One Piece Fragment Extraction System

Chapter 476 The hidden trick

The edge on the sword qi long sword collided with the impact on the spiral arrow,

Nine stars in a row, after the nine shocks are superimposed on each other, the power is naturally quite terrifying. However, before the superposition, the first of the nine spiral spirit arrows was quite weak, only at the peak of the vice-captain level. Therefore, as soon as they touched it, the first spiral spirit arrow was directly shattered by the sword qi long sword and dissipated into the air.

Of course, the impact of the first spiral arrow is still there.

After the first one was broken, the speed of the sword qi long sword continued unabated, shattering four spiralling arrows one after another until the sixth one.

Three, six, and nine are signs that the formidable power of the nine-star series has risen to a certain level. The sixth spiral arrow is enough to push the impact of the spiral arrow to the captain level.

Even if this may be just an ordinary captain-level casual strike, the captain-level is the captain-level.

Although the sword qi long sword was inspired by the strongman Bai Ye, who was possessed by Ye Jia, Bai Ye, who was possessed by Ye Jia, did not put much thought into it, and its power was also limited.

Therefore, when it collided with the sixth spiral spirit arrow, the speed of the sword qi long sword also slowed down unconsciously.

The seventh and eighth roots that follow, compared to the sixth, seem to not fully inspire the superimposed Reiatsu. 947

However, the seventh and eighth are still much stronger than the sixth.

On the collision of these two spiral arrows, the speed of the sword qi long sword, which had already slowed down, slowed down a lot again.

Of course, the sword qi long sword was attacked by Bai Ye possessed by Ye Jia after all. Even if it was launched casually, Bai Ye possessed by Ye Jia could easily defeat even the super captain level. At the captain level, there is also a great deterrent.

The three shocks that were not weak did indeed disperse a lot of the edge on the sword qi long sword, but it was undoubtedly far from completely defeating the sword qi long sword.

After the eighth spirit arrow is the final ninth spirit arrow. This one is the last blow of the Nine Stars, and the last blow of the superposition Reiatsu used to detonate.


With a crisp sound, the ninth spiral spirit arrow and the sword qi long sword finally collided together.


In an instant, like adding fuel to the fire, the first eight spiral spirit arrows landed at the same point, and the impact of the falling was immediately completely stimulated (bfci) by the ninth arrow.

The shock like a wave was madly transmitted to the sword qi long sword, wreaking havoc in it.

The sharp edge on the surface of the sword qi long sword was even more impacted by this shock, and it was instantly defeated, leaving only a little residual breath.

The two hedged, and the resulting shock immediately set off waves of air waves around them.

The ninth spiral spirit arrow, just like the storm maker, led the remaining eight spiral spirit arrows, and the accumulated impact continued to impact the sword energy long sword, constantly raging around.

Under this frenzied impact, the speed of the Sword Qi Long Sword also began to drop sharply, moving slowly in the air like the speed of a turtle.

Of course, there is also the Spiral Spirit Arrow that has slowed down, and compared to the Sword Qi Long Sword, the Spiral Spirit Arrow is even worse. Although the ninth spiral Spirit Arrow has set off a storm, it does not seem to have an advantage over the Sword Qi Long Sword. .

At least the sword qi long sword was not repelled when it was impacted, but continued to move towards Ishida Yulong slowly and firmly.

This is enough to show that the one who has the upper hand is still Bai Ye's sword qi long sword possessed by Ye Jia, not Ishida Yulong's Jiuxing Lianzhu.

With the passage of time, the air wave created by Jiuxing Lianzhu gradually dissipated.

The ninth spiral spirit arrow and sword qi long sword wrapped in air waves also appeared in the sight of Bai Ye and Ishida Yulong who were possessed by Ye Jia.

Like the other eight spiral spirit arrows, the ninth spiral spirit arrow still dissipated into the air at some point.

The sword qi long sword is still continuing, the forward flyer.

It's just that the speed has slowed to Ultimate, and the blade is also covered with countless cracks.

Obviously, in the confrontation just now, although the ninth spiral spirit arrow was at a disadvantage, the sword qi long sword did not have the upper hand.

Glancing at the sword qi long sword, Bai Ye, who was possessed by Ye Jia, waved it casually, and the sword qi long sword that was still flying towards Ishida Yulong instantly dissipated into the air.

After dispelling the sword qi and long sword, Bai Ye, who was possessed by Ye Jia, looked at Ishida Yulong indifferently, and asked aloud:

"This is your limit? Are there stronger moves?"

Ishida Yulong also looked at Bai Ye who was possessed by Ye Jia. Seeing that Bai Ye who was possessed by Ye Jia had an indifferent expression as usual, Ishida Yulong was silent for a while, then nodded slowly and firmly:

"I still have a unique move that I have never used before. Is this my strongest move right now?"

"Oh!" Hearing Ishida Yulong's words, a hint of curiosity flashed in the eyes of Bai Ye who was possessed by Ye Jia. In the original plot, Ishida Yulong at this point in time, in addition to the loose spirit gloves, There is no other means.

Now, because of the previous teaching, Ishida Yulong has mastered the two moves: Spiral Spirit Arrow and Nine Stars.

However, Ishida Yulong should have performed both of these two moves.

As far as Bai Ye, who was possessed by Ye Jia, could think of, what Ishida Yulong could still use at present, it seemed that there was only one move left, and that was the Sanguine Gloves.

The loose spirit gloves can improve the control of the quencher over the spiritual child, and can make a quencher not weaker than the vice-captain level in the shortest time.

However, such prestige is not without cost.

The price of the loose gloves is that they can't take off the loose gloves for a lifetime.

If you take it off, at the moment of taking it off, the Quincy Master can also use the loose spirit gloves to have the peak state of the Quincy Master within a certain period of time.

However, once this peak state is over, the Quincy will lose the ability of the Quincy.

In the original plot, Ishida Yulong took off the loose gloves by virtue of this state, and then defeated Kurothushi Mayuri in one fell swoop.

However, Bai Ye, who was possessed by Ye Jia, believed that Ishida Yulong would not, and after discussing with him, he took off the loose spirit gloves impulsively.

It's not a loose glove, what should it be?

For a time, Bai Ye, who was possessed by Ye Jia, was full of anticipation for Ishida Yulong's next trick. .

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