One Piece Fragment Extraction System

Chapter 48 Slap to death!

Gradually, Sun Tao overcame psychological obstacles.

This fist was so fierce, he actually went up to the female ghost first.

In fact, as long as people muster up the courage, many times they can do things beyond belief.

In terms of strength alone, the difference in strength between Sun Tao and the female ghost is only half a catty.

However, as long as you have confidence, you will be able to exert greater strength.

Of course, another important point is that although the female ghost has good strength, he has no consciousness.

Sun Tao is different. Sun Tao is a real normal person.

In this way, one has no wisdom and one has wisdom, even if they are of the same strength, the perception is no longer obvious.

What's more, Sun Tao is still using a move, and this female ghost is just rushing up, rushing!

Her fighting style is really simple, perhaps because she lacks wisdom and cannot fully exert her strength, she has been pressed and beaten by Sun Tao.

Sun Tao became more and more excited as he fought, and the bigger and stronger he became, and then he seemed to feel somewhat handy.

"This female ghost is not very good. Except for the ugly face, she is not very powerful!"

15 Staring at the figure of the female ghost who was being beaten more and more dimly, Sun Tao couldn't help but pouted and said.

Hearing his words, Ye Jia couldn't help but smile.

Don't look at this female ghost now, but that's because Sun Tao has strength, and he has strength in his body.

If this is replaced by ordinary people, let alone fighting with this female ghost, even sticking to her body, I am afraid it will be a problem.

Unless this ordinary person deals with ghosts, unless it is some special method, as long as he is beaten, he has no room for resistance.

People like Sun Tao are, after all, a minority.

What's more, even Sun Tao, wasn't he frightened by the female ghost at the beginning?

Suddenly, Ye Jia noticed that there was something wrong with the female ghost, and the hostility on her body seemed to be a little thicker.

Ye Jia frowned. He didn't expect this female ghost to be beaten, and turned into a rhythm. How much resentment did she have to have when she died?

He couldn't help but said to Sun Tao.

"Don't waste time, solve it quickly. Wait for her to turn into a ghost now, you are no longer an opponent."

When Sun Tao heard this, he couldn't help but sigh.

However, he also felt something was wrong with the female ghost, so he quickly nodded towards Ye Jia, and then rushed towards the female ghost.

Sun Tao's hands flickered faintly, which was the effect of his power.

The female ghost who should have passed through her body was actually bound to her chest by him! Pressed directly against the wall and struggled.

Sun Tao raised his fist and punched the female ghost's abdomen with one punch, and then accompanied by ripples, the female ghost howled.

To say that Sun Tao's starting position is really a bit obscene. Fortunately, this female ghost is not conscious, otherwise she will rush to the place where Sun Tao is pressing. I don't know if they will accuse him of indecent assault.

However, Sun Tao wanted to grab the female ghost by the neck to restrict her activities, but that disgusting head was really hard to do.

It's like a flea, you're used to smelling it and looking at it, but if you let that one touch it, will you do it?

I thought that the female ghost's shrill howl was just a natural reaction to being beaten and hurt, but who knows, even if Sun Tao retracted his fist, the screaming still did not stop at all.

Then Ye Jia suddenly realized that Sun Tao's expression slowly became a little grim.

There was a trace of struggle in his eyes, but he looked violent.

No one would have thought that the female ghost's cry was also a means of attack, which suddenly affected his mind.

At this point, Ye Jia couldn't help frowning slightly.

For this kind of attack, if you don't have any precautions in advance, you will definitely be hit.

Just like the current Sun Tao, he actually let go of the female ghost slowly, but then looked at Ye Jia viciously.

It looked like he had some deep hatred with Ye Jia.

Seeing this scene, Ye Jia couldn't help shaking his head.

This Sun Tao is still too far away, these few cries can actually make him confused, it is really unbearable.

But fortunately, this is not bad, at least it can give this Sun Tao a little exercise.

With a slight smile, Ye Jia wanted Sun Tao to wake up, but he never expected that there would be a bang bang outside the door.

Then he opened the door, only to see three girls rushing towards Ye Jia with open teeth and claws.

Stunned for a moment, Ye Jia couldn't help but feel a little helpless.

Yes, it's not just Sun Tao, as long as he is still standing, he is basically influenced by the female ghost, which is really helpless.

Then, just as the three girls rushed to the front, Ye Jia suddenly coughed without coming, and the next moment the female ghost was hit hard and could no longer make a sound.

Sun Tao was stunned for a moment, there was a flash of clarity in his eyes, and he looked at Ye Jia in front of him with some surprise.

Although the three girls reacted a little slower, but after they came to their senses, they found that they were dragging Ye Jia's clothes and ran into the house at some point.

A little surprised.

However, the surprise ended quickly, and then seeing the female ghost floating in the air, the three of them couldn't help screaming and ran out again.

Well, don't be afraid of ghosts in the house!

I looked at it, but I was scared to death.

Sun Tao scratched his head in confusion: "What's going on?"

He still hasn't woken up yet.

Ye Jia shook his head slightly and said, "You are being controlled by that female ghost, why don't you hurry up and deal with her 617."

When Sun Tao heard this, he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and then he woke up with anger on his face.

Then he rushed towards the ghost.

"Let you fuck me! I'll kill you..."

Sun Tao let out a cry and bullied him forward.

But then he was stunned, and the whole person flew back.

At this moment, Ye Jia looked over, but saw that the female ghost turned into a serious ghost at some point, and the black energy around her body became more intense.

It made the whole room full of evil spirits.

Yes, Ye Jia shook his head slightly.

This female ghost has turned into a serious ghost, and now her strength has been enhanced three or five times.

Sun Tao, this is far from an opponent.

It seemed that it was impossible to expect Sun Tao to get rid of this female ghost.

Even if Ye Jia wasn't here, I'm afraid these people would be wiped out.

Immediately, the female ghost gave a stern laugh, and rushed towards Ye Jia the next moment.

Ye Jia couldn't help but stare at this scene, who dares to believe it?

After this female ghost turned into a savage ghost, her intelligence was a little more healthy than before, and she even regarded Ye Jia as the biggest threat for the first time.

It's a pity that Ye Jia is a threat, but it's not something she can shake.

Smiling slightly, Ye Jia slapped the female ghost with a slap. .

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