this island!" Zoro said lightly, then stood up, patted the dust on his body, and said, "I don't have time to talk to you here. Nonsense, since you are not willing to lead me the way, then I will leave first."

"Wait...wait!" Just when Sauron was about to leave, Wu Nu suddenly stopped him.

"Huh?" Sauron turned around, looked at Wu Nu, and said, "What, have you changed your mind and are ready to lead the way for me?"

"No..." Wu Nu shook his head, then waved his hand and asked, "I would like to ask, are all your partners as powerful as you?"

"Of course!" Zoro replied without hesitation, and then said: "Our captain is the man who wants to become the Pirate King!"

"One Piece..." Wunu was stunned by Zoro's words, and then said to himself: "He just said that their captain, that is to say, the one who can defeat the 'General' Krikka, is not one of them." The strongest among them."

"If that's the case, then they might really be able to..." Wu Nu didn't know what he thought of. His face was entangled for a while, and finally turned into determination. Then he looked at Sauron and said, "I can help you lead the way. , but I hope you can also promise me something!"

Cake Castle, in the Mirror World.

"Let me go, Pockmusk, you bastard, do you want to betray your mother?" Charlotte Bray, who showed her head, immediately yelled at Pockmusk.

"I'm sorry, although this is against benevolence and justice, I can't refuse Brother Pedro's request." Pokmus looked at Charlotte Bray apologetically, and then said to Wang Lufei: "Straw Hat, this woman She is the owner of this space, and only she can take you out of here."

"Really? That's great!" Wang Lufei was immediately surprised when he heard what Pokemus said. Then he grabbed the tied Charlotte Bray by the collar, shook it, and shouted: "Please, let me get out of here quickly, I have to fight Big Mom right away!"

"Idiot, I won't help you." Charlotte Bray said angrily, then looked at Wang Lufei with a mocking face and said, "Also, you just said you wanted to beat up mom? Don't tease me. Laughing, what do you think this place is? A monkey like you can't even walk to your mother alive."

"And you, Pockmusk!" Charlotte Bray looked at Pockmusk and said, "When mother knows that you betrayed her, she will be dead. No, not only you, but also The fur people behind you will also be destroyed by mother's wrath."

"..." Hearing Charlotte Bray's words, Pokmus' face turned ugly, but he could not refute.

"You woman, what are you talking about!" Wang Lufei paid no attention to Charlotte Bray's words and continued to grab her collar and shake her violently, saying: "Let me get out of here quickly, I have to go Blow up Big Mom, did you hear that?"

"I don't want to..." Charlotte Bray was about to refuse, but suddenly her face changed, and then she changed her attitude and said, "Okay, since you want to seek death, I can let you out. I hope you will wait until you see your mother. , and you can still say such things, hehehehe!~"

Cake castle.

Robin, Usopp, Chopper and Franky rescued Brooke and learned from Brooke that Big Mom had already secretly formed an alliance with Kaido. They carefully prepared to escape from the Cake Castle and find My own captain told him the shocking news.

However, as soon as they came out of Big Mom's room, they met Charlotte Armand, the "Nut Minister" of the Big Mom Pirates, who happened to be patrolling here with a team of chess soldiers.

"I found you, rats running around!" After Charlotte Armand saw Robin and the others, she immediately pulled out her saber [White Fish] and attacked them without hesitation.

clang! ~

Brook blocked Charlotte Armand's attack, and then said to Robin and others: "Everyone, I'll leave this to you. Run away and find Luffy and the others as soon as possible!"

"Okay, then be careful, Brooke!"

The four Robins heard this, nodded, and then continued to escape outside the cake castle.

"Candy Barrier!"

Just when a few people had just escaped to the gate of the Cake Castle, a thick barrier formed by candy suddenly sealed the gate of the Cake Castle, blocking their way.

"You guys are too noisy!" Charlotte Perospero came from the side, looked at Robin and the others, and said, "If I let you continue to make trouble, my mother will never forgive me. .”

"This is bad!" Looking at the sealed door and the cadres of the Big Mom Pirates surrounding them, the faces of the four Robins suddenly turned ugly.

"Catch them!" Charlotte Perospero waved his hand, and the chess soldiers behind him swarmed up and attacked Robin and the others.

"Must kill: Green Star Bamboo Forest Javelin Missile!"

Usopp shot a seed at the Chess Soldiers who came back towards him. After the seed exploded, it immediately turned into a dense forest of spikes, piercing all the Chess Soldiers who came back towards him.


Chopper, who had strengthened his soft power, nimbly weaved through the chess soldiers rushing towards him, and instantly knocked them all away.

"Thirty-round Flower·Hook Claw!"

