One Piece Fragment Extraction System

Four hundred and twentieth chapters flying blade

Countless tiny blades These tiny blades are naturally the Shikai of Senbonzakura.

As soon as his mind moved, Byakuya Kuchiki immediately manipulated the thousands of sharp blades and attacked Kurosaki Ichigo from all directions.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Countless tiny sharp blades with a hint of coldness,

With a hint of coldness, he cut towards Kurosaki Ichigo.

Seeing these flying blades, Kurosaki Ichigo's face showed a dignified look. He was really impressed by these flying sharp blades.

In the beginning, Byakuya Kuchiki used this to injure him, and even nearly killed him.

So, after Byakuya Kuchiki Shikai, Kurosaki Ichigo finally began to solemn, his perception was fully opened, and Kurosaki Ichigo concentrated all his mind on the flying blade.


With a sudden force from his feet, Kurosaki Ichigo's figure suddenly flashed and flashed in a certain direction when thousands of sharp blades were about to attack him.

But is Byakuya Kuchiki's Senbonzakura so easy to dodge?

Kurosaki Ichigo's figure just moved, and countless sharp knives immediately swiped and appeared in front of him, blocking his path.

Kurosaki Ichigo is naturally very clear about this situation. He knows that Byakuya Kuchiki can manipulate thousands of tori at will.

Therefore, Kurosaki Ichigo never thought that he could easily escape from Senbonzakura's attack range.

The moment countless sharp blades appeared in front of him, Kurosaki Ichigo suddenly waved the Zangetsu in his hand.

Dao Dao Reiatsu was released from Zangetsu, setting off a layer of air waves, slamming into all directions, up, down, left, and right without any scruples.

The thousands of sharp blades that Senbonzakura transforms into are small in size, fast in flight, and exceptionally sharp. Under normal circumstances, they can block thousands of sharp blades, cutting like Ling Chi.

This is the scary thing about Senbonzakura.

However, the small size also has a disadvantage, that is, it is easily affected by the surrounding environment.

Kurosaki Ichigo waved the Zangetsu, creating waves of air just to interfere with the blades.

Layers of huge waves continuously impacted the countless sharp blades in front of Kurosaki Ichigo. Under the influence of the air waves, these sharp blades immediately slowed down greatly, and the sharp light above them also dimmed a lot.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Kurosaki Ichigo hurried to hurry and escaped Senbonzakura's siege.

However, the battle was not over, the monk could not escape from the temple, Kurosaki Ichigo escaped Senbonzakura's siege, but Senbonzakura's thousands of sharp blades are still there.

Kurosaki Ichigo's figure just stabilized, and these sharp blades appeared in front of Kurosaki Ichigo again under the manipulation of Byakuya Kuchiki.

This time, Kurosaki Ichigo reappeared, his figure flashed, and the Zanpakutō in his hand kept waving, trying to escape Senbonzakura's siege again.

But just as Kurosaki Ichigo was about to swing Zanpakutō, dozens of sharp blades suddenly appeared from behind and cut towards Kurosaki Ichigo.

If it wasn't for Kurosaki Ichigo's timely response and subconsciously tilting his body, these sharp knives would have already plunged into his body.

After dodging the sharp blade that was stabbed at him, Kurosaki Ichigo suddenly burst out with a tyrannical aura, under the great pressure of this momentum.

The thousands of knives flying around shook again, and the speed slowed down. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Kurosaki Ichigo's figure flashed out of the circle of thousands of knives again.

Because of his previous experience, Kurosaki Ichigo did not relax after breaking out of the encirclement this time.

"Compared with ten days, your progress is indeed great, but this little improvement is not enough to make you so arrogant." Byakuya Kuchiki glanced at Kurosaki Ichigo and said lightly.

I have to say that Byakuya Kuchiki, who has always been calm, was a little surprised by Kurosaki Ichigo's fighting power just now.

You know, ten days ago, in this world, Kurosaki Ichigo faced Senbonzakura with almost no backhand and was hit hard by a single move.

The current Kurosaki Ichigo has been able to take advantage of Senbonzakura for so long and escaped the Senbonzakura siege twice. This record, even the vice captains of the 13th Division of Gotei, may not be comparable.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????????

"The speed that Senbonzakura showed just now is only the level that I can achieve in this world. Now I'm like you showing one, Senbonzakura's true ability. Forgot to mention that in this world, my combat power is only one-fifth of my peak state. That's it." As soon as the voice changed, Byakuya Kuchiki said indifferently again.

With Byakuya Kuchiki's words, Senbonzakura, which was already close to Ultimate, nearly doubled the speed again.

At such a high speed, the sharpness of the thousands of sharp blades immediately soared, and with a piercing scream, it cut towards Kurosaki Ichigo.

Almost instantly, these sharp blades appeared around Kurosaki Ichigo.


Sensing the speed of the thousands of sharp blades soaring, Kurosaki Ichigo's expression froze, and even with Shunpo, he disappeared in place.

However, Byakuya Kuchiki was originally a master at Shunpo, and Kurosaki Ichigo's attainment in this area is far less than Byakuya Kuchiki, Kurosaki Ichigo in Shikai state, because of Zangetsu, speed is even a weakness.

Therefore, even if Kurosaki Ichigo casts Shunpo, his figure is still very clearly locked by Byakuya Kuchiki.



As soon as the figure appeared, countless sharp knives immediately came up from all around, with a sharp meaning, passing through Kurosaki Ichigo's body.

Although Kurosaki Ichigo has an extremely good fighting instinct, he constantly dodges like a conditioned reflex, but Senbonzakura's thousand sharp blades are too fast and too numerous. Kurosaki Ichigo still had thousands of sharp blades all over his body, leaving countless small wounds.

Fortunately, at a critical moment, Kurosaki Ichigo burst out of his own Reiatsu desperately, covering himself, otherwise it would be more than just a small wound.

After struggling through Senbonzakura's cut, Kurosaki Ichigo held Zangetsu and looked at Byakuya Kuchiki, his eyes gradually narrowed.

Kurosaki Ichigo has to admit that maybe because his strength has skyrocketed too much recently, or because he has defeated Madarame Ikkaku and Abarai Renji one after another, his self-confidence has skyrocketed a little bit, causing him to underestimate Byakuya Kuchiki. .

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