One Piece: Fist of the World

Chapter 198 The Explosion in Fishman Street

In the Fishman Cafe.

"Mr. Luo, do they have anything else to do?"

Through the window of the cafe, looking at the few people leaving directly, Kosha looked at Gray in confusion.


Gray put down his coffee.

Mermaids are no different from humans, they just have an extra fish tail.

From a biological point of view, they should still belong to the same race as humans, and there is no reproductive isolation.

After watching it, his curiosity was satisfied, and Gray no longer had much interest in the mermaid lady.

Compared to these warblings, he was more interested in another thing he heard before.

"You just said that there is an ancient giant ship near Fish-Man Island?"

Gray looked at the mermaid lady in front of him.

"What kind of ship is it?"

"How should I say..."

The mermaid lady put her fingers to her lips, showing off her girlish cuteness.

However, the remaining people in front of them can't get it at all.

Kosha was thinking about what Luo and the others were going to do, and it was clear that he had not heard Captain Rhodes's instructions before;

Weber was more concerned about when they could leave, enter that legendary sea, and face all kinds of enemies;

As for Genos, he was teasing Sissi and didn't even look at these mermaid ladies.

Gray, who was the only one paying attention to her, was only interested in the answers from her mouth.

"Noah has always placed that ship in Fishman Street. It is the legendary [Ship of Oath], but no one knows its specific function. After all, it was hundreds of years ago."

"The only thing I know is that Noah is big!"

"Big? How big can it be?"

Gray slowly took a sip of coffee from his cup.

"Probably, it's as big as half of Fish-Man Island."


The coffee in Gray's mouth spurted out a rainbow, and he looked at the mermaid lady in front of him in disbelief.

"How old did you say?"

As a scientist who has always wanted to build a super battleship that surpasses the ancient weapon [Pluto], Gray is also an expert in shipbuilding, especially after communicating with Franky in the Capital of Seven Waters, many ideas have emerged. The touch made him feel that his shipbuilding level had improved a lot.

But it was precisely because he knew so much that he felt incredible about what the mermaid said.

Fishman Island is an island that can accommodate 5 million people. Even if it is placed on the Grand Line, it is definitely a relatively large island.

And that giant ship named "Noah" is actually half the size of Fish-Man Island?

How much manpower and material resources will be spent, and how long will it take, to complete the construction of such a giant ship?

Moreover, what kind of materials and what kind of technology are needed to support the construction of such a huge ship and ensure that such a large hull will not collapse.

"Really or not?"

Kosha also looked at the mermaid lady in confusion.

It sounds like this giant ship named "Noah" has existed for hundreds of years. What happened hundreds of years ago? What caused the people of Fish-Man Island to build such a giant ship? What was the reason? What caused this giant ship to sink to the bottom of the sea?

I feel like Robin would be very interested in this.

Robin's face flashed in Kosha's mind. If she were here, she should be able to analyze more things.

"Of course it's true, "Noah" is installed in Fishman Street."

The mermaid lady looked at Gray and the others strangely.

This group of people is so strange. They are different from the humans we have seen before. They neither like food nor beauty. Instead, they are interested in giant ships like "Noah".

"I'm interested, let's go and see it together!"

Gray stood up and greeted the friends in front of him.

"Let's go."

Genos picked up Sissy and followed Gray.

He also wanted to see what the so-called giant ship looked like.


Fishman Street

This is the most chaotic place in the Dragon Palace Kingdom of Fish-Man Island, an area comparable to the lawless zone of the Shampoo Islands.

"Is that a boat?"

Pekin looked into the distance. In the deep seabed, there lay a huge shadow that looked like a ship.

It's just that it's a little too big.

"Speaking of which, what are we looking for here?"

Xia Qi looked at Luo.

This place was completely different from the Coral Hill they were in before. Even the air seemed to be filled with a dark atmosphere. Just standing in this place, they could feel that there seemed to be a deep malice eroding them.

In the dark corner of Fishman Street, a pair of malicious eyes looked at Rhodes and the four of them.

"Find someone."

Luo looked around the environment here and had some understanding of what Rhodes said.

If you live in a place like this all year round, it's not surprising that your heart becomes so dark and deep.

