One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 339: On the verge of breaking out (4,000 words)

"Hot breath!"

"Thunderfire crit!"

The two [Four Emperors] took action at the same time.

Charlotte Lingling's target is the Straw Hats, while Kaido's targets are Jinbei, Crocodile and Urgi, and their power is irresistible.

boom! boom! ~

The two attacks fell almost at the same time, but the Straw Hats and Jinpei scattered in all directions, narrowly escaping the two attacks.

"Go to hell, Straw Hat!"

Charlotte Lingling missed the target and shouted as she rushed towards Wang Lufei. The fists wrapped in thunder and flames hit Wang Lufei who was almost exhausted at the same time.

clang! ~

Bang! ~

Zoro and Sanji stood in front of Wang Lufei, and their sharp swords and burning kicks simultaneously blocked Charlotte Lingling's fists.

Although Zoro's blade and Sanji's kick slashed and shattered the thunder and flames entwined in Charlotte Lingling's hands, they were immediately knocked away by the strange power of her fists.

"Zoro, Sanji!"

When Wang Lufei saw his partner being knocked away, he immediately activated the fourth gear, and then punched Charlotte Lingling.

"GOMOGOMONUO·Guren·Ape King Spear!"

Bang! ~

Charlotte Lingling raised her fist to meet the attack, and the fist wrapped in flames collided with Wang Lufei's fist. There was only a moment of stalemate before Wang Lufei was blasted away by Charlotte Lingling.

"Kid, your domineering power seems to have weakened. Well, well, well, well."

After punching Wang Lufei away with one punch, Charlotte Lingling, who was unharmed, smiled proudly and strode towards him.


Wang Lufei gasped for air, and the arm he had just punched with Charlotte Lingling couldn't stop shaking. It was obvious that not only was his domineering power beginning to weaken, but his physical strength was about to reach its limit again.

"Damn it!" Feeling the energy in his body that was about to dry up, Wang Lufei's face was full of unwillingness, but he still stubbornly punched Charlotte Lingling who was walking towards him.

"Elbaf's Spear·Powerful Country!"

Charlotte Lingling raised her arms high, and then punched Wang Lufei who was attacking her.

boom! ~

Charlotte Lingling swung her fist with a force that was not weaker than the previous slash, and landed hard on Wang Lufei, directly knocking him back from the fourth gear state.

"Luffy! X8"

Seeing their captain being beaten back to his original form, everyone in the Straw Hats rushed over, and then stood side by side in front of Wang Lufei, facing Charlotte Lingling.

Charlotte Lingling looked at the members of the Straw Hats standing in front of her, stopped, looked at them, and said in a deep voice: " you want to die?"

Facing the impressive Charlotte Lingling, several members of the Straw Hats were trembling with fear, but they still stood in front of Wang Lufei without giving in.

"Well, well, are the crew members willing to die for the captain? That's great!" Facing the stubborn and fearless Straw Hats, Charlotte Lingling lowered her head, looked at them, and said, "Well, as long as you put the Straw Hats on Give me your head, and I’ll let a few of you go and let you leave alive, how about that?”

"If you want to deal with our captain, you have to pass our level first! X8" the eight members of the Straw Hats said in unison.

"In that case!" Seeing all the members of the Straw Hats acting without hesitation, Charlotte Lingling felt an unreasonable anger in her heart and punched them directly.

"Then you go die with that brat from Straw Hat!"

"Santo-ryu·Ji·Tiger Hunting!"

"Devil's Wind Kick·Level 1 Minced Meat!"

Zoro and Sanji rushed out at the same time, jointly blocked Charlotte Lingling's attack, and then joined forces to fight with Charlotte Lingling.

The other members of the Straw Hats were not even able to participate in this level of battle due to lack of strength. The weaker ones could not even get close and could only hide nearby and shout 666.

Zoro and Sanji were not weak in strength, but they were obviously not strong enough when facing the angry Charlotte Lingling. In just a few minutes, they were knocked to the ground by Charlotte Lingling.

Not only the Straw Hats, but Jinbei and others on the other side have also been knocked down by Kaido who turned into human form.

"Didn't you say you wanted to take off this kid's head? Why didn't you do it yet!" Kaido came to Charlotte Lingling, looked at the Straw Hat members lying on the ground in front of her, and asked.