Robin used her power to grow a large number of arms on the chess soldiers who were rushing towards her, and restrained them. Then Robin held her palms, and the arms of the chess soldiers were turned vigorously, and she heard a series of 'clicks' With the sound, all the chess soldiers fell to the ground.

"Franky Powerful Flame!"

Franky puffed up his chest and blew hard at the chess soldiers charging towards him. Hot flames spurted out from his mouth, igniting all the chess soldiers.

"Don't underestimate us, Big Mom Pirates!"

The four people who showed off their skills leaned together, looked at the leaders of the Big Mom Pirates, and said confidently.

"..." Charlotte Perospero looked at the chess soldier lying on the ground with an ugly face, and then waved his hand, and a large amount of syrup spurted out from his hand, spreading to the four Robins.

"Devil style kick·the finishing touch SHOT!"

At this time, Sanji's figure suddenly appeared, his burning right leg with high heat, flipping quickly in the air, and then kicked hard on the syrup released by Charlotte Perospero.


Sanji's flaming kicks collided with the syrup, and intense red flames erupted on his legs, instantly evaporating all the syrup released by Charlotte Perospero.

"Robin-chan, are you okay?" Sanji's figure fell from mid-air and landed next to Robin, asking concernedly.

"It's okay." Robin shook his head, then looked at Nami who appeared with Sanji, and said with a smile: "You are here, which means that Sanji's family is also safe."

"Robin-chan, are you concerned about me?" Upon hearing this, Sanji immediately circled around Robin and said excitedly.


Nami punched the guy on the head and said angrily: "You guys, let's see if the current situation is good!"

After being taught a lesson, Sanji returned to normal, then looked at the surrounding Big Mom Pirates cadres, and said solemnly: "These guys look difficult to deal with!"

Charlotte Perospero waved the cane in her hand towards Sanji, and at the same time shouted to the younger brothers and sisters beside her: "Catch them!"

"Yes, Brother Perospero!"

When the officers of the Big Mom Pirates standing nearby heard this, they rushed out at the same time and attacked Robin and others.

Zheng! ~

Just when the two sides were about to start a battle, the door that had been sealed by Charlotte Perospero was suddenly cut open from the outside, and then a huge figure walked in from the broken door.

"Who is it?!" The officers of the Big Mom Pirates looked at the figure walking in from the gate with vigilance. When they saw the figure clearly, they all said angrily: "It's you!"

"Wu Nu, how dare you come back here!" Charlotte Mascaponi saw that it was Wu Nu who broke in, and she was furious, and then slashed at him with a knife.

clang! ~

A figure jumped up from behind Unu, blocked Charlotte Mascaponi's attack, and then slashed him away with a knife.

"Sorry, this uncle is the benefactor who led the way for me. I can't watch him being chopped down!" Zoro stood in front of Wu Nu with knives in both hands. Then after seeing his friends, he smiled and said, "It seems I came just in time.”


Seeing Zoro's figure, several members of the Straw Hats were overjoyed.

The members of the Big Mom Pirates were also surprised when they saw Zoro suddenly appearing, and then started talking about it.

"This person is 'Pirate Hunter' Roronoa Zoro!"

"Isn't he fighting Brother Cracker in the Forest of Temptation? Why is he here?"

"Could it be said that Brother Kelijia was defeated by him?"

"How is that possible! How could Cracker, the 'General' of our Big Mom Pirates, be defeated by a mere newcomer?"

"Are you talking about the person who can only make biscuit toys?" Zoro heard the words of the Big Mom Pirates officers, suddenly looked at them and said: "He has been chopped down by me."

"Stop joking, kid!" Dandan suddenly attacked Zoro and said angrily: "Lord Krick is the signature of our Big Mom Pirates. How could a man who bears the title of 'General' be defeated?" You're such an inexperienced brat!"

Zoro raised his hand to block Dandan's attack, then waved his sword to force him back, smiling: "General? The person I want to kill is your boss, [Yonko] Big Mom!"

"Zoron is so handsome!" Chopper shouted.

"Zoron has actually defeated an important member of the Big Mom Pirates, that's great!" Nami said in surprise.

"Hmm, this guy is already five times as handsome as me." Usopp praised.

"Oh, hehe, you are indeed Mr. Zoro." Brooke forced his opponent back with one blow, and then said with a smile.

Robin and Franky also looked at Zoro with smiles. Strong partners always make people feel at ease.

Only Sanji muttered to himself: "You guys who like to show off are just 'general stars'. I'll kick two of them away for you to see."

boom! ~

Before the members of the Straw Hats had recovered from the surprise of Zoro's sudden appearance, several figures suddenly flew out of the huge mirror in the hall. It was Wang Lufei and the kidnapped Charlotte Bush. Leigh's Poke Mousse.

"BIG·MOM, where are you? I'm here to beat you up!"

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