One Piece: Fist of the World

Chapter 18 Art is Explosion (Please read on!)

Chapter 18 Art is Explosion

"That guy is Trafalgar Law!"

On the balcony on the second floor of the main building, a figure stared closely at Rhodes and his group who came in. His eyes swept across the others and finally landed on Luo.

"That spotted hat is exactly the same as before!"

As if feeling the eyes on him, Luo suddenly raised his head and looked towards the second floor.

The dark blue windbreaker, the ever-changing mask, and that familiar aura.

"You are so calm, Gladius!"

Looking at the old acquaintance in front of him, a slightly stiff smile appeared on Luo's face.

The other party was indeed the person who had taught him, but he was also one of the helpers who killed Mr. Corazon.

The anger of seeing the members of the Don Quixote family again, and the excitement of being about to avenge Mr. Corazon, mixed with other emotions, made Luo not know what expression to show for a moment.

"You, the guy who betrayed the family, instead of just hiding in a dark cave to survive, you actually dared to appear in front of me, and even destroyed the family's flag."

Several veins popped out on his forehead, and Gladius' tone contained suppressed anger.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you. I will only break all the bones in your body and take them back to the young master for disposal!"

The whole person jumped directly from the second floor, Gladius's eyes were filled with visible anger.

Although his heart was filled with anger, Gladius, who had experienced many battles, did not lose his position.

While jumping up, Gladius turned the gear on his arm, and several special projectiles were shot out instantly, appearing in front of Luo's eyes almost in the blink of an eye.

"Explosive projectiles!"

The black projectile expanded suddenly, reaching its limit almost instantly, and then a violent explosion instantly submerged Rhodes and the three of them.

Bang bang bang!

Following several gunshots, several bullets penetrated the smoke and hit Gladius directly in the chest.

Too weak!

Such thoughts flashed through Gladius's mind.

Bullets without a weapon's color cannot pose a threat to him at all. He is really just a kid who doesn't know the heights of the world.

Just turning slightly sideways, Gladius avoided a few bullets, and then turned the gear on his arm again.


With a whisper, a blue ball of light instantly enveloped the entire venue. Rhodes' body instantly exchanged with the bullet that was avoided by Gladius, and appeared behind Gladius with clenched fists. Swing hard.

boom! !

The violent explosion instantly submerged the bodies of the two people.


The next moment, Rhodes' figure appeared next to Luo.

“This guy’s reflexes are quick!”

Looking at the area shrouded in smoke, Rhodes looked slightly solemn.

It's just an ordinary cadre of the Don Quixote family, but he has such excellent combat qualities. As expected, there is a huge gap in combat experience.

"I take back my thoughts, you guys still have some strength."

Gladius's voice came from the smoke.

"However, this will not affect the result of you being killed by me!"

As the smoke dissipated, Gladius' figure appeared in front of Rhodes and the others again, but at this time, the opponent's helmet had expanded to the limit, and several cracks appeared on the helmet.

"Explosive helmet!"

The terrifying explosion sounded again, and along with the explosion, countless sharp fragments were shot out at high speed.

The helmet fragments flying everywhere carried terrifying kinetic energy, and even the walls were penetrated in an instant. The younger brothers who were still around them, ready to step forward at any time, were suddenly knocked down by flying debris.

Rhodes picked up a sword and swung it quickly. The airtight shadow of the sword blocked all the flying fragments.

"This power is simply the plus version of a high-explosive grenade."

His eyes swept over the tragic situation around him, and Rhodes felt a little chilled in his heart.

Under the opponent's move, almost nothing intact could be seen in the entire courtyard.

"Hey, Rhodes, a few moves are all it takes. Didn't you agree to leave this guy to me?"

Luo whispered, with a hint of dissatisfaction in his tone.

It is up to him to start the first battle against the Don Quixote family.

"Sorry, I haven't encountered such a stressful opponent in a long time."

Rhodes put away the long sword in his hand and stepped aside, allowing Ron to face Gladius directly.

"You little brats, you don't take me, Lord Gladius, seriously!"

After the helmet exploded, Gladius' strong hair style was revealed, with straight thorns showing off his presence.

"None of you can escape!"

Gladius' voice was filled with irrepressible anger.

"Mine bomb!"

Following Gladius' deep voice, the ground beneath Rhodes's feet suddenly swelled, and expanded to the limit in the blink of an eye.


A blue ball of light appeared instantly, and Rhodes' and his others' bodies instantly appeared in the distance, and those who endured the explosion on their behalf were a few lucky cannon fodder brothers from the Don Quixote family.

"Scurrying around like rats."

Watching the family members being blown to pieces with an expressionless face, Gladius turned his eyes and looked at the place where Rhodes and the others reappeared.

"But it's all in vain, because this is my home court!"

The ground expanded like air, and the moment Rhodes and the others teleported, a terrifying explosion exploded, completely engulfing the three of them.

"From the moment you step into this courtyard, the outcome is already determined."

Pushing up his goggles, Gladius said calmly.

All places in this courtyard have been marked by his own abilities.

In other words, anywhere in the courtyard may become an explosive, and it will be useless no matter where the enemy escapes.

"He made the first move, don't say I'm competing with you, Luo!"

Rhodes' angry voice came from the smoke. With a wave of air, the smoke dissipated, revealing Rhodes and the three of them.

Except for their slightly messy clothes, no injuries were visible on the three of them.

They have experienced arduous training since childhood, and bombs of this level cannot affect them.

Rhodes grabbed a long sword from somewhere and waved it casually. He quickly became familiar with the performance of this weapon, and a hint of fighting spirit flashed in his eyes.

As expected of an enemy from the new world, such a guy should be able to make him happy.

"The first battle against the Don Quixote family should be initiated by me."

Luo took two steps forward and stared directly at Gladius.

After the test just now, he has basically figured it out.

The opponent's strength is very strong, far exceeding the strength Beihai should have.

But, you can fight!

Judging from the abilities displayed by the opponent, they mainly rely on explosions and projectiles produced by explosions to cause damage.

Then, as long as you control the distance from the opponent and seize the gap in his attack rhythm, you can decide the battle situation in one fell swoop.


A light blue halo enveloped the battlefield again.

Thanks to book friend 20210406190233215 for the reward!

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