"Well, well, well, it suddenly occurred to me that this guy's background seems a bit complicated, and it might be useful to keep him." Charlotte Lingling said with a smile.

"Background?" Kaido looked at the unconscious Wang Lufei and frowned. Information about Wang Lufei flashed through his mind, and he realized that this boy's background did seem a bit complicated, but it didn't matter to him.

Now Kaido, even if a Celestial Dragon stands in front of him, he dares to crush the opponent's head directly.

"By the way, I met some soldiers on the way here. They seemed to be coming for you, so I dealt with them easily." Kaido said suddenly.

The miscellaneous soldiers Kaido mentioned were the alliance forces of Ulki and Elbaf. They were encountered by Kaido on the way to Cake Island, and then disappeared.

"Miscellaneous soldiers?" Charlotte Lingling glanced at Kaido and said with a smile: "That kind of thing doesn't matter anymore, the next thing is the most important."

"That's right." Kaido nodded and said: "I have brought the [Historical Text] of Wano Country. On the way here, I also brought the [Historical Text] of Zou. Come over here, and with the piece you have here, we have three pieces of red [Road Sign·History Text] in our hands."

"Next, as long as we grab the piece from Red Hair's hand, [One Piece] will be ours!" Kaido said excitedly.

"Well, well, that's right, as long as we join forces, nothing in this world can stop us!" Charlotte Lingling also said happily.

"By the way, can your daughter read [History Text] now?" Kaido suddenly asked.

"Not yet!" Charlotte Lingling shook her head, then looked at Robin who fell not far away, walked over and picked her up directly, and said: "This woman has the ability to interpret [Historical Text], wait a minute After we get the piece of [Road Sign·Historical Text] in Red Hair’s hand, we can just ask her to help us translate the text on it.”

"Nicole Robin, O'Hara's orphan?" Kaido looked at Robin being carried by Charlotte Lingling, frowned, and said: "This woman is rumored to have the ability to interpret [History text] ability, but will she help us translate obediently?"

"That's why I want to save the lives of the Straw Hats and hold them in my hands. Nico Robin will not be able to resist us." Charlotte Lingling glanced at the Straw Hat members who fell to the ground, and then He smiled and said: "And, just in case, after Nicole Robin interprets the contents of [Historical Text] for us, I will let Brynn use her ability to check Nicole Robin's memory. Make sure she doesn’t fool us with false interpretations.”

"Human mouths can deceive, but memories cannot. Therefore, as long as Nico Robin sees the contents of [Historical Text], Brynn can read the correct information from her memory. In this way, Come, our plan will be foolproof!" Charlotte Lingling said confidently.

"Checking the memory? It's indeed a good idea." Kaido only expressed his approval after hearing Charlotte Lingling's plan, and then said: "Then, without further ado, let's go find the red-haired man now, and what will he do?" Grab the piece of [road sign and historical text] inside!"

"Don't worry, before we go to find the red hair, we still have a problem to solve!" Charlotte Lingling rejected Kaido's proposal, then looked at Wang Lufei and said: "This kid's brother, that is, the guy named Bo Tekas D. Ace's boy has been chasing you from Wano Country and is coming here, and he is not with Whitebeard."

"You want to kill him first?" Kaido frowned and asked.

"That's right!" Charlotte Lingling nodded and said: "That boy can influence Whitebeard's decision. If he and Whitebeard join forces to stop us, it will be a big trouble, so we just took advantage of him The opportunity to separate from Whitebeard, deal with him here!”

"Whitebeard..." Hearing this name, Kaido also frowned, then nodded and said: "Okay, if that kid really dares to come, I will kill him here!"

"Who do you want to kill?"

As soon as Kaido finished speaking, a figure suddenly appeared between him and Charlotte Lingling, holding the unconscious Nico Robin in his arms.

This figure is none other than Ace, who has been chasing him from Wano Country!

"how come!"

"You little brat!"

When Kaido and Charlotte Lingling saw Ace suddenly appearing, they were stunned for a moment, and then attacked him at the same time.

Whoosh! ~

With a flash of fire, Ace's figure suddenly disappeared from the place, and when he reappeared, he was already beside Wang Lufei.

