One Piece Fragment Extraction System

Four hundred and ninetieth chapters the possibility of the realm of the king

However, whether Kurosaki Ichigo can finally break through to the realm of the King of Spirits, Bai Ye, who is possessed by Ye Jia, cannot yet be determined.

After the fusion of the three forces, the resulting essence is indeed very powerful. As long as there is no external interference, under normal circumstances, Kurosaki Ichigo can definitely break through to the realm of the Spirit King.

However, some things were not something that Kurosaki Ichigo and Shiroha possessed by Ye Jia could master.

Before Ye Jia was completely exposed, Kurosaki Ichigo still had only one identity, and that was the protagonist of the Shinigami world, and the protagonist of the Shinigami world, to put it bluntly, was the pawn of the world consciousness.

Naturally, where Kurosaki Ichigo gets to is ultimately determined by world consciousness.

The world consciousness loosens its shackles, and Kurosaki Ichigo can easily climb to the sky and break through to the realm of the Spirit King. But if the world consciousness does not loosen its shackles, Kurosaki Ichigo can only be the pinnacle of super captain.

In the case that Ye Jia didn't take action, the entire Shinigami world was world-conscious, and it couldn't be simpler to limit a person's realm breakthrough.

Therefore, whether Kurosaki Ichigo can break through to the realm of the Spirit King ultimately depends on the consciousness of the world.

However, in the view of Shiroha who was possessed by Ye Jia, the possibility of Kurosaki Ichigo breaking through to the realm of the Spirit King at this stage is almost zero.

At this stage, Youhabach has not yet been fully born, and the Spirit King has not yet died.

The world consciousness cannot allow Kurosaki Ichigo to break through the realm of the Spirit King and become a being that breaks the balance.

The entire Shinigami, except for Ye Jia, who has been hiding all the time, and the kings under Ye Jia. In the entire Shinigami world, there is still no one who can compete with the Spirit King. Once Kurosaki Ichigo breaks through to the Spirit King, it is equivalent to a bug, and only Kurosaki Ichigo can clean up the entire Soul Society.

If such a thing really occurs, it may have a great impact on Jinglingting, Soul Society, and even the entire Shinigami world, and may even cause the entire Soul Society to move out of the control of the world.

As the master of the Shinigami world, even if the world consciousness has only simple thoughts, it instinctively does not want things beyond its control to happen.

These are Bai Ye, who is possessed by Ye Jia. From his own point of view, he made some guesses. As for the outcome, it is not under the control of Bai Ye who is possessed by Ye Jia. After all, even a goddess is not really omnipotent.

I can't say, if the world's consciousness is really ruthless, let Kurosaki Ichigo break through to the realm of the Spirit King in advance, and then sweep the entire Soul Society!

Today, the main plot of the entire Shinigami world has been scrambled by Ye Jia.

No one can tell if Shinigami's consciousness will go crazy.

Therefore, just in case, Shiroha, who was possessed by Ye Jia, added a layer of barrier that could resist the power of the Spirit King in addition to Kurosaki Ichigo's barrier.

The hidden enchantment can even resist the realm of the king of spirits.

The hundreds of sword beams that Kurosaki Ichigo slashed were nothing but captain-level attacks. The barrier set up by the white leaves possessed by Ye Jia could naturally be easily blocked.


With only a slight shock, hundreds of sword beams, after hitting the ground, caused only slight waves, and then dissipated into the air.


After the sword light dissipated, Kurosaki Ichigo's high-speed moving figure also reappeared in front of Shiroha who was possessed by Ye Jia.

Bai Ye, who was possessed by Ye Jia, didn't make a sound, just looked at Kurosaki Ichigo quietly, without any waves in his eyes, as if he didn't pay attention to Kurosaki Ichigo's previous attack.

In fact, Shiraha, who was possessed by Ye Jia, did not take Kurosaki Ichigo's attack seriously.

Kurosaki Ichigo's Bankai Tensa Zangetsu sacrificed the size of the blade for the possibility of high-speed combat.

This makes Kurosaki Ichigo almost elevated to an extremely powerful level in melee combat.

Compared with the other captain-level Bankai, Tensa Zangetsu is really monotonous. Except for the overall improvement of Kurosaki Ichigo's attack, speed, and Reiatsu, there is no other special place.

Compared to some captains, such as Yamamoto Genyazai Shigekuni and the mighty Bankai, Kurosaki Ichigo's Tensa Zangetsu can only be described as bland.

However, this almost monotonous improvement made Kurosaki Ichigo's Tensa Zangetsu seem extremely powerful. As the saying goes, all martial arts in the world can only be fast without breaking. Tensa Zangetsu's advantage is only speed, but only speed is enough.

As long as your speed is far ahead of your opponent, then the initiative in the battle is in your hands, cooperating with the equally powerful attack of Tensa Zangetsu. It can be said that as long as Kurosaki Ichigo completely understands Tensa Zangetsu, it is enough to crush most captains.

In the original plot, Kurosaki Ichigo relied on this to almost defeat Byakuya Kuchiki as soon as he realized Bankai. After that, he defeated an opponent with one, which shows the strength of Tensa Zangetsu.

There must be gains and losses, and if there is a strong side, there must be a weak side.

Relying on speed, Tensa Zangetsu can indeed crush most opponents of the same level, making them overwhelmed and chasing in your footsteps forever.

However, once the speed is not dominant, or even the speed is not as good as the opponent, then the disadvantage of Tensa Zangetsu will be revealed.

The core of Tensa Zangetsu is speed. Without speed, Tensa Zangetsu is nothing, and Kurosaki Ichigo has become a captain level that Reiatsu is a little stronger than the vice-captain level, almost no threat.

It's a pity that Kurosaki Ichigo in front of him is facing such an opponent, an opponent who can completely ignore his speed.

After stabilizing his body, Kurosaki Ichigo didn't let Shiroha, who was possessed by Ye Jia, wait long, and soon attacked again.

With a flicker of his figure, Kurosaki Ichigo's figure suddenly disappeared. When he appeared, he was already not far from Shirogane, who was possessed by Ye Jia, and Tensa was closer to Shirogane who was possessed by Ye Jia. Zangetsu.

Obviously, the previous two attacks made Kurosaki Ichigo realize that the slashes similar to energy attacks were useless to Shiroha who was possessed by Ye Jia. Because Bai Ye, who is possessed by Ye Jia, is also good at this aspect, and his sword qi long sword will appear at the most critical moment, blocking his attack, and even counterattacking in a targeted manner.

In terms of energy attack, Kurosaki Ichigo still does not have the confidence to outperform Shiroha who is possessed by Ye Jia. .

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