One Piece Fragment Extraction System

Four hundred and thirtieth chapters final blow

The "Crescent Moon Chong" that was cut out in the past was a huge Reiatsu blade. After breaking away from Zanpakutō, it directly slashed at the opponent. The "Crescent Moon Sky Chong" cut out this time is not like this.

After Tensa Zangetsu slashed the sword, a black crescent also flew out and slashed towards Byakuya Kuchiki.

However, after Black Crescent broke away from Tensa Zangetsu, it did not break away from Tensa Zangetsu, but was connected with Tensa Zangetsu through Reiatsu.

Not only that, the trajectory of the flight of the black crescent this time is a spiral, and only the front part can vaguely see the shape of the crescent.

Of course, the power is also different.

The circling black crescent moon rolled towards Byakuya Kuchiki with a tyrannical momentum.

Facing the circling crescent moon, Byakuya Kuchiki's expression changed slightly, and he could clearly feel the Reiatsu contained in the black crescent moon.


Not choosing to hit hard, Byakuya Kuchiki's figure suddenly flashed, avoiding the black crescent moon that was slashing towards him.


In the second that Byakuya Kuchiki diddges, a black crescent appeared at his original position 15.

In an instant, the blade space shook violently, and the thousands of blades above the sky were all impacted by the impact, making a crisp resonance sound.

However, things are not over yet.

However, Kurosaki Ichigo's attack in Bankai and Hollow state is not so easy to dodge.


The black crescent had just hit the ground, and the next moment, it sprang out of the ground and continued to attack Byakuya Kuchiki.


Byakuya Kuchiki performed Shunpo, and his figure flashed again, trying to avoid the pursuit of the black crescent moon.

Unfortunately, the black crescent didn't want to satisfy Byakuya Kuchiki's wishes at all. Just as his figure reappeared, the black crescent hovered in the air and attacked Byakuya Kuchiki again.

In desperation, Byakuya Kuchiki had no choice but to conjure up a blade from the sky.

Under his summons, the blades above the sky, as if they had no money, fell one by one toward the black crescent moon.

The blade above the sky was only formed after Senbonzakura was solidified, and the power was not strong. As soon as it touched the black crescent, it was directly shattered, and it did not affect the black crescent at all.

Seeing this scene, Byakuya Kuchiki was unmoved and continued to manipulate the blade in the sky, falling towards the black crescent moon.

With the blade above the sky, the collision one after another, Kurosaki Ichigo's "Crescent Moon Rising" finally slowed down.

Noticing this, Byakuya Kuchiki's eyes suddenly flashed a bright light.

Now, there is no doubt that Byakuya Kuchiki has been waiting for the shot.

The reason why Byakuya Kuchiki recklessly hit Kurosaki Ichigo's "Crescent Moon" was to weaken the power of "Crescent Moon".

Now, Byakuya Kuchiki has undoubtedly achieved the stated goal.

At the moment, Byakuya Kuchiki didn't hesitate, his hands suddenly solidified the blade, facing the black crescent that was still flying towards him, and slashed down heavily.

The tyrannical Reiatsu belonging to Byakuya Kuchiki poured out of his body and poured into the solidified blade.

Kurosaki Ichigo's "Crescent Moon Strike", under the impact of the countless blades that Byakuya Kuchiki had just manipulated, was already at the end of the battle.

This cut by Byakuya Kuchiki was undoubtedly the last straw that broke the camel's back. With this blow, the Reiatsu blade chasing Kurosaki Ichigo shattered and dissipated into the air.

Of course, Byakuya Kuchiki was not safe.

When the "Crescent Moon Sky Chong" was broken, the remaining Reiatsu suddenly burst open.

Under the bombardment of the remaining Reiatsu, the cured Reiatsu blade held by Byakuya Kuchiki was also directly shattered, and his own breath was also slightly disturbed.

After adjusting his breath a little, Kurosaki Ichigo fell from the sky.

After returning to the ground, Byakuya Kuchiki looked at Kurosaki Ichigo with a hint of coldness in his eyes and said lightly:

"It's too troublesome to continue fighting like this. After fighting you for so long, you and I are already at the end of the battle. Next, let's use the last blow to understand this battle!"

"Yeah, it's been a bit of a hassle to fight for so long. I'll do it with one blow, and I want to end the fight as soon as possible." Kurosaki Ichigo looked at Byakuya Kuchiki with a stern look in his eyes.

In fact, it is not the best choice for Kurosaki Ichigo.

Kurosaki Ichigo is just an ordinary human who has just become a Shinigami. Even if Kurosaki Ichigo is strong now, compared to the veteran Sisi, Kurosaki Ichigo is still far behind.

Especially in terms of Bankai development, the current Kurosaki Ichigo, except for the crescent moon, has no other tricks.

All along, the power of Kurosaki Ichigo has been pushed up by the abilities of Reiatsu and Zanpakutō.

So, in one shot, Kurosaki Ichigo is at a complete disadvantage.

Not 453, as Byakuya Kuchiki said, they have been so long, it is time to make an end, and after the battle, he still needs to rescue his father.

Seeing Kurosaki Ichigo has no problem, and Byakuya Kuchiki doesn't say anything, holding Zanpakutō in both hands, with the knife pointed up in front of his chest.

In an instant, a soaring Reiatsu suddenly rose from Byakuya Kuchiki.

With the rise of this Reiatsu, the thousands of blades lined up in the air began to dissipate one after another, turning into small purple blades again, converging towards the blade in Byakuya Kuchiki's hand.

The originally ordinary blade, under the infusion of countless small blades and Reiatsu, suddenly burst into a dazzling purple awn, and it continued to expand.

Tear! !

And when all the small blades converged on the blade, a light that was difficult to suppress rushed out from Byakuya Kuchiki's hand, turning into a beam of light that shot up to the sky.

Immediately afterwards, the beam of light rising from the sky diverged toward both sides, and in an instant, it transformed into a pair of wings that covered the sky and hung from behind Byakuya Kuchiki.

"Final View White Emperor Sword!"

Holding the White Emperor Sword that shone with white light, and behind him hung a pair of white wings that covered the sky, Byakuya Kuchiki suddenly looked down at Kurosaki Ichigo like a god descending from the sky. .

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