One Piece Fragment Extraction System

Chapter 457 Amazing time flow

Although the two have an extremely strong will to become stronger, the ten days and ten nights of hell-like special training left them with a deep memory, so profound that they really don't want to experience it again.

"I was defeated, and was defeated by the opponent with almost no backhand?"

Kurosaki Ichigo said suddenly with a low voice.

"What, Ichigo, you were defeated, how is this possible, you should be the strongest among us, could it be that you have met more than two captains?"

Arisawa Tatsuki said in disbelief.

For Kurosaki Ichigo, Arisawa Tatsuki is not convinced, but there is one thing that Arisawa Tatsuki has to admit, that is, Kurosaki Ichigo's combat power is definitely the strongest among them.

Not only Arisawa Tatsuki, but also Ishida Yuryu, who has been secretly fighting Kurosaki Ichigo, must admit this.

Kurosaki Ichigo, the strongest among them, was defeated, which was somewhat unexpected.

"There's only one, and it's Byakuya Kuchiki who defeated me last time in this world." Kurosaki Ichigo looked down Kaidō.

Being beaten twice by the same person, and the chance of losing both times, is nothing to be proud of for Kurosaki Ichigo.

"Byakuya Kuchiki? Is that the master of the amazing Reiatsu that suddenly came out of the Penitent Palace?" Ishida Yuryu asked aloud as if thinking of something.

"Hmm!" Kurosaki Ichigo nodded.

"It wouldn't be surprising if he sent this Reiatsu." Ishida Yulong said slowly, a shock flashed in his eyes.

When Byakuya Kuchiki fought with Kurosaki Ichigo and Shiroha who was possessed by Ye Jia, because Shiraha who was possessed by Ye Jia could control, the Reiatsu that erupted from Byakuya Kuchiki did not pass it on. Locked in the Palace of Penance.

Otherwise, Byakuya Kuchiki had fought Shiroha who was possessed by Ye Jia for so long, Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai Shigekuni and Unohana Retsu would have come over long ago.

The battle between super-captains is not like a battle between captains. It has the power to move mountains and reclaim the sea almost at every turn. If the aftermath of the battle is allowed to pass, I am afraid that the entire Soul Society will be aware of it.

However, although Bai Ye, who was possessed by Ye Jia, had been restrained, Ishida Yulong was not far from the Palace of Penance, so he could still feel a trace of it.

This is enough to make Ishida Yulong feel shocked. During the battle between Byakuya Kuchiki and Shiroha who was possessed by Ye Jia, the Reiatsu that broke out was like a sea of ​​smoke, which was definitely something Ishida Yulong had only seen in his life.

If Kurosaki Ichigo was defeated by such a person, Ishida Yuryu would not be surprised.

"Ichigo, you don't have to be discouraged, that Reiatsu's strength is indeed beyond our current level."

Thinking of this, Ishida Yulong couldn't help but comfort him.

"Yulong said a lot, Byakuya Kuchiki is indeed not something you can defeat now." The voice of Bai Ye, who was possessed by Ye Jia, also sounded right after.

"I'm sorry, this time, it was my mistake, I didn't tell you more."

Shirogane, who was possessed by Ye Jia, glanced at Kurosaki Ichigo and said apologetically.

"I didn't expect that Byakuya Kuchiki had broken through to the super captain level."

"Super captain?"

Kurosaki Ichigo and Ishida Yulong exclaimed at the same time, they looked at each other, then looked at Shiro Ye who was possessed by Ye Jia and asked:

"Mr. Ye, when you say super-captain, you don't mean the realm beyond the captain's level, right?"

"Well, you understand well. The super-captain-level I just said really refers to a realm above the captain-level." Bai Ye, who was possessed by Ye Jia, nodded slightly, affirming Kurosaki Ichigo and Ishida Yulong guess.

"I told you before that Shinigami can be roughly divided into four grades. The first grade is ordinary Shinigami, that is, the kind that has just become Shinigami and has Master sealed state."

"The second level is the one who understands Shikai. This type of Shinigami already has the ability to stand alone, enough to fight against ordinary virtuals independently. It can be called a qualified Shinigami, it is Shinigami. The best among them."

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"Above this, it is the vice-captain level. They still only understand Shikai, but their polishing of their own Shikai has reached a certain level, and Reiatsu is almost close to the peak of Shinigami. It can be said that further, these Shinigami, You can understand Bankai and become a captain. It's just that this step is difficult, and it is likely to be stuck for a long time. However, even so, the vice-captain level can be called, the elite among Shinigami, the strong man who can deal with Menos Grande ."

"Above the vice-captain level, there is no doubt that it is the captain level. Every captain level is a Shinigami who has understood Bankai. Standing at the pinnacle of Shinigami, he is the absolute strongest among Shinigami."

Bai Ye, who was possessed by Ye Jia, paused for a moment, and then continued:

"Beyond the captain, for Shinigami, there is actually another realm, and that is the super captain level, which is also a realm that is completely above the captain level."

"However, Mr. Ye, since Captain Super is so powerful, why have we never heard of it? Not only is it not recorded in the ancient books, but in Soul Society, we have never heard of Shinigami knowing this state."

Ishida Yulong was a little puzzled, and interrupted the words of Bai Ye, who was possessed by Ye Jia.

"You haven't heard the ordinary Shinigami mention this realm, it's very normal, because this realm is only known to the captain level in the Soul Society, and other Shinigami, even the vice-captain level, don't know this realm exists. For ordinary Shinigami In terms of super-captain level, or captain level is actually the same."

Bai Ye, who was possessed by Ye Jia, glanced at Ishida Yulong and explained slowly.

"Of course, this is not surprising. Shinigami, the reason why the captain and non-captain class are so clearly distinguished is because there is a big difference between the captain class and the non-captain class, that is Bankai, only Only when you understand Bankai can you be qualified to be captain.”

"And the distinction between the super captain and the captain is not so clear. They are still using Bankai to fight the enemy, but they are more complete than the captain and the super captain Bankai."

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