The ruling class here only saw the glorious Fishman Island, but ignored one point.

Where there is light, there is darkness.

The brighter everything you see in front of you, the deeper the darkness behind the light.

Luo's mind recalled what Rhodes told him about Princess Otohime.

It is precisely because of the inaction of the royal family as the ruler that they failed to clear away the darkness of Fishman Street, and instead allowed sin and hatred to continue to breed in the darkness. In the end, the consequences of the sin and hatred came to fruition in the princess's life. On the body.

A glimmer of enlightenment also arose in Luo's heart.

What happened on this fish-man island is just a microcosm of the world. There must be many similar things happening in various places in the world. Maybe at this second, the same tragedy will happen.

A ruler who does nothing, a ruler who only cares about his own interests, a ruler who is ignorant of pleasure...

He has witnessed the fate of these people. Without exception, rulers who abandon the people will eventually be abandoned by the people.

Just like what the Rhodes Pirates want to do!

Their goal is to seize world hegemony.

And after successfully seizing the hegemony of this world, if they become what they are now, others may appear and take away the hegemony from themselves and others.

"So, who are we looking for?"

Xia Qi patted Luo on the shoulder. He didn't know why he suddenly became a little dull after arriving at this place. His eyes were distracted and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Hody Jones, a Jaws Terran."

Luo told several partners about their goals.

"He should be quite famous in Fishman Street. I'm afraid we can find him soon."

"Are there any other characteristics?"

"It's probably because of the curly hair, and it looks more fierce."

Luo recalled the information Rhodes told him and said with some uncertainty.

Rhodes himself was not very sure when describing the other party's appearance. He just said that the other party probably looked like this, and that he should be quite famous in Fishman Street, so he would probably be easy to find.

"Well, is this the person you are talking about?"

Brooke pointed at a fishman standing not far in front of them.

This is a tall male fish-man with a fierce face and a trident in his hand. Beside him, there are numerous fish-men standing. From the depths of the fish-man street, there are figures slowly approaching one after another. Unknowingly, Suddenly, Luo and the others were surrounded by each other.

"Are you looking for me? Human!"

The leading murloc looked at Luo and the others with ferocious eyes.

A mere human dares to set foot on Fishman Street!

"Are you Hody Jones?"

Luo raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at the fishman in front of him.

I didn't expect it to go so smoothly, and I found the other person right away.

The unabashed malice emanating from the other party was almost overflowing.

"He actually came after me."

Hody Jones looked at the humans in front of him.

I haven't seen any reward orders for them. They should be just some unknown little pirates. Although I don't know why they came to find me, as long as I break all their limbs, they will probably explain everything quickly and neatly. .

"Inferior creatures like humans should be extinct from this world!"

Hody Jones raised his arms, looked at the others around him, and spoke loudly.

"Comrades, humans have been oppressing us and enslaving us. It's not enough for us to hide in Fish-Man Island. They even want to get involved in our last pure land, Fish-Man Street."

"Let us work together to tear these humans who invade our territory into pieces!"

Following the encouraging voice of Hody Jones, the eyes of the surrounding murlocs lit up with ferocious light, and they rushed towards Luo and the four of them who were surrounded in the center.

"Although it's baffling."

Pekin clenched his fists.

"But we are not the kind of nice gentlemen who will just take advantage of us."

Xia Qi's body swelled, and terrifying power compressed within his body.

"My sword is not bad either."

Brooke took hold of his staff and sword.

Luo looked at Hody Jones not far away. This fish-man exuded a deep darkness, even worse than himself before.

After escaping from the white town, Luo once had the idea of ​​destroying the world. At that time, he also exuded deep darkness.

However, even for myself at that time, the darkness deep in my heart was far less than that of the fish-man in front of me.

The other party seems to be the embodiment of hatred and darkness.

Boom! ! !

As the fishmen rushed up one after another, Peijin's palms bloomed with red light, Xia Qi's body suddenly expanded, and then a violent roar erupted instantly, as if a huge boulder was thrown into the deep lake, instantly detonating the fishmen. street.


Fishman Island, in the square.

Neru glanced around.

This place is very open and the view is very broad. With Nairo's eyesight, you can see the entire island in all directions from this square.

