One Piece: Fist of the World

Chapter 24: Complete Victory (New book, please read!!)

"It seems that the relationship between you is not good."

Maintaining his human-animal form, Drake took off the long sword and one-handed ax hanging from his waist. He held the sword in one hand and the ax in the other. He looked at Nailu, who also had red hair, and spoke slowly.

"Move you, who is good at using guns, to a place so close to me!"

Before he finished speaking, Drake suddenly ejected.

Although he looked extraordinarily huge due to entering the human-animal form, Drake's speed was not slow at all, but he appeared in front of Nailu in an instant, swinging the long sword and one-handed ax in his hand at the same time.


He raised the black gun in his hand and blocked Drake's attack with the hard butt. Looking at the surprise on the other man's face, a smile appeared on Nailu's face.

"I'm better at using guns, but that doesn't mean I'm not good at close combat."

Before he finished speaking, Neru kicked out and hit Drake's hard body. While kicking the opponent slightly, he retreated and completed the replacement of the magazine in mid-air. Before Drake Before he could react, the black gun in his hand shook one after another.

Bang bang bang!

Seeing Neru raising the gun, Derek's pupils shrank slightly, and just as he was about to dodge, a bullet hit his chest, tearing his tough skin after turning into a beast; his body flashed again, and another bullet hit him. He hit the wound left by the previous bullet and penetrated his muscles; he flashed his body again, and the third bullet was shot at the same location, along the wound left by the previous bullet, and entered his body. inside, and exploded in an instant.


Half kneeling on the ground, Drake exited the human-animal form and opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Armor-piercing shells, penetrating shells, and explosive shells, you should be unable to move now."

Nairu let out a long breath, looked at Derek who had lost his fighting ability, and spoke slowly.

"Is it the domineering nature of seeing and hearing..."

Derek's eyes were filled with unwillingness, and he looked at Nairu who was a little further away.

This feeling of having accumulated all the strength in your body, only to be defeated in an instant, is really uncomfortable.

Moreover, in the battle just now, all his actions were seen by the opponent. Even his dodge movements were under the judgment of the opponent. The three consecutive bullets hit the same place, and they were three bullets with different functions. bullet.

In other words, the other party had fully anticipated all this before shooting.

The only one who can do this is to practice the domineering power of knowledge to an extremely deep level!

"I still have some talent in seeing, hearing, and being domineering."

Having already dealt with his opponent, Nailu didn't mind chatting with him.

Although the battle just now lasted only a few seconds, his consumption was not small.

This kind of fighting method that used his knowledge and domination to the extreme consumed almost all his energy and energy, and even he could not return to his original state in a short period of time.

"Why have people like you never left a name on the sea before?"

"Maybe it's because we've just barely reached adulthood and haven't had time to stir up trouble yet."

"Just coming of age..."

After hearing Nailu's words, Derek felt that his injuries were getting worse.

After recovering a little, Neru sat cross-legged, keeping a dozen meters away from Drake, holding a black gun in his hand, ready to shoot at any time.

"Now, just feel free to be an audience with me."



The long knife in Rhode's hand collided with Bastiu's saw blade, and then his body flashed and appeared ten meters away from the opponent. Before the opponent could adjust his posture, he flashed in front of the opponent again, with the sword in his hand The long knife suddenly swung out.

Too fast!

Colonel Barrow held a spear in his hand and his eyes moved around the battlefield, but he could never find the right time to take action.

Since the beginning of the battle, that red-haired bastard boy was like a bolt of lightning, swiping around Major General Bastiu with slashes. Although it did not produce any substantial results, judging from the situation at the scene, Bastiu Major General Tiyou seemed unable to cause him any harm.

As for himself, he couldn't even catch the other person's figure at all. He could only see the other person's figure at the moment when the two of them were fighting.

However, in such a short time, there was no way to aim and shoot at him.

Damn you kid!

Unlike Colonel Barrow, Bastiu was able to keep up with Rhodes' speed. After several fights, he already knew Rhodes' intentions.

Every time [Shaving] is used, the current position is different, but the distance moved is extremely accurate, almost the same distance.

There is no doubt that this kid is taking advantage of his skillful use of [Shaving]!


Blocking Rhode's slash again, a red light flashed slightly in Bastiu's eyes, and an invisible force wrapped around the saw blade in his hand.


The weapons of both sides collided again, and Bastiu's saw blade instantly cut off the weapon in Rhodes' hand. Taking advantage of the time when Rhodes could not use the force to leave, Bastiu slashed at Rhodes with unabated force.

The huge saw blade roared and slashed, and the blade alone was bigger than Rhodes.

Just when the blade was about to hit Rhodes, Rhodes stepped forward and moved slightly, avoiding Bastiu's fatal blow.

"What a pity!"

Colonel Barrow could not help but speak.

However, the red-haired bastard who lost his weapon is defeated!

Bastiu thought so too!

He had just sensed the opponent's attack trajectory with his not-so-proficient observation Haki, and cut off the opponent's weapon with his initial mastery of Armament Haki. The swordsman who lost his weapon in the battle was already defeated!

With a sudden step, Bastiu launched his first attack. This was his first attack after defending for dozens of moves, and it would also be the attack that ended the battle!

"What a pity!"

As if he had heard Bastiu's thoughts, Rhodes smiled and spoke, with a faint red light flashing in his eyes.

He took two steps back and let Bastiu's big saw blade swing down close to his body, slashing it hard on the ground.

Rhodes put his left hand on Bastiu's saw blade, holding it down tightly to prevent him from swinging his weapon again, and then looked at Bastiu with a sharp look.

"I'm not just a swordsman!"

He exerted force on his feet, and the stones on the ground cracked instantly. Rhode's body suddenly rushed out and appeared in front of Bastiu almost instantly. He clenched his right hand into a fist, and with a terrifying momentum, he smashed Bastiu's horn mask fiercely.

Bang! !

The mask on his face was instantly broken, and Bastiu's body suddenly flew backwards, crashing through dozens of houses in succession, and finally landed in the ruins of the Don Quixote family's stronghold in the center of the town.

"But I will take your saw as a trophy!"

"Major General Bastiu!"

Looking at Bastiu who was punched away, Colonel Barrow showed horror.

Even the major general was punched away by the opponent, so what about himself.


Just as Rhode resolved the battle, with Nia's cheer, the battle on her side also came to an end.

Although the pink-haired female marine on the opposite side was very tenacious and even had one of her legs locked by the opponent, it was the black barrier locked on her leg that enhanced her attack power, allowing her to knock out the opponent with one blow.

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