One Piece Fragment Extraction System

Chapter 466 The True Meaning of Six Flowers

Bai Ye, who was possessed by Ye Jia, glanced at the large net of sword energy around him, and said lightly.

"Because of the special nature of the realm, Urahara has not found a way to safely use the realm. However, this research is not completely fruitless. The fixed realm you see is one of Urahara's gains. ."

"The boundary is fixed? Could it be that this thing can eliminate the detention?" Ishida Yulong said with a guess.

"You guessed right, it's basically close to the fixed use of the realm?" Bai Ye, who was possessed by Ye Jia, glanced at Ishida Yulong with admiration, and continued lightly.

"The so-called fixed boundary, as the name suggests, is to fix a space. In the boundary, the ordinary restraint is not a threat, only the large-scale restraint like the one just now will affect the things in the boundary. , posing a great threat.”

"And the large-scale confinement flow occurs because the space outside the boundary is too unstable, resulting in many small confinement flows. Because of the instability of the space, collisions occur with each other, and this is formed. Mass detention."

"In this case, as long as the space is stabilized, it will naturally be possible to maximize the restraint of large-scale 470 molds. The function of the fixed boundary is to restrain and stabilize a space and prevent large-scale restraint to the greatest extent possible."

The indifferent voice of Bai Ye, who was possessed by Ye Jia, flowed in the sword energy space.

With the sound of the sound, the surrounding sword energy seemed to be more and more.

In less than a moment, the sword qi sprayed out from the sword qi long sword turned into a white wall, wrapping the surroundings.

The scene in front of everyone suddenly changed drastically.

Enchantment, and enchantment.

Seeing this scene, Kurosaki Ichigo, Ishida Yuryu and others almost instantly flashed this thought.

Before, in this world, they had seen many times, the colorful barrier that Ye Jia arranged casually, and the original special training was also carried out in the colorful barrier.

Therefore, Kurosaki Ichigo, Ishida Yulong and others are very familiar with Ye Jia's enchantment.

Now that Bai Ye, who is possessed by Ye Jia, made a move, Kurosaki Ichigo, Ishida Yulong and others instantly judged that (bfaj), the so-called boundary of Shiro Ye who was possessed by Ye Jia was fixed, except for the fixed space, It is still an enchantment, and the only purpose of this enchantment is to allow them to practice in it.

"Mr. Ye, since you said that this realm is fixed, it was created by Mr. Urahara in the Soul Society. I think the Soul Society should know this technology. Why I have never heard the word "breaking the boundary" in the Soul Society. ."

Ishida Yulong suppressed the other distracting thoughts in his mind and asked a question in his heart.

"The price! This realm is fixed, it is not something that can be done casually. It not only requires some precious Arisawa Tatsuki tools, but also needs someone to constantly instill Reiatsu into it. A Reiatsu with the peak of the captain is enough to fix the realm. , to maintain the outside world for one hour, the consumption is very large. Therefore, no one has used this technology for a long time."

Bai Ye, who was possessed by Ye Jia, explained aloud without being bored at all. After explaining, he didn't give everyone a chance to speak out, and he changed his voice directly:

"Okay, let's move on to our main topic, let's talk about how you will practice cultivation next!"

As soon as this topic came up, Kurosaki Ichigo, Ishida Yuryu and others all became serious. This matter is related to whether they can rescue Kurosaki Ichigo's father from Soul Society three days later, they can't help it.

Seeing that everyone was serious, Bai Ye, who was possessed by Ye Jia, nodded with satisfaction, his eyes swept from everyone's eyes one by one, and finally the eyes of Bai Ye, who was possessed by Ye Jia, first stayed on Inoue Orihime. .

"Orihime, let's talk about you first!" Bai Ye, who was possessed by Ye Jia, said gently.

"Yeah!" Inoue Orihime gave a low hum, lowered his head and didn't dare to look directly into the eyes of Bai Ye, who was possessed by Ye Jia.

Although the white leaf possessed by Ye Jia is completely different from Ye Jia, it is Ye Jia who dominates the consciousness, so the eyes of the white leaf possessed by Ye Jia are full of Ye Jia's look, always Some shy Inoue Orihime, some dare not look at each other.

"Orihime, your ability, in fact, to a certain extent, has the greatest potential among all people, because it can reject everything, time and even space, it is a very terrifying power." The person possessed by Ye Jia Shiraha didn't care about Inoue Orihime's reaction and said to himself.

"It's just that the time for your ability to awaken is too short. Except for the three skills you comprehend when you awaken, you don't have much understanding of the nature of your ability. Therefore, for the next practice, I hope you can learn from the previous one. Among the master's skills, you can understand the 'true meaning of rejection of all phenomena'. Of course, in addition to this, your own Reiatsu strength must be raised to at least the captain level, can you do it?"

A gentle inquiry sounded in Inoue Orihime's ear.

Inoue Orihime raised his head and glanced at Bai Ye, who was possessed by Ye Jia, then lowered his head quickly, thought for a while, and nodded solemnly, "I will try my best."


Hearing Inoue Orihime's answer, Bai Ye, who was possessed by Ye Jia, nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

Don't look at Inoue Orihime is usually a bit nervous, but deep down, so many years of experience have already made Inoue Orihime an extremely strong person. She said that if she will work hard, she will definitely work hard.

"If that's the case, then I'll send you to practice first!"

While speaking, Bai Ye, who was possessed by Ye Jia, suddenly waved his right hand, and countless sword qi spewed out, forming a small barrier in a certain corner of the sword qi barrier.




As soon as the small barrier appeared, before Inoue Orihime was sent in by Bai Ye, who was possessed by Ye Jia, there was a movement inside, and various forces, thunder, flames, water... raged in it. on.

"This is the environment in which you will practice for a period of time in the future. There are various powers in it. You can use your own power to constantly reject these powers, so as to realize the true meaning of rejection." The person possessed by Ye Jia Bai Ye introduced in a gentle voice. .

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