One Piece Fragment Extraction System

Chapter 92 Love Aikawa who was tricked

If this is the case, the change in Aaronello is actually not that big. Compared with 30,000 and 100,000, it is only a change in quantity. As long as someone finds Aronello's weakness, he can easily kill him.

But later, thanks to Ye Jia's reward, Aronillo and Gillian evolved to the Vasto Lorde level in one fell swoop, which made his combat power have a qualitative change.

Before returning to the blade, Aronillo was still only a weak man, and could only rely on the skyrocketing Reiatsu, but after returning to the blade, Aronillo was no longer weak, and even extremely powerful.

Because after evolving to the Vasto Lorde level, Aronillo has realized a skill in addition to the ghoul, which is called unity.

It unifies the virtual Reiatsu and skills that he devoured.

Although this skill could not unify all the abilities of the emptiness that he swallowed, but there are more than 100,000 emptiness in Aronello's body, and only a part of it needs to be unified, and it is enough to make him invincible.

Just like the purple Reiatsu barrier just now, it was released by Aronillo's unifying Reiatsu in the body.

In this way, there is just that scene.

"Hahaha, why are you so scared by me?"

Aronillo saw Love Aikawa and Hirako Shinji, still standing there, mocking wildly.

"This ugly guy, what he said is really ugly, Hirako, although I don't know why this guy is like this, but no matter what, we must solve him as soon as possible. So, I'll go first!"

Love Aikawa placed his left hand claw-like on his forehead, and suddenly, a white mask with two small sharp horns on one forehead appeared on Love Aikawa's face.

"I'm going, it might be a little hot, Hirako, get out of the way."

"A fiery little hammer!"

Love Aikawa shouted loudly, holding Tengu Maru in both hands, and the raging fire burned on the stick.

Blazing Hammer: One of Love Aikawa's Shikai skills, it has a lot of attack power. It attaches flames to physical attacks, forming a fire fist to attack the target, and a large area of ​​flames instantly burns where it hits.

Love Aikawa held the Tengu Maru in both hands and slowly smashed it down. The whole moment was like a burning flame, falling towards Aronillo.

The blazing flames, coupled with the strength of the mace, wherever they passed, the void seemed to tremble, with ripples appearing.


The flaming Tengu Maru slammed heavily on the purple barrier, and in an instant, a huge column of flame rose, swallowing both Love Aikawa and Aronillo.

In the face of this shocking scene, Hirako Shinji could only watch quietly, because compared to Love Aikawa's Tengu Maru, his reverse strokes are not good at frontal combat and can't help at all.

As for the ability to reverse the world, Hirako Shinji dare not use it casually, after all, the ability to reverse the world is not divided between the enemy and the enemy.

However, before the flames dissipated, Love Aikawa's voice suddenly came from the flames.

"Hirako, you go to help others for now, leave it to me for the time being."

"it is good!"

Without thinking about it, Hirako Shinji nodded in agreement, and hurried over to Ōtoribashi Rōjūrō.

"If you want to escape, you must not take me seriously. I have already said that I can use all the skills of the more than 100,000 virtuals that I swallowed, but how can you escape my perception!"


Aronello's arrogant voice sounded in the flames, followed by a huge tentacle.

Unprepared, Hirako Shinji's figure was directly stopped by this tentacle.


And Aronillo has more than one tentacle, after Hirako Shinji was stopped.

Love Aikawa was also knocked out of the flames by a tentacle.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Aronillo's lower body seems to have swelled to Ultimate, and immediately after the two tentacles, seven or eight tentacles sprang out, whipping towards Love Aikawa and Hirako Shinji.

On each of these tentacles, there are 100,000 virtual Reiatsu swallowed by Aaronello, and each of them contains strength and speed that are not weak.

Seven or eight came out, and Love Aikawa and Hirako Shinji were suddenly forced to run a little bit.

This is not over yet. From the tentacles, from the holes similar to the octopus suckers, various virtual bullets are shot from time to time, interfering with the dodge of the two.

"It's almost endless!"

Just after forcing a tentacle back, looking at the tentacle that was drawn not far away, a haze appeared on Hirako Shinji's face.

"Love Aikawa, hurry up and close your breath, I'm going to use the ability of reverse strokes!"

Hirako Shinji hooked Zanpakutō with one hand, making it spin continuously at his fingertips, and cast it on Shunpo under his feet, avoiding the tentacles in the sky as much as possible, and rushing towards Aronillo.

A shimmering pink mist permeates the surroundings from Hirako Shinji's Zanpakutō.

"Wait, Hirako!" Love Aikawa shouted loudly, as if thinking of something, "That guy's head seems to have been soaked in some kind of liquid, he doesn't even need to breathe!"

"Ah, why didn't you say it earlier, I still urged 460 to reverse it!"

Hirako Shinji said madly.

"What?" Love Aikawa's expression changed, and he was about to say something, but before he could finish speaking, the world in his eyes suddenly began to change, upside down, left, right, and front suddenly turned upside down.

Before Aronello missed, Love Aikawa was the first to hit.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Regardless of this, Aronillo still manipulated four or five tentacles and whipped away at Love Aikawa.

Love Aikawa hurriedly waved the Tengu Maru to force these tentacles away, but he had already been hit by the reverse stroke, and the world in his eyes was still completely upside down.

The direction in which the Tengu Maru was swung in his hand was completely opposite to the direction in which the tentacles were slapped.


The thick tentacles hit Love Aikawa heavily without hindrance, and the strength contained in the tentacles exploded instantly, and Love Aikawa's whole body was immediately thrown out by this force.

Taking advantage of the fact that his illness was killing him, Aaronillo was not a good stalker. Taking advantage of Love Aikawa's throw flying, and unable to resist, Aronillo decisively manipulated seven or eight tentacles at the same time and beat Love Aikawa.

There are seven or eight tentacles, and each tentacle is full of strength. If Love Aikawa is hit by these seven or eight tentacles again, even if he does not die, he will be seriously injured. .

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