One Piece Fragment Extraction System

Chapter 96 The embarrassed three

Although there is still a big gap compared to Captain Yamamoto's Reiatsu, who is enough to scorch the entire Soul Society, these fluctuations in Reiatsu are still enough to show that the opponent in front of him is definitely a strong enemy, even if the three of them join forces, they will not A formidable foe that can guarantee absolute victory.

No matter what the three of them thought, Ulquiorra flapped his wings directly after returning to the blade, holding a lightsaber, and killed the three of them.

Brush it!

The three of them only felt that a dark shadow flashed in front of them, and Ulquiorra disappeared in place.


The next moment, Ōtoribashi Rōjūrō only felt a gust of wind coming from the left, and a sharp lightsaber pierced the air and stabbed him directly.

"Roz, be careful!"


Hirako Shinji let out an exclamation, and appeared beside Ōtoribashi Rōjūrō, Zanpakutō swung it, and held Ulquiorra's lightsaber dangerously and dangerously.

But, is Ulquiorra's lightsaber so easy to pick up?

Even Shikai and Zaraki Kenpachi after the explosion couldn't take Ulquiorra's lightsaber head-on, let alone Hirako Shinji, who was not good at head-to-head combat. 363

As soon as Zanpakutō touched the lightsaber, a terrifying force immediately came from the key.

Under this strong impact, Hirako Shinji's body was thrown out involuntarily.

In the end, it was Love Aikawa, who stepped behind him and helped Hirako Shinji stabilize his body.

"It's so strong, be careful, this guy in front of you is not ordinary." Hirako Shinji said solemnly after barely stabilizing his body and removing the force from his lightsaber.

Love Aikawa and Ōtoribashi Rōjūrō, who also nodded, also saw how powerful Ulquiorra was.

The blow missed, Ulquiorra flapped his wings again and returned to the air, staring at the three of them with cold eyes, as if he was picking his next target.

"No matter what, it's up to you, the opponent's speed is too fast, this time you are the main attack, I will assist." Love Aikawa said solemnly.

Hirako Shinji and Ōtoribashi Rōjūrō, each put away Hirako Shinji's weird smile and sloppy attitude, and nodded earnestly.

"Okay, then let's go."

Love Aikawa put his hand on his forehead and put on the mask again.

Because Love Aikawa's Hollow time can only last for three minutes, he needs to take off the mask frequently and put it on again, so as to ensure that he is always in Hollow during the battle.

Both Hirako Shinji and Ōtoribashi Rōjūrō also removed and put their masks back on to prevent them from suddenly falling out of Hollow time in the middle of a fight.

This time, Ōtoribashi Rōjūrō was the first to strike.


With a handsome wave of his right hand, the golden flower whip immediately circled towards Ulquiorra, who was flying in the air.

However, when the Golden Flower Whip was still a few meters away from Ulquiorra, Ōtoribashi Rōjūrō suddenly stretched out his left hand, like playing a guitar, and slapped it on the Golden Flower Whip, while whispering in his mouth:

"Jinsha Luo Sonata No. 11 - Izayoi Rose!"

- Jinsha Luo Sonata No. 11 - Izayoi Rose: One of Ōtoribashi Rōjūrō's Shikai skills, swing the whip like a spinning top, forming a disk-shaped area, then straighten and explode instantly like a magic cloud.


The golden-flowered whip shot by Ōtoribashi Rōjūrō suddenly exploded, forming an explosive impact like a magic cloud in the early air, which spreads all around, including Ulquiorra's location.

Following Ōtoribashi Rōjūrō, Hirako Shinji also shot.


In a flash, Hirako Shinji appeared directly above Ulquiorra's head, and the Zanpakutō in his hand glowed red.

(bfbe) "Fall down, stroking!"

The handle of the knife is inlaid with the inverse stroke of a huge ring, spinning rapidly in Hirako Shinji's hand, and the scent of pinkish pink permeates the surroundings.

Most of them have spread to the range of "Izayoi Rose" by Ōtoribashi Rōjūrō. Under the impact of the explosion of "Izayoi Rose", the aroma spreads to the surroundings in a faster and more secret way.

This series of cooperation between the two is undoubtedly trying to cheat Ulquiorra.

No matter how strong Ulquiorra is, once he is hit by the effect of reverse stroke, his combat power will be greatly reduced.

However, Ulquiorra is not a Zommari, and Hirako Shinji's recoil is performed too frequently today to not be noticed.

So, when the blast of air was wrapped in pink fragrance, it floated towards Ulquiorra.

brush! brush! brush!

A tyrannical Reiatsu suddenly rose from Ulquiorra's body, a pair of huge wings, flapping quickly.

The tyrannical Reiatsu and the flapping of his wings set off a burst of strong air waves, which directly collided with the waves of the explosion.

Ōtoribashi Rōjūrō's "Izayoi Rose" was an area attack after all, and it exploded several meters away, and by the time it reached Ulquiorra, the impact was already weak.

As soon as the gust of wind carried by the wings blew, it immediately rolled backwards towards Hirako Shinji.

Hirako Shinji was completely unprepared, and was directly shaved by the aroma of the air waves and the stroking. If it wasn't for the fact that he was the master of the countermeasures, I'm afraid it was him who was recruited this time.


"Moonlight Sword!"

After rewinding the scent of Hirako Shinji, Ulquiorra slammed the lightsaber in his hand towards Ōtoribashi Rōjūrō, seizing the opportunity between the three of them.

At the same time, he gathered Reiatsu to his left hand, forming a black sphere.


Seemingly aware that Ulquiorra was about to attack Ōtoribashi Rōjūrō, Love Aikawa would dodge in front of him after Ōtoribashi Rōjūrō's shot, wielding a tengu pill, trying to help Ōtoribashi Rōjūrō intercept Ulquiorra's attack.


The moonlight sword that was thrown slammed into Tengu Maru. The tyrannical force exploded in an instant, Love Aikawa only felt a heavy hand on his hands, and Tengu Maru almost let go.

Fortunately, Love Aikawa has more strength, and Reiatsu is not weak. He used the heavy weapon Tengumaru, which barely blocked the moonlight sword and retreated to the front of Ōtoribashi Rōjūrō.

Ulquiorra's attack isn't over yet.

"Black Cero!"

From the purple-black sphere condensed on the left hand, a purple-black beam of light suddenly shot out, shooting towards Hirako Shinji in mid-air. .

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