Especially things coming in from the outside can be clearly seen.

"Let me tell you, Nailu, why do we come here."

Bepo followed Nailu and looked at him suspiciously.

Pekin and the others went to see the mermaid, Nia and the others went shopping, and Rhodes and the others went to look for the so-called historical text.

He was the only one who was pulled by Nelu and ran to the empty square, staring at the sky, not knowing what he was waiting for.

"There is an important mission."

Nailu looked at Beibo, and a flash of lightning flashed at his fingertips. The domineering energy of the sight and sound combined with the electric wave completely covered the entire island.

In this way, no matter where the attack comes from, he can detect it immediately.

"Is our main job just to stare at the sky?"

Bepo followed Nailu's example and looked up at the sky, but saw nothing but floating white clouds.

"Hey, someone is coming, are you waiting for them?"

In Beibo's sight, something like a ship floating in the sky appeared.

As the things in his sight got closer, Beibo could see clearly that it was an anchovy cart dragged by an unknown fish, but both the fish and the cart were covered with a layer of bubble wrap. , that's why they can fly in the sky.

"You are members of the Rhodes Pirates, right?"

In Bebo's sight, the car stopped in front of them. A slender male mermaid got off the car, floated in front of Nailu and Bebo, and spoke with a smile.

"I've seen your photos at Boss Jinbei's place."

Seemingly sensing Bebo's confusion, the male mermaid looked at them and explained.

"I am Emperor Xing, the second prince of Ryugu Castle. My father has arranged a dinner for you. Boss Jinbei originally took you there together. Since we met here, why not let me take you to Ryugu Castle first. "


Bepo looked at the prince in front of him, and then at Nailu.

"Thank you very much, Prince Huang Xing, but I have one important thing that I haven't completed yet."


Emperor Xing looked at Nailu strangely.

"But, it seems to me that you are just standing here staring at the sky."


Nailu's eyes flashed red.


Before Huang Xing finished asking the question, he saw Nailu in front of him suddenly turned into a ball of lightning and disappeared from his sight in an instant.

"Prince Huangxing, you have weapons!"

The soldiers following Huang Xing suddenly pointed to the sky.

A huge ax appeared from nowhere and flew towards Dragon Palace City.

"Eh? Wait, where are the weapons?"

The soldier felt his eyes blurred as the weapon that was flying towards Dragon Palace City suddenly disappeared from his sight.

"Is this what you are talking about?"

Nailu's voice rang in his ears. Prince Huangxing, who originally looked at Ryugucheng because of the soldier's words, turned his head again, and saw that Nailu, who had disappeared in the form of lightning, reappeared at some point, and before him There is also a weapon in his hand.

Wait... weapons?

"That's it!"

The soldier who just found the weapon pointed at the weapon in Nailu's hand. He had just seen this weapon flying towards Dragon Palace City, but why did it suddenly appear in the hands of this human being again.

Emperor Xing looked at Nailu in shock.

Before he found the weapon, this man had already discovered the weapon flying towards Dragon Palace City, and intercepted the weapon in an instant.

If it were this man, he might be able to catch the guy who has been harassing Shirahoshi!


Huangxing looked at Neilu, and before he could say anything, Neilu responded with a smile.

"no problem!"

"I heard that the princess of Fish-Man Island had to hide in a hard-shell tower because of the harassment by the pirate Vandy Daiken, and she couldn't even see the outside world."

"As you saw just now, my speed is pretty good, so I think, if possible, I might be able to capture Vandy Deken who is hiding in the dark, so that the mermaid princess can move freely on the fish-man island. ”

Nailu smiled and looked at the second prince Huang Xing in front of him.

“Thank you so much!”

The second prince Huangxing looked at Nailu gratefully.

After the death of their mother, their sister Bai Xing became the most precious relative of the three brothers. However, due to the incompetence of himself and others, they have not yet been able to capture Vandy Deken, allowing Bai Xing to move freely outside the hard-shell tower.

Regardless of whether the other party can successfully capture Vandy Deken, as long as he has this heart, he will already be grateful!

The members of the Rhodes Pirates are worthy of being favored by Boss Jinbei and whom his father personally hosted a banquet for!

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