One Piece Fragment Extraction System

Chapter 123 Pharaoh next door!

The self-destruction power of several people gathered together, and the terrifying power shook all the people on the tower.

"Blow up!"

This move reminded the Terran who was constantly attacking the Centaur.

Because the individual strength of the human race is weak after all, although with the advantage of immortality, it can barely resist the opponent's attack, but it has never been able to organize an effective counterattack.

However, the crazy self-destruction of a few people provided everyone with a new idea.

Anyway, it's an undead body. Since it can't be beaten, then just blow it up!

Thinking of this, everyone felt suddenly enlightened, and as soon as they turned their heads, they showed a crazy look that looked back at death: "The centaurs, your doomsday is here!!"

When the centaur soldiers saw this, they couldn't help but shuddered, and a chill rose from their hearts.

Afterwards, the Human Race defenders followed suit and blew themselves up as if they were dying. Only those who have a little cultivation base mana will directly attack the enemy with self-destruction.

The mortals who have no mana are swarming up one after another. With their huge numerical advantage and their deadly posture, they can kill one by one.

In this way, in the face of endless self-destruction and various suicide attacks, the elites of the thousands of Centaurs instantly fell into the ocean of war, like a quagmire of doom.

The self-destruction on the tower was one after another, and one group of another group of fiery mushroom clouds continued to rise, with a mighty momentum, and the force of destruction was like a gust of wind, sweeping across all directions.

Driven by the endless force of destruction, the city towers were constantly being destroyed, collapsing layer by layer, and the tens of thousands of feet of fortress was soon torn down. Constantly lowering the height.

On the side of the city tower, more than 90,000 low-level centaurs continue to charge at the city gate.

On the other side of the city gate, in order to resist the collision of the centaurs, the army of 500,000 people quickly took turns, and they took turns several times soon.

And some people can't bear it after a series of injuries. I saw one of the soldiers suddenly vomited blood and fell to the ground just after being hit by a wave of enemies.

"Old Wang 〃~!" The person beside him hurried over to help him.

This man named Lao Wang was dying with blood dripping from his mouth. He vomited blood while being helped up by his comrades.

"Pharaoh, the Pharaoh next door!" said the comrade-in-arms with some grief.

It turned out that the two were neighbors from the same country, but now they have become comrades-in-arms on the battlefield. It can be said that they have a deep friendship.

Lao Wang glanced at his comrade-in-arms and said in a weak voice, "Brother, I'm sorry for you..."

"What?" The man was stunned. "Pharaoh next door, I can't hear what you said."

Lao Wang's face was full of shame, and he opened his mouth to say again: "When I lived next to you, I used to be with..."

However, as soon as he said this, he suddenly felt a mysterious power gushing out of his body. Under the influence of this mysterious power, his internal and external injuries healed quickly, and he recovered from the situation of being seriously injured and dying in a blink of an eye.

What is this operation?

He was stunned for a moment, but then realized that he could not die.

Since he can't die, there is no need to tell the truth.

Immediately he changed his words: "No...nothing..."

After saying that, he jumped up, and without looking back, he continued to rush to the city gate as if nothing had happened, resisting the attack of the centaur, leaving behind a comrades-in-arms with a confused look.



The same situation happened one after another, and countless human guards who were seriously injured and dying in the process of resisting the collision of the city gate were resurrected inexplicably and unscathed.

This situation, first shocked and puzzled everyone, and then overjoyed.

Immortal and immortal, since this is the case, why fear the centaurs!

"Press hard!! Don't be afraid!"

These guards finally no longer have any reservations, and exerted all their strength to resist the city gate.

As a result, the power on the side of the city gate suddenly increased, and the people on the other side also felt the pressure greatly increased.

A group of soldiers and soldiers of the Centaur tribe who were attacking the city gate were inexplicably shocked by the huge force that suddenly rushed back.

"What's going on!" The responsible general of the centaur tribe was shocked.

"Sir, the enemy's resistance force is suddenly stronger for some reason!"

The centaur general's expression changed, and then he said, "How big can it be?! Hit me hard!"

"Yes!" The centaurs responded in unison, and then they used even greater strength to madly slam the city gate.

The strength of the armies on both sides has greatly increased, and the originally thick city gate was suddenly unbearable, and some cracks soon appeared.

This city gate is thousands of zhang high and hundreds of zhang thick.

So, starting from the first crack, the huge city gate began to crack everywhere, and the huge crack spread rapidly, covering the entire city gate in a short while.

Seeing this, the soldiers of the Centaur tribe cheered up: ".〃 Work harder!! The enemy's gate is about to break!!"

On the other hand, the human race is inevitably a little panicked.

"What to do, the city gate is about to collapse!!" Many human soldiers shouted in panic.

When the human race general saw this, his expression changed, and then he gritted his teeth: "Instead of letting the enemy break through, it is better for us to break through."

After a pause, he took another look at the cracked city gate, and then said: "Although I don't know why we all have the ability to be immortal, but since this is the case, don't be afraid! Then listen to my password. , when I shouted 'rush', you all rushed forward with all your strength, trying to break through this city gate, and the Killer Clan would be caught off guard!"


"Yes!" The human guards shouted in unison.

Immediately, the two sides continued to collide across the city gate, and the majestic power rose one after another.


The slamming sound of the city gate intensified, and the cracks on it became wider and wider.

(What?) As the city gate became more and more fragile, the generals on the Terran side couldn't help but widen their eyes, closely watching the degree of destruction of the city gate, ready to issue orders at any time.


One slam after another.


The city gate gradually made a sound of collapse, and the sound became more and more obvious and louder.

After a while, the city gate was already covered with wide cracks, and wobbled, obviously about to collapse.

Seeing this, the generals on the Terran side couldn't help but cheer up: "Prepare—"


The city gate was about to collapse, and everyone's expressions became more and more excited.


The general of the human race roared, and then the tens of thousands of people suddenly exerted their strength, converging into a majestic force that was overwhelming, and rushed to the city gate with a bang.


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