Ace placed the unconscious Robin next to Wang Lufei, and then said to the still conscious Wang Lufei: "Sorry, Luffy, I'm late."

Wang Lufei, who had no strength, heard Ace's voice, his body trembled, then he raised his arm with difficulty and gave Ace a thumbs up.

Seeing this scene, Ace's serious face showed a smile. He put his hat in Wang Lufei's arms, then stood up and said: "Luffy, you guys have a good rest. I'll leave the rest to you." Let’s do it!”


Charlotte Lingling, who was standing not far away, heard Ace's words and couldn't help laughing: "Boy, you are alone!"

"Boss, look over there!"

As soon as Charlotte Lingling finished speaking, a shout came from the Ghost Island floating in the sky.

Kaido and Charlotte Lingling heard the sound and looked up at the same time. Sure enough, they saw two pirate ships and a huge creature flying towards them.

Those two ships were the [Thor Pirates] led by Enel and the [Pheasant Pirates] led by John Sparrow. As for the huge creature, needless to say, it was the Sea of ​​Spades that carried A big stupid dragon who is a member of the main band of thieves.

"On the back of that [dragon] are the members of the Spade Pirates, and the two pirate ships are the [Thor Pirates] and the [Pheasant Sea] under the Spade Pirates. Thieves]!"

"It's not just them, look at the sea!"

One person pointed at the sea and shouted, and everyone looked around and saw that at some point, a huge whirlpool appeared on the sea. In the whirlpool, a large number of fish and fishmen could be faintly seen.

puff! puff! puff! ~

Suddenly, accompanied by a series of bubble bursting sounds, coated pirate ships emerged from the whirlpool on the sea.

These pirate ships are the Spade Pirate Fleet that came from the bottom of the sea on the "Undersea Teleportation Array"!

"These guys, aren't they supposed to be in Wano Country? How did they get here so quickly!"

On the Island of Ghosts, Quinn, the biggest sign of the Beast Pirates and one of the three plagues, looked at the pirate ships in the sky and the Spade Pirate Fleet on the sea with a puzzled look on his face. Loudly.

"Idiot, let's not talk about those guys who can fly." Jin, who is also the flagship of the Beasts Pirates, looked at the pirate ships on the sea, frowned, and said: "Those pirate ships, It must have taken advantage of some kind of special ocean current to get here so quickly.”

"No matter how they came, since they are already here, a war will inevitably follow." Jhin said, the wings behind his back suddenly spread, and then said to the members of the Beast Pirates behind him: "Let's go , come down with me and get to Boss Kaido!"


On the Ghost Island, when the members of the Beast Pirates heard Jhin's words, they all roared excitedly, and then jumped down towards the Cake Island like raindrops. Those who could fly followed Jhin and headed towards Kaido flew over.


With a roar, the giant dragon's huge body fell from the sky and landed near Ace.

The members of the Spade Pirates jumped off the back of the giant dragon, stood next to Ace, and looked at Kaido and Charlotte Lingling.

"Well, well, well, that's good. I didn't expect you to dare to come here at this time." Charlotte Lingling looked at Ace and said with a smile.

"Huh, I'm just here to die!" Kaido said coldly.

Ace ignored them, and disappeared in a flash. When he reappeared, he was already carrying the tall figure who had knocked down the man. It was Jinbei, Crocodile, and Urgi.

Ace, after putting down the Jinbei trio, came to Yamato who was wearing a mask, looked at the Dontata tribe princess Mansili who was standing on her left shoulder, and then pointed at the Straw Hats and the Jinbei trio lying on the ground. , said: "Manxili, please treat them."

"No problem, leave it to me, Lord Ace."

Manxili excitedly accepted the task assigned to him by Ace, then activated his abilities and began to treat the injuries of the Straw Hats and Jinbe.

After arranging the wounded, Ace returned to Kaido and Charlotte Lingling.

At this time, the two of them were already filled with members of the Big Mom Pirates and the Beasts Pirates.

The members of the Spade Pirates and the captains of their pirate groups have also gathered over, standing firmly behind Ace.

As the two sides confront each other, an extremely tense atmosphere spreads, and war is about to break out!

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