One Piece Fragment Extraction System

Chapter 489: Tell the root cause

"Fortunately, Urahara had betrayed the Soul Society at that time. Also, your father and Urahara had a good relationship, so he took your mother to find Urahara, and hoped that Urahara would help."

"A lot of things happened in the middle, and finally Urahara got along with a method that can completely suppress the power of the void in your mother's body, and that is to seal a captain-level Shinigami Zanpakutō into your mother's body, and maintain the power of the void as one Balance, with the power of Shinigami, can counteract the erosion of the void."

Kurosaki Ichigo's previous firm attitude gradually eased as Shiroha, who was possessed by Ye Jia, continued to talk.

He even pricked up his ears and began to listen carefully to every word of Bai Ye, who was possessed by Ye Jia, for fear of missing something.

Seeing this scene, a faint smile appeared on the corner of Bai Ye's mouth, who was possessed by Ye "490" Jia, and continued to speak slowly.

"You should know that as a Shinigami, Zanpakutō is everything to Shinigami. Once Zanpakutō is sealed, it means the complete loss of Shinigami's ability. This price, for any Shinigami, especially your father or the captain of the Soul Society, is incomparably huge. of."

"However, along the way, your father and your mother already have each other in their hearts. Therefore, your father agreed to Urahara's proposal without hesitation, and sealed his own Zanpakutō into your mother's body, restraining your mother. The power of the void in the body."

Bai Ye, who was possessed by Ye Jia, paused for a moment, gave Kurosaki Ichigo a little time to relax, and then recounted indifferently as always, like a father who witnessed Kurosaki Ichigo, and how his mother came to the same as together.

"After Zanpakutō was sealed, your father lost the ability of Shinigami. Without the ability of Shinigami, of course he couldn't join the Soul Society. Therefore, your father and your mother stayed in Karakura Town and came together. Soon there will be you."

Staring at Kurosaki Ichigo, an inexplicable light flashed in the eyes of the white leaves possessed by Ye Jia, and he suddenly asked:

"Do you know why Sado, as a human, uses emptiness in his body?"


The question from Shiroha who was possessed by Ye Jia came very suddenly. Kurosaki Ichigo had just been immersed in the story that Shirao, possessed by Ye Jia, had just told. After all, this was a story, but it was related to him. My parents, so I didn't react at all for a while, I just made an ahh and looked at Bai Ye, who was possessed by Ye Jia, with a dazed look.

Kurosaki Ichigo never thought about why Sado Yasutora, as a human, had the power of void in his body, and could not possibly know.

Fortunately, Bai Ye, who was possessed by Ye Jia, just asked casually, and did not want to embarrass Kurosaki Ichigo. As soon as he asked the question, Bai Ye, who was possessed by Ye Jia, answered the question by himself.

"Similar to Sado, there are actually quite a few in this world. The reason why Sado has emptiness in his body is because Sado's mother was once attacked by emptiness, and there are still emptiness in his body. These emptiness forces , eventually passed on to Sado's body."


Hearing the reply of Shiroha who was possessed by Ye Jia, Kurosaki Ichigo was stunned for a moment, and then a trace of sympathy and shame flashed in his eyes.

Kurosaki Ichigo never thought that the reason why Sado Yasutora has the power of the virtual is because he was attacked by the virtual. Having fought with the virtual so many times, Kurosaki Ichigo is very aware of the fate of being attacked by the virtual.

Thinking of the fact that he had rejected Sado Yasutora because of this, Kurosaki Ichigo couldn't help but feel guilty.

Suddenly, as if thinking of something, Kurosaki Ichigo looked at Shirogane who was possessed by Ye Jia, and asked impatiently:

"Teacher Ye, do you mean that the power of the void in my body also comes from this way?"

Bai Ye, who was possessed by Ye Jia, nodded and continued indifferently:

"Yes, the power of emptiness in your body also comes from your mother. Although the power of emptiness in your mother's body has been sealed, it is still there. Therefore, you will inevitably be affected...  You know why I'm so sure, you must have inherited your mother's bloodline of the Quincy Master?"

After confirming Kurosaki Ichigo's guess, Bai Ye, who was possessed by Ye Jia, changed his voice and asked again.


Kurosaki Ichigo blurted out his debut.

"Because there are powers of Shinigami and Void in your body at the same time, you should be very clear that these two powers are inherently opposite. Once they appear in one body at the same time, the consequences can be imagined. Maybe, someone can solve these two forces. A clash of opposing forces, but when you're just a baby, it's absolutely impossible to do that."

Shiro Ye, who was possessed by Ye Jia, looked at Kurosaki Ichigo with a hint of sigh in his eyes. He had to admit that having the aura of the protagonist was different. Kurosaki Ichigo's life, from the moment he was born, was as if he was hanging up.

The confrontation between Shinigami and the virtual forces, the group of Masked Army, or with the help of Urahara, took a very long time to suppress.

However, Kurosaki Ichigo did this just after he was born, and let the power of Shinigami and Xu in his body have been living together peacefully for more than ten years.

You must know that the power of Shinigami and the power of 5.7 phantoms in Kurosaki Ichigo are not comparable to those of the Masked Army. They are terrifying power comparable to the realm of the Spirit King. This level of power, once a conflict arises, will undoubtedly be comparable to nuclear weapons. . Kurosaki Ichigo came to bring these two forces and lived peacefully for more than ten years.

"The reason why the power of Shinigami and the power of emptiness in your body can be balanced is because there is a third power within you, that is, the power of the Quinque. It is precisely because of this power that Shinigami is in your body. There is no conflict between the power of the power and the power of the void." Without Kurosaki Ichigo thinking too much time, Shiro Ye, who was possessed by Ye Jia, spoke softly and explained everything.

After that, Shiro Ye, who was possessed by Ye Jia, did not make a sound, but looked at Kurosaki Ichigo quietly, waiting for Kurosaki Ichigo's reaction. .

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