One Piece Fragment Extraction System

Chapter 52: Restoring Memory

You know, he has personally shot before and killed all Menos Grande except the Void Night Palace.

And it's a miracle that these four people actually survived.

"Brother, pets, when did Xu also divide brothers and pets?" Rukia Kuchiki asked with a black line on his face.

The Arrancar three emptiness in front of her really refreshed her cognition of emptiness.

"I met her on the road and thought she was too cute, so I became his brother!" Dondo Chaka Kaidō, wearing a clown mask.

"Me too!" Peixie with a human-shaped goat head echoed.

"Okay!" Hearing such an answer, Rukia Kuchiki was speechless again, and these people were indeed illusory.

"By the way, you haven't told me yet, what are your names, you look like humans, are you also Arrancar?" Nilu asked curiously.

"My name is Kusajishi Yachiru, I'm not Arrancar, I'm Shinigami!" The pink-haired cute girl Kusajishi Yachiru directly Kaidō.

"My name is Rukia Kuchiki, also Shinigami!"

"Ye Jia!"

Rukia Kuchiki said coldly.

017 The last one is Ye Jia's voice. This is the first time he has made a voice since the appearance of the group of four.

"Ahhhh! Shinigami, here comes the villain..."

"Ah! Nilu, let's run!"

After listening to the introduction of Ye Jia and others, Nilu and others directly exclaimed, and then jumped on the giant caterpillar Xubawabawa with lightning speed, and ran away in a panic.

Rukia Kuchiki and Kusajishi Yachiru were stunned for a moment when they saw the actions of the bizarre quartet.

"Hey, come back, we are not bad people, we are from Xuye Palace, we know a lot of Xuhe Arrancar, you don't have to be afraid!"

However, these words fell in the ears of Peixe and Dondochakar like thunder. Immediately, Peixie slapped Bawa Bawa and fled into the distance at a faster speed.

"Brother Ye Jia, we obviously didn't mean to hurt them, so why did they flee!" Kusajishi Yachiru was disappointed when he saw the strangely beautiful foursome who were getting farther and farther away.

"He (bfeg) hehe, they are not afraid of Shinigami, but of Xuye Palace, and besides, they can't run!" Ye Jia laughed, raised his right hand slightly, and grabbed in the direction the group of four fled.

"what's going on?"


An invisible force suddenly descended, and the group of four of them immediately retreated uncontrollably, and soon appeared in front of the three of them.

"Peixie, Dondochaka, Nellie Lu Du!" Ye Jia looked at the strange group of four who were still in shock, and said slowly, "I forgot to give you a detailed introduction just now, Ye Jia , the current master of "Hueco Mundo", the former third blade of Espada, and the subordinate officers, do you have to see it!"

"I don't know what you are talking about, the three blades we are just ordinary Menos Grande, how can it be the noble three blades!"

Dondo Chaka pretended to be calm.

"Brother, what are you talking about, what are the three blades, the subordinate officials of the three blades, why can't I understand it, it's still Nelly Elu Du, I seem to have heard this name somewhere, ahhh! My head hurts!" While talking, Nilu suddenly put her head in her hands, her face full of pain, as if thinking of something terrible.


"Nilu, what's wrong with you?"

Peixie and Don Dochaka looked at Nilu nervously, and their eyes were full of hostility and vigilance towards Ye Jia.

But Pei Xie and Dondochaka didn't know how to deal with it. Obviously, for Ye Jia, who had an unknown purpose and was full of hostility, the most they should do is to leave. But remembering Ye Jia's previous tactics, they fell silent again.

Pulling them back directly from hundreds of meters away is simply unfathomable.

"Hehe, do you think that this kind of one does not remind Nilu of what happened in the past, it is for Nilu's good, although Nilu is pure and kind and doesn't like to fight, it does not mean that she likes to live in such a messy way and lose herself. !"

Ye Jia glanced at Pei Xie and Don Dochaka, and said lightly.

Having read Shinigami's manga, he actually likes Peixe and Dondo Chaka, who are loyal and protective.

But this does not mean that Ye Jia agrees with the idea of ​​the two of them. To let Ni Lu live without memory is indeed protecting Ni Lu to a certain extent, but living without self like this is different from death.

Not caring about Peixie and Don Duochaka's opinions, Ye Jia raised his right hand and pointed towards the void, a silver beam directly sunk into Nilu's eyebrows.

"What are you doing to Nilu again?"

Seeing Ye Jia's sudden attack, Peixie and Don Duchaka ran away, with Reiatsu blooming all over their bodies, and they were about to attack Ye Jia.

"Pechet, Dondochaka, I'm fine!"

Suddenly, a childish voice with a hint of majesty suddenly sounded behind the ears of the two, making them stunned.

"Nilu!" Pei Xie and Don Dochaka hurriedly looked at Nilu, and they were no longer greeted by the eyes of Nilu's children, but by the eyes they were very familiar with and had been looking forward to: "No, you are Nilu. Lord Elu, have you recovered your memory?"

"Well, I remembered, these days, thanks to you!"

"This is what we should do, but please forgive me, we have been deceiving you about the fact that you have amnesia!" Peixe and Dondo Chaka said excitedly.

"I know that you are actually protecting me by doing this. How can I blame you? However, as Ye Jia said, everything needs to be faced after all, and escaping will never solve the problem!"

Nelly Elle said calmly,

"Hehe, it seems that you understand it very well, but you don't need to worry, the current "Hueco Mundo" is no longer the previous "Hueco Mundo", let me introduce again, the owner of "Hueco Mundo", Ye Jia! "

Ye Jia said lightly, his tone was incomparably flat, but it was like thunder when it fell in the ears of the three of them.

"I know you have doubts in your hearts, go back to the Xuye Palace first, and you will understand when you arrive! Rukia, Baqianliu, let's go back!"

"Well, Brother Ye Jia!"


Although the two women were very interested in what happened to Nilu, they also knew that this was not the place to talk.

When the two women answered in the affirmative, Ye Jia immediately stretched out his right hand and waved it casually. .

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