One Piece Fragment Extraction System

Chapter 104 Magical means

The second, naturally, is to resolve conflicts between people. No matter how deep the conflict between the people is, as long as they fight each other a few times in the Xumi Illusion Realm, die a few times, or have the ability to kill each other a few times, it cannot be said to be resolved, but at least it can be alleviated a lot.

If it is suppressed by him, it can at least maintain the unity of the legion on the surface. And under such a long period of subtlety, most of the contradictions among the people will gradually dissipate.

Hearing Ye Jia mentioning that conflicts can be resolved in the so-called ring, Love Aikawa, Ōtoribashi Rōjūrō, and Hirako Shinji looked at each other and bowed respectfully and said:

"Meet Lord Ye Jia!"

The rest of the Masked Corps, except Sarugaki Hiyori, followed closely behind Love Aikawa, Ōtoribashi Rōjūrō, and Hirako Shinji, and bowed respectfully:

"May 13" "Meet Lord Ye Jia!"

The hidden life in this world for nearly a hundred years has already made all the masked people feel disappointed with Soul Society and know how to compromise. The only remaining belief in their hearts is to settle the matter with Aizen Sōsuke.

Since Ye Jia was so powerful, he gave them the promise to end with Aizen Sōsuke in the ring, so what if he surrendered to him, as long as there was a chance to end with Aizen Sōsuke, they would not give up.

"it is good!"

Looking at the masked army who bowed and surrendered, Ye Jia nodded with satisfaction.

His primary purpose in coming to this world this time is indeed Urahara Kisuke, and subduing Urahara Kisuke has accomplished his stated purpose.

Now that everyone in the Masked Army has been subdued, how can he be dissatisfied.

Glancing lightly, Ye Jia suddenly raised his right hand and waved gently towards the wreckage of the Urahara shop on the devastated ground inside the barrier.

In an instant, countless colorful rays of light spewed out, sweeping towards the entire barrier.

The next moment, everyone suddenly found that the place swept by the colorful rays of light was like a time-reversing magic, and in an instant, it turned back to what it was before Aizen Sōsuke and Urahara Kisuke fought.

Looking at the restored Urahara shop, everyone couldn't help but feel an illusion, as if the previous battle had never happened.

"Urahara, I have already repaired the shop for you. In the future, you will still be stationed here as the base of the Void Night Palace in this world."

"Yes, thank you Lord Ye Jia for your help!"

Looking at the Urahara store that was repaired by Ye Jia, which was exactly the same as before, without any changes, Urahara Kisuke let out a small breath and said respectfully, with a hint of awe and gratitude in his tone.

Although the Urahara shop in Karakura Town has just opened, it is just another ordinary shop with hidden identity of Urahara Kisuke, but there are a lot of hidden inside, Urahara Kisuke's research results over the years.

For a researcher, the importance of research results can be imagined. Although Urahara Kisuke is not a research madman like Kurotsuchi Mayuri, but let him watch his research results be destroyed overnight, he does not May be completely indifferent.

Ye Jia repaired it casually, and undoubtedly helped him repair some of the research results that might have been damaged. So, Urahara Kisuke is really grateful to Ye Jia.

And Ye Jia's hand, like magic, is like stepping back in time, and the Urahara shops and streets that they fought before were almost completely destroyed, completely restored to the appearance before the battle, and completely calmed down. Urahara Kisuke.

Before Ye Jia took "卍ban Taifeng" with one hand from the front, it just made people feel that he was powerful.

However, as soon as this hand came out, in addition to being powerful, Ye Jia was a little more unpredictable. Urahara Kisuke suddenly understood why the kings respected Ye Jia as a god, and these methods indeed had the aura of omnipotence.

Not only Urahara Kisuke, Shihouin Yoruichi, Tessai Tsukabishi, and the Masked Army were also stunned by Ye Jia's hand, and even Sarugaki Hiyori, who wanted to yell, had a little more awe in his eyes.

After scanning everyone's reactions, Ye Jia nodded indistinctly. He just set out to repair the Urahara shop just to give everyone an image of himself as omnipotent.

After thinking for a while, Ye Jia raised his right hand again and waved at everyone.


A light green mist full of life breath appeared out of thin air in the enchantment under Ye Jia's wave, shrouding everyone...  

After being cleaned by this green aura, everyone suddenly felt refreshed, and all the exhaustion left in the previous battle was swept away.

"Hey, idiot, Quanxi, why did the injury on my body suddenly heal!"

Kuna Mashiro, who was lying on the ground, suddenly stood up from the ground, full of surprise.

Because of Ye Jia's order, Tia didn't hit Kuna Mashiro hard, but there were still some injuries, otherwise Kuna Mashiro wouldn't have been lying on the ground.

However, after being brushed by the green mist in the air, the wound on her body was completely healed with a swish, and she was in a better state than ever before, so she couldn't help but be surprised.

Muguruma Kensei naturally didn't know how to answer Kuna Mashiro's question, because he was also in surprise at the moment. Under the shroud of green fog, some of the small wounds he left in the previous battle were suddenly healed. , not even a single scar was left.

The most seriously injured on the field should be Sarugaki Hiyori.

She, who had been lying in Shihouin Yoruichi's arms, suddenly wanted to be resurrected with blood. From Shihouin Yoruichi's arms, she stood up and appeared beside Love Aikawa, Ōtoribashi Rōjūrō, and Hirako Shinji, looking at Ye Jia. And Aizen Sōsuke.

However, this time, Sarugaki Hiyori was not impulsive and just watched 3.3 quietly. Of course, Sarugaki Hiyori looked at Aizen Sōsuke with an expression of anger.

Of the eight Kamen Corps, Sarugaki Hiyori is the least likely to forgive Aizen Sōsuke. The difference from before was that this time, Sarugaki Hiyori's anger contained a little more restraint and awe, and these all came from Ye Jia.

The green mist slowly dissipated.

In the entire enchantment, in an instant, because it has been cleaned, it looks brand new.

Everyone was stunned at first, and their hearts were full of the illusion that they had lost their minds. The feeling of being washed by the green mist just now was so wonderful, so wonderful that they were a little intoxicated.

After a while, everyone finally woke up from that feeling. Without reminding, everyone turned to Ye Jia and said respectfully:

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