One Piece Food System

Chapter 111 Fighting Doflamingo!

"The person who was following us just now was one of yours, right?"

"Not bad." When the matter reached this point, it was pointless for Lei Fa to deny it.

"In my impression, we haven't met before..." Doflamingo tapped the table lightly.

At this time, Vergo had already walked back and stood behind Doflamingo.

Although Lei Fa knocked him away just now, it didn't really hurt him. He was a practitioner of physical arts, so he wasn't that fragile.

"Indeed I have never seen it." Lefa confirmed Doflamingo's statement and continued, "However, I am a navy and you are a pirate. It is only natural that I come to kill you..."

"Oh? Navy." Doflamingo was slightly surprised.

Rafa wasn't wearing a navy uniform today, so Doflamingo didn't know he was a marine.

But even if he knew it now, Doflamingo still didn't believe Raifa's lies.

It is natural for the navy to catch pirates, but at this time there are not a thousand but eight hundred pirates in [Rogge Town]. If the navy wants to take action, it is impossible to focus on just him, and it specially sends such a Many people came to follow him.

Unless he is an idiot, he will not believe this kind of nonsense.

"Forget it, no matter who you are and why you want to kill me, since you have chosen to be my enemy, then go and die——"

Doflamingo suddenly raised his hands and aimed his fingers in the direction of Rayfa.

Bounce the line! !

Two groups of white attacks instantly shot towards the thunder method!

"Sound wall!"

Leifa opened his mouth, and a ball of cyan energy popped out of his mouth, and then a translucent glass-like cyan energy wall formed in front of him.

Doflamingo's thread shot hit it, causing only two ripples.

"Over the whip line!"

Doflamingo's attack did not stop because the first blow was blocked by Leifa. He did not expect the previous tentative attack to hurt Leifa, because just the light blow from Leifa just now was enough. By knocking Vergo away, he could roughly see that Refa was not simple.

Although Vergo does not have a bounty on his head, his current strength is about the same as that of a pirate who has a bounty of nearly 100 million, and is not far behind some rear admirals.

Since Refa can easily defeat Vergo, it proves that his strength is at least one level higher than Vergo.

"Teenage admiral?" This was Doflamingo's first reaction.

But there are only a few young generals in the navy. With the intelligence network Doflamingo has, he can call each of them by name, but there is no one who matches the image of the young man in front of him.

While he was thinking, Doflamingo's attack had already been fired.

But suddenly a line as thick as two fingers stretched out from his palm, and he whipped it towards Lei Fa like a whip, making a crackling sound as the air was whipped out!

Lei Fa's reaction was also very fast. He saw that the sound wall could not block this blow. With a flash of his feet, he had moved laterally to a position more than ten meters away from just now.

shave--! !

And Doflamingo's blow directly smashed the sound wall that had previously blocked the bullet into pieces, and cut a long crack in the ground.


A green lancet suddenly appeared in Lei Fa's hand!

"Sound Blade·Ultimate Slash·Ghost Shadow!"

The green lancet in his hand disappeared instantly. In fact, it was just an illusion caused by moving too fast!

Immediately afterwards, several white sword auras were seen attacking Doflamingo from all angles like ghosts!

"What a fast speed!" Doflamingo's expression changed slightly.

He had already activated his "Knowing and Knowledge Haki" at the very beginning of the battle. In some sense, Leifa's "Ultimate Slash" exceeded the normal reaction speed of humans, but his "Knowing and Knowledge Haki" was It is an extremely special sensing method. Even the Shining Fruit of 'Kizaru', which is comparable to the speed of light, cannot match the sensing speed of 'Kizaru Haki'.

Therefore, Refa's attack speed is fast, but it is not so fast that Doflamingo can't even react. However, Doflamingo's ability was not good at defense, and it was really difficult to block this attack in a hurry. Therefore, he simply chose to resist!

'Armed Haki' enveloped both arms, and with a few punches, the incoming sword energy was scattered in the air!

At the same time, Vergo came around behind Refa at some point, suddenly burst out again, and launched an attack on Refa!

"Get away!"

Lei Fa had no time to fight with him, so he slashed him away with a backhand knife!

Just as Leifa hacked Vergo away, Doflamingo suddenly made a move that Leifa didn't expect. He actually used his ability to manipulate the hotel owner, holding a kitchen knife and screaming at him. Lefa rushed over with a look of horror on his face!

Refa knew that this was the unique manipulation ability of Doflamingo's Thread Fruit - Parasitic Thread.

"A boring trick..."

Refa snapped his fingers.

However, several strange blood-red lips suddenly appeared in mid-air, and they began to bite and bite them. The next moment, the hotel owner had already fallen to the ground.

But those strange blood-red lips did not stop moving, as if they were chewing on an invisible thread, biting along the thread towards Doflamingo!

This is exactly the food skill developed by Leifa with the power of gluttony - Scarlet Kiss!

It was also the first time for Doflamingo to see this kind of fighting method that was even more bizarre than his own. He fired several bullets in a row before scattering a few blood-red lips.

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After doing this, he suddenly frowned.

"How could my power be consumed so quickly -" He noticed something strange about himself.

The battle just now was actually nothing more than the two of them suppressing their own strength and tentatively attacking each other, but despite this, he had already consumed one-tenth of his strength!

This is just a joke!

From the beginning to now, the total adds up to less than two minutes. Even if he fights with authority, he shouldn't waste it so quickly!

"It's your fault!" Seeing the smile on Lefa's lips, Doflamingo felt sorry.

"I don't understand what you are talking about." Refa launched another attack.

Of course it was him!

As early as when he started, he quietly opened the force field of 'Calorie Gluttony', and silently began to dissolve the power of Doflamingo and Vergo.

It's just that the time was short before, so it wasn't obvious.

It was only now that Doflamingo's power had been reduced by one-tenth that he suddenly realized something was wrong.


Doflamingo realized that he knew too little about the person in front of him and should not stay for a long time. He immediately stretched out a thread and hit Vergo, pulled him and ran towards the backyard of the hotel!

"Where to run!"

How could Leifa let him go so easily!

ps: Third update guaranteed! The next step is to add monthly tickets, which may be late. You can watch it together tomorrow and ask for monthly tickets again! (To be continued.)

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