One Piece Fragment Extraction System

Chapter 31 Can I teach my granddaughter?

Lin Wanyu was excited for a long time and remained silent in the sky.

In fact, flying is very easy for people to do.

Whether it is an airplane, or other flying tools, or even a parachute, it is a simple flight process.

However, flying is not exciting. What's really exciting is that you can fly without relying on foreign objects, which is what makes people quiet.

Why do people create tools? That is, you can't continue to be strong by yourself, and you want to use tools to strengthen yourself.

But human beings never give up.

If you can do it yourself, how many will create a tool to replace it?

It's like giving birth to a can do it yourself, I'm afraid no one will let someone else give birth to a child on your own, right?

It's like washing clothes in a washing machine. If you can wash clothes as easily as a washing machine, would you still need a washing machine?

In the same way, if people can fly themselves, then things like airplanes may not exist!

In fact, people can fly! It's just very rare.

And a person who can't fly, suddenly flies, then his 430 must be silent in the sense of pleasure.

That's what Lin Wanyu is like, when she looked at the sky above nine days, she only felt that everything was new.

He was having fun too, and then he remembered Ye Jia coming.

Looking at Ye Jia, the expression on his face became different, it was excited, but also a little unusual.

Then she said to Ye Jia: "Can we go down? I'm a little scared!"

But his face turned pale.

"Okay!" Ye Jia could see that Lin Wanyu was unusual, and I'm afraid that after she was happy, she was a little scared. Nodding at the moment, their figures disappeared into the sky the next moment, and when Lin Wanyu reacted in a flash, she saw that she had stood in front of the villa again.

As he got closer to the ground, the blood on his face recovered.

Looking at the people below, she couldn't help waving her hands and saying excitedly, "Mom and Dad, Grandpa, I was standing in the cloud just now."

Ye Jia took her to the ground slowly, Lin Wanyu let go of Ye Jia's palm, and immediately rushed towards her parents excitedly.

Wang Qian hurriedly hugged her daughter and checked it carefully. Seeing that (bfbg) had nothing, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

However, the expressions on their faces looking at Ye Jia couldn't help changing.

Become amazing!

In those eyes, there is disbelief and a little awe! And yearning for the unknown can be described as complicated.

Ye Jia smiled slightly and raised his leg, but suddenly he felt as if one of his legs was much heavier.

Looking down, he saw a figure hugging his left leg and looking at him with an expression on his face.

But it was Wang Lang who hung on Ye Jia's body.

Then Wang Lang looked at Ye Jia as if spitting fire in his eyes, and said, "Master!"

"Come again..." Ye Jia was speechless, facing Sun Tao, he was really speechless.

However, no matter what Ye Jia did, Sun Tao was always hanging on him.

Use a little strength, I'm afraid of hurting this Sun Tao, no need, this Sun Tao is really helpless.

How could he know that there was a voice exclaiming in Sun Tao's heart all the time: "The upper part of the sky, definitely the upper part of the sky! Maybe even higher... He can fly, such a person is already considered a land god. This is a big leg thicker than a mountain, I must hug it tightly!"

At the same time, Old Man Lin walked over to Ye Jia with an excited look on his face, opened his mouth and said, "Mr. Ye..."

However, Ye Jia interrupted him apologetically: "Wait a minute, old man!"

After saying that, Ye Jia's figure suddenly disappeared, and Sun Tao was with him.

Then two figures appeared in the same position, one was Sun Tao hanging on Ye Jia, and the other was Ye Jia who lowered his head and was about to see Sun Tao's expression.

Ye Jia remembered that Sun Tao said on the plane that he was afraid of heights!

It doesn't seem right now.

That Sun Tao's eyes flashed, and when he saw that he was at an altitude of 10,000 meters, the next moment he rolled his eyes and fainted.

Then the arm that grabbed Ye Jia's little leg could not help but let it go.

Ye Jia looked at Sun Tao with a funny look, and then brought Sun Tao back to the ground.

This time Sun Tao lay directly on the ground, but he didn't have the ability to hug Ye Jia's big legs again!

The old man Lin looked at Sun Tao who seemed to be dead and couldn't help but say, "What happened to him?"

Ye Jia smiled slightly and said, "He is afraid of heights, so I took him up for a walk."

When Old Man Lin heard this, he nodded indifferently, then looked at Ye Jia excitedly and said, "Mr. Ye, immortal! You are immortal!"

It could be seen that he was still silent on Ye Jia's performance before.

Ye Jia shook his head slightly, waved his hand and said, "What immortals are not immortals, no matter how powerful people in this world are, they are still human after all. Compared to you, I only have a little more power!"

Although Ye Jia's words made everyone nod frequently, it was still difficult to suppress the excitement in their hearts at this moment.

Especially the Lin Zibo couple, seeing Ye Jia couldn't speak at all.

On the other hand, the old man Lin was very serious, and finally said to Ye Jia: "I can rest assured that you have this strength. I am not satisfied with your saying that the Taoist priest could fly back then! It's just not as powerful as you!"

"Oh?" Ye Jia was slightly curious, but nodded and smiled.

I also think that it is no wonder that Mr. Lin can react so quickly from the shock. It turns out that he has seen this kind of thing more than once.

He didn't speak yet, when he heard that old man Lin asked Ye Jia with a longing, excited and doubtful voice: "I know that people like you are masters, and I don't know what kind of strength you are! It's amazing! Incredible!"

Ye Jia smiled and was about to answer.

However, a trembling weak voice came from below.

"I know... the upper part of the sky is definitely the strength of the upper part of the sky! In the entire ancient martial arts world, people with heaven-level strength can be counted with a slap, and they are all hidden from the world. Kind of... the upper class, I'm afraid I'm the only master..."

Sun Tao got up one by one and looked at Ye Jia eagerly.

Ye Jia was speechless, looking at him, he really couldn't bear to say any more words.

It was at this time that Lin Fuguo suddenly said excitedly at Ye Jia: "Mr. Lin, I have an unkind request..."

Ye Jia looked at Old Man Lin curiously and said, "What's the matter? Old man, please tell me!"

"I know that we ordinary people have no luck with you cultivators, but Wan Yu is smart and clever. I wonder if Mr. Ye can teach her something?".

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