One Piece: Fist of the World

Chapter 40 The Attacking Navy (New book, please read!!)

On the sea north of Tiger Shark Island, two warships broke through the waves.

On the first warship, a tall navy man stood at the front, holding a cigar in his mouth. His face was covered by thick smoke, and only a pair of fierce eyes could be seen through the smoke.

"Lieutenant General Ghost Spider, we are approaching Tiger Shark Island, please give us instructions!"

A marine stepped forward and reported loudly to the Ghost Spider Hui standing in front.

"I heard that this island is a paradise for pirates."

Looking coldly at the small island not far away, Ghost Spider said.

He is the staunchest hawkish general in the navy. He has always adhered to the principle of "rather killing the wrong one than letting it go" when it comes to pirates. He will be ruthless in carrying out his tasks to the end. Even his own subordinates, as long as they influence When it comes to tasks, he will show no mercy.

Although this time he was under pressure from above to assist the Ornest family in completing their mission, this did not mean that he had to obey the other party's command.

Now that he is here, none of the pirates on the island can escape!

"To say it is a paradise for pirates is a bit exaggerated, but since this island does not have a clear jurisdiction, there are indeed many pirates staying on it."

As Lieutenant General Ghost Spider's deputy for many years, Brigadier General Kasim Finney is also a full-fledged hawk, and he understands his boss's thoughts instantly.

"After we dock, you lead a team of elite soldiers and land on the island with me. As long as they are pirates, don't let anyone go!"

Looking at the island getting closer and closer, Lieutenant General Ghost Spider put his hand on the handle of the knife at his waist, with a bloodthirsty smile on his lips.

"It doesn't matter even if we kill them all!"


As he spoke, the warship gradually docked, and the soldiers on the ship quickly formed a team under the orders of their respective commanders.

At the same time, not far from Ghost Spider's warship, the Ornest family was on the warship.

"After we get to the island, you and I will split up!"

Ernest Gula gave instructions to his son Ernest Neo beside him.

"Although this time, with the power of CP, the navy sent warships to assist us, I did not expect that it would be Lieutenant General Ghost Spider."

Gula looked at the island getting closer and closer, with a straight face.

"This guy is an absolute hawk in the navy. With his style, he will definitely arrest the pirates on the island, and he will never show mercy."

“I will take action with them later to prevent him from killing Nia directly when he sees her.

If he meets other pirates, I'll look for Nia again.

Take a few of your subordinates and find Nia as soon as possible and bring her back. You can use any means if necessary! "

A cold look flashed in Gula's eyes.

Even if her legs are broken, she must be taken back.

"I see."

Neo responded in a low voice. There was no change in expression on the face that was very similar to Nia.

"Get ready for action!"

While the two were talking, the warship docked on the shore.

"Lieutenant Colonel Mara Levi, you lead your men to enter Tiger Shark Island from the west; Major Regina Canter, you lead your people to enter from the east; Captain Luan Yakub, you lead our soldiers and follow us from Enter from the front; Major Kensa Keel, you command the warship to move upstream on the sea. If any suspicious ship leaves, you can directly order the gunfire!"

After the warship docked, Ghost Spider jumped off the warship and walked straight forward, while Kasim Finney immediately arranged the tasks of the others.

As soon as he landed on the beach, Ghost Spider let go of his senses. His sense of sight told him that there were a large number of pirates right in front of him.

A moment later, Ghost Spider led dozens of naval soldiers into the North District. The armed navy immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"The Navy... why are they here?"

"Didn't I say that this place does not belong to the countries that are members of the World Government, so the navy will not come?"

"Maybe there are other missions. We don't even have a reward. The navy won't trouble us."

"That's true..."


The next moment, several bullets penetrated the loudly shouting pirates, and the ghost spider glanced around with fierce eyes.

"I can smell the stench of pirates from afar!"

Ghost Spider waved his hand, and the soldiers behind him immediately rushed out. The original sounds of laughter and laughter in the entire street disappeared, and were replaced by bursts of curses and fighting.

"And the most important Rhodes Pirates, please stay here for me."

After the rest of the crowd retreated, Ghost Spider looked at the three people not far away.

Crazy Blade Rhodes, Black Gun Nailu, and an unknown black-haired man, are they their new members?

But, it doesn’t matter anymore, just kill them all.

The Catwoman that the Ernest family wants to capture alive is not here.

"Hey, hey, hey, I haven't officially agreed to join yet."

Hearing the words of the navy opposite, Genos couldn't help but speak.

What responded to him were dozens of bullets coming towards him.

"One Sword Style - Red Flower Thousand Slashes!"

Rhodes drew out the Liang Kuai Dao [Huazhou] he had just acquired, and dense sword lights and sword shadows flashed in front of them, knocking away all the incoming bullets.

As one of the 50 best swordsmen, the previous owner of [Huazhou] was also a well-known swordsman. After Rhodes held [Huazhou], [Knights Do Not Die Barehanded] automatically took effect, allowing him to learn the opponent's original signature swordsmanship.

With his solid foundation in kendo, he was able to master the sword skills mastered by the previous owner of [Huazhou] in just an instant.

At the moment when Rhodes shot away the bullets, the tall body of the ghost spider appeared in front of him, and the long sword in his hand slashed down fiercely.


Rhodes raised his sword and blocked the slash of the ghost spider. He felt a terrifying force coming from above, and the ground under his feet shattered.

At the same time that Rhodes took the slash of the ghost spider, Kasim Finney also appeared in front of Neru and punched him hard on the head.


Neru moved his feet and instantly appeared in the distance. While pulling away from the opponent, he aimed the black gun in his hand at the opponent.


Don't try to hit me with the bullet!

A flash of red light flashed in Kasim Finney's eyes. With his left foot as a fulcrum, his whole body slightly turned to avoid the bullet shot by Neru, and at the same time, his right foot suddenly swung out.

"Storm kick!"

As Kasim Finney's right foot swung out, an arc-shaped slash suddenly launched and rushed towards Neru not far away.

Neru's eyes flashed, and he did not choose to avoid the opponent's slash, but also kicked out to meet the opponent's attack.

As his foot kicked out, a force surged from his body, making his foot stained with a light black.


The powerful kick kicked Kasim Finney's Storm kick away, instantly cutting through the tavern next to him, and Neru couldn't help but reveal a faint smile on his face.

Success! Armament Haki!

Although it is still unfamiliar and can only play a slight role, at least the force has been guided out.

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