One Piece Fragment Extraction System

Chapter 684 Eliminate hidden dangers

Contrary to what Nacrovar had guessed, this brilliance was Ye Jia's reward for Nacrovar's submission.

Ye Jia has always been very generous to his own people. Even though Nacroval had just surrendered, Ye Jia was not too wary, worried that Nacroval would go back on his word and so on.

Since he came to the Shinigami world, no one who chose to submit to him has gone back on his word and chose to betray him.

Therefore, Ye Jia is not worried at all, Nacroval will choose to betray, even if Nacroval has just surrendered, this is Ye Jia's self-confidence in himself.

This brilliance, after Ye Jia, was another reward for Nacroval, and naturally it was aimed at the soul blood wine.

Nacroval's gamble this time was right, Ye Jia did have the means to target soul blood wine.

No, it shouldn't be said like this, Ye Jia is not the Master's means of targeting soul blood wine, but soul blood wine is nothing to Ye Jia at all.

As long as he is willing, he can release it between thoughts.


15 As Guanghua submerged in his body, Nacroval only felt that a faint sound suddenly came from the depths of his soul, as if something had broken.

Immediately afterwards, an unprecedented sense of comfort spread over the whole body from the depths of Nacroval's soul.

After experiencing this sense of comfort, it took a while for Nacroval to gradually wake up.

At the first moment of waking up, Nacroval seemed to have thought of something, and immediately couldn't wait to sink his mind into the depths of his soul.

The next moment, an ecstasy rose from the bottom of Nacroval's heart.

Nacroval could clearly perceive that in the depths of his soul, the inscribed "D" was still there, but the will of Yohabach, who had been hidden in "D", disappeared.

Yohabach's will disappeared, which meant that Yohabach could no longer control him.

Only at this moment did Nacroval understand where the feeling of breaking the shackles and regaining freedom just now came from.

After smashing "D", Yohabach's will does mean that he broke the shackles of Yohabach and returned to a new life, no longer controlled by anyone.

After being excited for a long time, Nacroval's mind retreated from the depths of his soul.

After returning to reality, the first thing Nacroval did was to thank him.

"Thank you, Lord Ye Jia, for helping me!"

Nacroval bowed and said, this sentence, Nacroire sent from the heart.

Unlike those who are loyal to Yohabach, Nacroval is actually not very loyal to Yohabach. Of course, Nacroval was quite grateful for the ability that Nacroval gave him to let his Master complete the Eucharist.

However, gratitude does not mean that Nacroval will like himself, under the control of Yohabach, and the life and death are all in Yohabach's thoughts.

Deep down, Nacroval has always been extremely disgusted with this.

It's just that Yohabach was so powerful that Nacroval didn't dare to resist. Since he didn't dare to resist, this resentment could only stay in the bottom of his heart.

Second, I came to Nacroval from the bottom of my heart, hoping to see what the New World created by Youhabach destroyed the three worlds.

This desire was suppressed, and the disgust in Nacroval's heart was suppressed.

Suppression does not mean that it does not exist in the heart.

Now, Ye Jia's shot has helped him solve the things that he has been disgusting in his heart, how can Nacroval not be grateful to him.

Moreover, the most important thing is that he just chose to submit to Ye Jia, and Ye Jia immediately took action to help him remove his own hidden dangers.

This alone is worthy of Nacroval's admiration.

"It's nothing, since you chose to submit to me, then it is my people, my people, and no one can control it except me."

Ye Jia spoke out indifferently, his tone was incomparably flat, but it gave people an unspeakable domineering.

However, this domineering, falling in Nacroval's ears, made him feel lazy again.

Because of this sentence, Nacroval's sense of identification with Ye Jia was a little more.

"Lord Ye Jia treated me like this, and Askin really didn't know how to repay. After thinking about it, the only thing Askin can provide is the information on the rest of the Star Cross Knights, which should be of some use to Lord Ye Jia. ."

After pondering for a while, Nacroval finally bowed and said his thoughts.

Although he had just surrendered, he sold his companions, which was somewhat inauthentic. However, Nacroval could only think of repaying Ye Jia with this.

And, to be honest, Nacroval doesn't really have much affection for his so-called companions.

"Well, these things, you can discuss with Urahara Kisukehara!"

Ye Jia is not a pedantic person either. After listening to Nacroval's words, he immediately nodded and asked Nacroval to discuss with Ye Jia.

In fact, whether Nacroval is willing to provide information on the rest of the "Star Cross Knights" is not important to Ye Jia.

After all, Ye Jia knows the whole story of Shinigami very well, and he knows a little about the abilities of every 030 members of the "Star Cross Knights".

Although because of the long-term relationship, there may not be many memories, but with these memories, it is still possible to make targeted arrangements for each member of the "Star Cross Knights".

This time, Ye Jia sat like this to deal with the five intruders from Nacroval.

It was precisely because of Ye Jia's arrangement that Urahara Kisuke and the others were able to defeat their opponents so easily.

If it wasn't for this arrangement, and let Urahara Kisuke and the others choose their own opponents, they would definitely win if they beat Urahara Kisuke, but it would definitely not be as easy as it is now, winning all five games.

After all, every member of the "Star Cross Knights" is not a simple person.

Because of the soul blood wine, every member of the "Star Cross Knights" can be seen as a clone of Yohabach.

The avatar of the Spirit King Realm is of course not a simple thing.

After giving the order, Ye Jia ignored Nakruvar, but gave Urahara Kisuke a wink and asked Urahara Kisuke to deal with Nakruvar.

And he himself, dodged and prepared to leave the extremely poisonous ball.

However, before leaving, after scanning a line of extremely poisonous balls that had been completely remodeled by Urahara Kisuke, Ye Jia suddenly became interested. .

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